Victoria Ramos Kurland
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Victoria Ramos Kurland
Adolescents, adults, couples and families
Languages: English and Spanish
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Victoria Ramos Kurland
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Victoria Ramos Kurland
Adolescents, adults, couples and families
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Degree in Psychology by the University of Cadiz.
  • Master’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology by the Autonomous University of Madrid.
  • Master’s degree in Systemic Family Therapy by ATENEA (in progress).

Victoria comes from a diverse background of cultures, languages and religions. She is the Daughter of a Spanish father, who migrated to London for 30 years, and a South African mother raised in London. Her maternal grandparents of Jewish religion arrived in South Africa from Latvia who later migrated to London when her mother was 16 years old, where today, and all her family live. Victoria never misses a chance to go a few times a year to the UK to spend time with her grandparents and the rest of her family. She has fond memories of indulging in typical roast dinner and homemade apple pie with custard. You will never see her start her day without a good cup of English breakfast tea.

During her years as a student, Victoria started by collaborating at the Counselling Service of the University of Cadiz, helping other students. It was then that she became interested in the influence of not only family dynamics among the well-being of young people, but also the pressure that society exerts on beauty standards. In the last year of her degree, she decided to research about these topics through a study that investigates communities on social media that defend eating disorders as lifestyles. This interest lays the foundation of her future academic and professional career.

In 2016 she arrived in Madrid to complete the Master’s Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology at the Autonomous University of Madrid and chose the Eating Disorders Unit of the Hospital Santa Cristina as her training internship. During this time, she collaborated in the research about risk factors linked to the onset of eating disorders, at this same University. This collaboration was highly successful and published.

After completing her Masters, she worked for two years at the Eating Disorders Unit at ITA Salud Mental and led group therapies about strength, self-image and social skills. She also had to carry out crisis interventions to support and accompany people who were struggling to overcome their obsession with their image and regain a healthy relationship with food. During that experience, she became aware of how the suffering of a person can have a great impact on family dynamics and how it can perpetuate the problem unwittingly. This led her to start her second four-year master specialising on family and couples therapy with a Systematic approach (ATENEA).

This master gave her the opportunity to approach the universe of couples’ relationships. A relationship of two where a greater connexion is made, more than any other kind of relationship, which follows its own circle of life. A pathway run by two, with obstacles that can have an impact on that connexion or even make it stronger.

In the last year, her experience as a psychologist at private practice has allowed her to grow professionally incorporating a systemic approach together with cognitive-behavioural therapy. As a couple therapist, many times she has heard “we are rolling our last dice” and frequently it is true. An opportunity to reconnect, rebuild, or to end a chapter with the emotional support needed to remember the best of the story.

Victoria is a psychologist committed to the wellbeing of her clients. For her, it’s crucial that you feel comfortable, understood, and in no way judged, creating an environment of security and trust, where together we can design a personalized treatment.

  • Master's Degree in Systemic Family Therapy. ATENEA (Systemic Family Therapy School), Madrid. 2019-present
  • Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology. Autonomous University of Madrid. 2016-2018
  • Specialising course in Psychological Intervention in Gender Violence against Women and Children| | 200h. Psychological Society of Andalucia. 2016
  • Degree in Psychology | Award for academic achievement. University of Cadiz. 2012 - 2016
  • Psychologist for adults, couples and families | feb 2021 – present. Sinews MTI.
  • Psychotherapist | mar 2020 – mar 2021. Sanitas Hospital. Psychotherapy unit
    • Psychological intervention with adolescents, adults and couples.
    • Professional mentorship for master’s students.
  • Psychologist + Research department responsible | 2018 – 2020. ITA Salud Mental, Madrid
    • Day care treatment and Residential inpatient hospital: Eating Disorders and Psychiatry disorders in adolescents and young adults
  • Clinical psychology intern | ene - jul 2018. Eating Disorders Unit at Santa Cristina’s Hospital, Madrid
  • Research intern | oct 2017 - ene 2020. Research Biological, Psychological and Family Markers in Childhood Obesity and Eating Disorders" Financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN, PSI 2011-23127). Autonomous University of Madrid
  • Clinical and education psychology intern | sep 2014 - jul 2016. Psychological students support centre. University of Cádiz
  • Research intern (Psychology department) | sep 2015 -jul 2016. University of Cádiz

  • Psicóloga orientadora del Teléfono ANAR | abr 2017 - jul 2018. Fundación de Ayuda a Niños y Adolescentes en Riesgo, Madrid
  • Colaboración en Psicología Clínica | sep 2013 -jul 2014. Asociación de Familiares de Personas con Enfermedad Mental (AFEMEN), Cádiz

  • Publicación | 2020. Moreno-Encinas, A., Sepúlveda, A. R., Kurland, V., Lacruz, T., Nova, E., & Graell, M. (2020). Identifying psychosocial and familial correlates and the impact of the stressful life events in the onset of anorexia nervosa: Control-case study (ANOBAS). Psychiatry Research, 284, 112768.
  • Póster: Consumo de cannabis. Analisis de su comorbilidad con Bulimia Nerviosa: A propósito de un caso | 2019. 12º Congreso Asociación Española para el Estudio de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria
  • Póster: Evolución en el estado de ánimo y la clínica alimentaria en distintas intensidades de tratamiento: a propósito de un caso | 2019. 12º Congreso Asociación Española para el Estudio de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria
  • Póster: Tratamiento multidisciplinar en un caso clínico de anorexia nerviosa y trastorno límite de la personalidad | 2018. XI Congreso Internacional y XVI Nacional de Psicología Clínica
  • Póster: Atrapada en el juego familiar: A propósito de un caso de Anorexia Nerviosa | 2018. XI Congreso Internacional y XVI Nacional de Psicología Clínica
  • Publicación | 2018. Baños Martín, I., Jastrzebska, I., Moraleda, J., Ramos-Kurland, V., Guerra, E., & Eaton, K. (2018). Modelo conceptual para las conductas autolesivas en pacientes con TCA. A propósito de un caso. En Actas IX Encuentros en Psiquiatría: Conducta Suicida. Biblioteca de Salud Mental. (Madrid). ISBN 978-84-09-00387-7
  • Publicación | 2016. Ramos-Kurland, M.V. (2016). La Comunidad Pro-Ana y su influencia sobre los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria (Trabajo de Fin de Grado). Universidad de Cádiz.
  • Ponencia: Mindfulness y Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria | 2016. X Congreso Nacional de Estudiantes de Psicología CEP-PIE
  • Publicación | 2015 - 2º premio en el concurso. Ramos-Kurland, M.V., & Laura Piedad (2015). Disminución de prejuicios y mejora de la convivencia escolar. En I Congreso de Psicología Social Llevada a la Vida Cotidiana. ISBN. 978-84-606-9934-7
  • Póster: Violencia de Género y Personalidad: Estudio de Caso Único | 2015. VII Jornadas Nacionales Psicología Contra la Violencia de Género: Avances en la Intervención y la Investigación

  • Cursos de formación en Prevención de Adicciones | 5 cursos de 30h cada uno. Instituto de Adicciones del Ayuntamiento de Madrid y Universidad Camilo José Cela
  • Mindfulness basado en MBSR | 40 horas. Instituto de Psicoterapias Avanzadas y Centro Mindfulness Madrid
  • Working with High-Risk Adolescents. An Individualized Family Therapy Approach (Matthew Selekman) | 16 horas. ITA Salud Mental
  • Curso de formación en Psicología Familiar y Sistémica | 30 horas. ITA Salud Mental
  • Terapia Dialéctica Comportamental en Adolescentes con Intentos de Suicidios | 6 horas. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Igualdades de Oportunidades: Aplicación Práctica en Servicios Sociales | 65 horas. Instituto de la Mujer
  • La Discriminación por Razón de Género | 6 horas. Universidad de Cádiz
  • Curso Aprendizaje, Salud y Bienestar personal | 25 horas. Servicio de Atención Psicológica, Universidad de Cádiz
  • Programa de tutoría entre iguales | 63 horas. Servicio de Atención Psicológica, Universidad de Cádiz

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