Clara Gallego
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Clara Gallego
Adults and couples
Languages: English, Spanish and Italian
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Clara Gallego
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Clara Gallego
Adults and couples
Languages: English, Spanish and Italian
  • Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.
  • Expert in Sexual and Couple Therapy.
  • Expert in Trauma, Attachment and EMDR (Euroinnova and UNIR, respectively).
  • Master in General Health Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Clara Gallego has grown up in a very interested in cultural diversity environment, impacted by the emigration of her great-grandfather to France and the link with the family living there, as well as the traveling spirit of her parents, who, in turn, did part of their PhDs in the United Kingdom. 

Her love for horse riding took her to Killarney, Ireland, one summer and her subsequent stays in Dublin and Toronto, Canada, were aimed at continuing her language training and living in other cultures. Clara is passionate about nature and feels a special connection with horses, with whom she spends much of her free time. She became interested in Animal Assisted Therapy very early, volunteering for almost a decade in the sessions that took place in her equestrian center (especially with children on the autism spectrum). She feels that as living interacting beings, horses offer a relationship without expecting a socially determined response and that has a unique healing effect.

Furthermore, she has always been a very sociable person and has actively sought social relationships. After a good personal experience with a psychologist, and combined with a strong vocation to help others, she chose Psychology as her career. 

She graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, where she did internships with children, at the Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Merced, working in Therapeutic Pedagogy with children with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Developmental Delay…, and at Hospital San Rafael in Early Care and Stimulation. She also had a first contact in extracurricular practices at the university with patients in the sexual health area at Fundación Sexpol, given the interest in a little explored area of human welfare. After graduating from the Masters of General Health Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid, she decided to focus her therapeutic work on adults.

She began her professional career as a volunteer at NB Psicología and Amalgama Social after finishing her MPGS internship at Clínica López Ibor, to continue on gaining experience. In the work environment, she soon turned to helping the expat community in both therapeutic sessions and crisis intervention, under the context of Employee Assistance Programs. She also provided webinars and training on mental health for different companies. 

This experience allowed her to confirm how an anxiety issue, a depressive mood, a breakup or a grieving process can affect our day-to-day life at work. At the same time, it brought her closer to the difficulties of acculturation and migration, such as the loss of a sense of belonging. 

Her experience as a psychosexual therapist, treating men with sexual dysfunctions and their partners, has taught her that it is still very difficult to ask for help and many taboos need to be broken. The relationship between the quality of the intimate relationship and the quality of the emotional relationship allows, by improving one, curing the other and the other way around. From her conception of sex as a tool for enjoyment and communication Clara is convinced of how important it is to change the coital-centered and phallocentric vision of sex and to be open-minded to other models of sexual relationships.

She understands that couples are the aspiration and the core relationship of adult humans, so it is crucial to take into account couple relationships and their dysfunctions. She believes that a good couple relationship is a safe space, where the person can be genuine and feel satisfied.

From an innate curiosity and the will to continue on learning, she completed a course associated with the UCM in Compassion and Mindfulness Cultivation, as well as two University Expert degrees, one in Sexual and Couple Therapy and the other in Trauma, Attachment and EMDR.

Given all of this, Clara develops her therapeutic activity from an integrative point of view, with a strong systemic vision. She believes that it is important to perceive people not as isolated individuals, but as people who act, think and feel in conjunction with their experiences and their environment. For this reason, she also gives importance to early learning experiences in life. The first bonding experiences mark, from her point of view, the way people relate to each other later in life. Equally, early traumatic experiences can impact adult development and behavior. 

Her conception of therapy is a space of accompaniment to support and guide the patient as the main character of their own process of growth and change.

Meet Clara:

  • Grado en Psicología – Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela) y Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (España)
  • Máster en Psicología Clínica – Columbia University (Nueva York, USA)
  • Máster en Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria y Obesidad – Universidad Europea (Madrid, España)
  • Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria – Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (Madrid, España)
  • Psicóloga en la Unidad de Cirugía Bariátrica de Centro Tánamo (Enero-Junio 2015)
  • Psicóloga en prácticas en Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús (Octubre 2018-Diciembre 2018)
  • Psicóloga en prácticas en Hospital Santa Cristina (Marzo 2019-Mayo 2019)
  • Psicóloga en prácticas en ITA (Julio 2019-Septiembre 2019)
  • Psicóloga en práctica en Sinews (Agosto 2021-Marzo 2022)
  • Psicóloga colaboradora con Terapin Instituto de Psicoterapia (Abril 2022-Octubre 2022)
  • Psicóloga colaboradora con Renace TCA Zaragoza (Abril 2022-Octubre 2022)
  • Psicóloga en Sinews (Octubre 2022-Actualidad)
  • Curso Terapia Familiar Sistémica: Infantojuvenil (25 horas) - Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos
  • Curso Terapia Familiar Sistémica: Adultos y Pareja (25 horas) - Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos
  • Curso Teoría del Apego en Psicoterapia (9 horas) – Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos
  • Curso Coaching Nutricional (Curso Anual) – Instituto de Nutrición Integral (NYC)
  • Curso MBSR 8 semanas (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) – New York Zen Center
  • Curso Mindful Eating 8 semanas- New York Zen Center
  • Asistencia al 12 Congreso de Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria de AEETCA en Zaragoza (Noviembre 2019)
  • Asistencia a Jornadas de Actualización en Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria del Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos (Mayo 2022)
  • Profesora voluntaria en Harlem Hebrew Charter School, Nueva York (Septiembre 2016- Septiembre 2017)
  • Asistente de Investigación para revista de la Asociación Americana de Psicología “Spirituality in Clinical Practice” (Septiembre 2016- Diciembre 2017)
  • Voluntaria en Fundación “Cómete tus miedos” (Mayo 2022-Actualidad)

Clara escribe: