Division of Medicine
Director of SINEWS MTI
Founding Partner
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
- Medical Degree from the Autonoma University of Madrid.
- Doctorate in Psychiatry (cum laude) from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Dr. Orlanda Varela is the Executive and Clinical director of the company.
Dr. Varela practices general psychiatry and has training in a wide range of psychiatric and behavioral disorders.
She has experience treating patients of all ages- her first job upon completing her specialty was in the Children and Adolescents department in the Public Health System and she has since continued seeing children in her private practice.
Private practice has always been the focus of her professional experience. After four years of collaborating with a well-known Spanish private centre, in 2008 she started her own business (SINEWS) with her two esteemed partners.
Additionally, she has had the chance to develop her professional skills as a psychiatrist and her knowledge of human nature working for five years as a consultant psychiatrist to the prison system where, along with her clinical role, she was in charge of the suicide prevention protocol and collaborated with the ministry of justice as a psychiatric expert.
Dr. Varela has worked for nearly five years as a consultant psychiatrist for Saint Louis University- an experience that has helped her better understand the needs of the university population, particularly those who are studying abroad.
With a PhD in Psychiatry and a thesis on diagnoses, she has never lost interest in investigating and was awarded the Second Place Research Award granted by the SESP in 2007 with a study on the use of psychotropic drugs in the Spanish prisons.
Dr. Orlanda Varela is currently teaching at the UEM’s Psicología General Sanitaria Master’s Degree and is the coordinator of the practical formation of those licensed psychologists selected to complete their specialization at SINEWS.
- 1992-1998: Medical Degree (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid).
- 2000-2004: Specialization in Psychiatry (Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid). Especialidad en Psiquiatría en el Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos de Madrid.
- 2000-2001: PhD in Psychiatry Courses corresponding to the Doctorate studies at the ‘Universidad Complutense de Madrid' with the following grades: en la UCM:
- Psychiatry and the law (3 units): Excellent.
- Neuroscience and Psychiatry (3 units): Excellent.
- History of Psychiatry (4 units): Excellent.
- Child and Adolescence Psychiatry (4 units): Good.
- Schizophrenia (3 units): Excellent.
- The mind and brain separated (3 units): Excellent.
- 2002: Research work necessary to obtain the certificate of Research Proficiency: “The Psychiatrist faced with sex: scientist or moralist? Approach towards sexuality by the Spanish Psychiatry of the first half of the XXth Century” graded as “EXCELLENT”. D.E.A (Diploma of Advanced Studies), Universidad Complutense de Madrid. por la UCM.
- 2004: Thesis Viva: Titled “Optimization of the CIE 10 version for Primary Care (Mental and Behavioural Disorders)”. Graded as “MAGNA CUM LAUDE”.
- 9 months in the Acute In-patients Ward.
- 9 months in the outpatient clinic of the Mental Health Centre (Central district, Madrid). This also involved an active participation in the Relaxation and Psychogeriatric groups at the same time as undertaking the work of the clinic itself.
- 3 months in the Neurology ward: 1 month in the Outpatient Services of General Neurology, 1 month in Extrapyramidalism and Cognitive Deterioration Consultations (Hospital Clínico San Carlos) and 1 month in the Epilepsy Department (Hospital Clínico San Carlos).
- 6 months in the Clinical Case Conference department. As well as carrying out the normal duties of this department, a protocol for the care of epileptic patients with psychic problems was developed and some specific cases were monitored during the months of rotation.
- 6 months in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit. Participation as co-director of a group of adolescents with a 10 session fortnightly frequency.
- 4 months in the Day Hospital Unit.
- 3 months in the Psychiatric Short-term Hospitalization Unit.
- 3 months of free rotation in the Psycho-oncology department of the ‘Hospital Universitario La Paz’.
- Participation in the design and application of a Psychoeducation Plan for Bipolar Disorder in the Mood Disorders, Anxiety and Stress Unit.
- Replacement due to a maternity leave as Medical Specialist in the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Unit of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Employed from the 27th September to the 31st December 2004 (3 months).
- Employed as a Psychiatrist since December 2004 to date by the private psychologist consulting office of the Behaviour Therapy and Research Centre (CINTECO), undertaking clinical work and teaching.
- Employed since July 2004 as Consulting psychiatrist of the Penitentiary Centres MADRID III (Valdemoro), OCAÑA I, OCAÑA II and TORREDONDO (Segovia), offering assistance to all tour centres during approximately 3 years. Since Jume 2007, assistance is only given to the Madrid III Centre, having suspended ‘motu proprio’ the service offered to the rest of the penitentiary centres.
- Consulting psychiatrist of the Saint Louis University in Spain since 2007. Work undertaken in close collaboration with the psychotherapeutic team and the University authorities.
That which has been carried out during the clinical activity in the aforementioned penitentiary centres. Elaboration of approximately 30-40 expert reports per year and participation as an expert in a series of trials, most of them penal.
Included in the listing of experts of the Madrid Regional Government since 2006, requiring the approval of the Legal Advice Office of the Madrid Official Medical Association.
- Director of the research project titled “Use of psychoactive drugs in the penitentiary system” carried out by a multidisciplinary team of the Madrid III Penitentiary Centre (Valdemoro): Awarded the Second Prize of Scientific Research of the Spanish Society of Penitentiary Health (2006).
Sanz Gil R., Varela González O., Hernández Álvarez M., Vázquez Souza M. I. “Psychiatric observation units: an effective alternative?” in PSIQUIS num. 4, vol.22, pages: 51-56, 2001.
Varela González O. and Andrés Prado M. J. “Competence in medical decisions: the psychiatrist, a competent evaluator?” in ‘JANO Medicina y humanidades’ num. 1444, vol. LXIII, 2002.
Varela González O., Del Río Vega J. “Crisis yes, but of what?” in: “Book of Clinical Cases of Psychiatry Residents (5)” Edited by GSK; Chapter 10:59-63. Madrid, 2003.
Revert Marín L., Varela González O., Bedmar Noguerol M., Carreño Glaría C. “You are not my husband, and those are not my towels” in: “Book of Clinical Cases of Psychiatry Residents (5)” Edited by GSK; Chapter 16: 219-222. Madrid, 2003.
Varela González O. “Epilepsy: a crossroads” in “Health, the health system and new technologies”. Editor Pablo Gil-Loyzaga; Chapter 13:109-120. Madrid, 2003.
Varela González O., Saenz Herrero M., Ferrández Arenas P. “Neuroticism and its ‘miracles’: ¿anachronism or transculturality?”; in Actas Españolas de Neuropsiquiatría 2003; 31(6):364-366.
Cabranes J. A, Varela González O., Revert Marín L. et al “Guide for patients with Bipolar Disorder and their families and/or caregivers” Mood Disorders, Anxiety and Stress Unit; Editorial Service of the ‘Hospital Clínico San Carlos’. Madrid, 2004.
López-Ibor Aliño J.J., Varela González O. “CIE 10 (Mental and behavioural disorders). Guidelines for diagnosis and for Primary Care intervention (Second version)” Edit. Meditor. Madrid, 2004.
Varela González O., Peleteiro Pensado L., Yáñez Sáez R.. “A Shakespearean Tragedy: the diffuse border between affective and psychotic disorders”, in Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 2005 ISSN 1139-9287; 33 (3):201-4.
Varela González O., López-Ibor Aliño J.J. “CIE 10 (Mental and behavioural disorders). Guidelines for diagnosis and for Primary Care intervention (Second version)”. in Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría 2007, ISSN 1139-9287; 35 (2): 130-140.
Varela González O., Álgora Donoso I., Gutiérrez-Blanco M., Larraz Pascual M. E. et al. “Use of psychoactive drugs in prison (Madrid III Penitentiary Centre)”. Spanish Journal of Penitentiary Health 2007; 9:38-46.
Algora Donoso I., Varela González O. “Psicofármacos y gasto en la prisión de Madrid III (Valdemoro)”. Farmacia Hospitalaria 2008; 32:331-8.
- Speaker at the 1st Conference of Primary Care-Mental Health of Ronda (Málaga). Title: “The difficulties of a beginner at a psychiatric interview” 29th March 2001.
- Speaker at the International Congress of Psychiatry celebrated in Madrid from 30th September to 4th October 2001. Presentation titled “Results” within the Workshop about “CIE 10 AP Quality Circles”.
- Participation in the “Third Health Spring Course” organised by the Complutense Forum about Epilepsy and Psychiatry with the conference titled: “Epilepsy, a crossroads: a neuroscientific approach in the XXth Century” (11th April 2002).
- Presentation in the VIth National Congress of Psychiatry, Barcelona, 5th-9th November 2002, of the paper titled: Countertransference in the Emergencies Department. Factors related to the therapist”; authors: Bedmar M., Revert L., Varela O., Ferrández P., Andrés M.J.
- Speaker at the Conferences about “Cocaine and prison” organized in Toledo on the 31st January and 1st February 2005. Lecture titled: Cocaine (and other stimulants) and mental health pathology in prison.
- Oral presentation and display of the paper titled: “Use of psychoactive drugs in the penitentiary system” during the National Congress of Penitentiary Health. Zaragoza, October 2006.
Duration of more than 100 hours:
- 2003: “Specialisation in Alcoholism” degree of the ‘Universidad Autónoma de Madrid’ (300 hs). “Especialización en Alcoholismo” (300 hs).
- 29th June - 4th July 2002: “European Certificate in anxiety & mood disorders (first year)” with 37 units of continuous education of the “European Accreditation Committee” (370 hours).
- 27th June – 2nd July 2003: “European Certificate in anxiety & mood disorders (second year)” with 40 units of continuous education of the “European Accreditation Committee” (400 hours).
Duration from 36 to 69 hours:
- 1996: International Summer Course “Alzheimer’s and other dementias” passing the exam to obtain the diploma (4 units), granted by Amsterdam University.
Duration from 15 to 35 hours:
- 1997: “Stress and Anxiety: clinical, social and work related signs” organized by the Spanish Society of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychological Medicine in collaboration with the “Jiménez Díaz” Foundation (15 hour duration).
- October 2000: Continuous education course “Handling of psychiatric emergencies in the general hospital” organized by the Teaching Commission of Mental Health Area 7. 20 hours.
- November 2000: Continuous education course “The beginning of Schizophrenia”, IVth annual course about Schizophrenia of the ‘Hospital Gregorio Marañón’. 15 hours.
- May 2001: “Update in psychoactive pharmacology and psychiatry from a primary care perspective” , University Extension Course by the ‘Universidad de Alcalá’. 20 hours.
- November 2001: Continuous education course“Psychotherapy and psychoeducation in Schizophrenia”, Vth annual course about Schizophrenia of the ‘Hospital Gregorio Marañón’. 15 hours.
- November 2001: Continuous education course “Current aspects in the approach towards alcoholism” course organized by the health education and research service of the Madrid regional government. 20 teaching hours.
- November 2001: “Investigation methodology in mental health” course organized by the Mental Health Continuous Education Commission, Area 8 of Madrid. 21 teaching hours.
- February -June 2002: “Early relationships and their disorders” course organized by the Health studies, education and research agency. 25 teaching hours.
- December 2001 to March 2002: “Clinical interviewing technique” seminar within the Psychotherapy Education Programme of the Psychiatry service of the ‘Hospital Clínico San Carlos’ (15 hour duration).
- May 2005: “Attention Deficit and/or Infantile Hyperactivity disorders” 30 hour course organized by the Medical Association and accredited by the National Health System Commission with 2.5 continuous education units.
- Academic year 1992-93: Level III English specific Language for Medicine course given by the Languages service of the ‘Universidad Autónoma de Madrid’. Received a grade of EXCELLENT in the final exam.
- June 1997: Cambridge University “Certificate in Advanced English” passed with a B grade.
- Successfully completed several teaching activities undertaken exclusively in English in foreign countries:
- “Alzheimer and other dementias”, course organized by Amsterdam University, with a total of 40 teaching hours.
- “European Certificate in anxiety & mood disorders”, with a total of 770 teaching hours.
- Responsable for technical revision of translations from English to Spanish of various texts for the McGraw-Hill publisher group:
- 2nd edition of the Stern manual“Psychiatry in the Primary Care clinic. Practical guide” Ed. Mc Graw/Hill, Madrid 2005.
- Sreevani manual “Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing”Ed. Mc Graw/Hill
May 1997: Recognition of the Initiation and Improvement course of the Galician language by the I. B. Lucus Augusti (Lugo).
Good comprehension level in Portuguese.
Academic year 2005-2006 Basic elementary level. Institut Français.
Adequate comprehension level in French, spoken elementary level.
Orlanda's Posts
Dudas sobre Embarazo y Medicación

Síntomas de abstinencia por la retirada de Paroxetina

Fluoxetina en el embarazo

Síndrome de Retirada con Antidepresivos
Dra. Orlanda Varela

Estoy embarazada y tengo ansiedad: ¿Qué puedo tomar?

¿Hora de dejar el antidepresivo?

Psiquiatra por dentro
Dra. Orlanda Varela

Is it a frequent factor that bilingual children suffer more migrane attacks?