Clara Gallego

Clara Gallego psicologa a madrid

Clara Gallego
Adulti e coppie
Lingue: italiano, spagnolo e inglese
Appuntamento in clinicaOnline Appointment
Clara Gallego
Adulti e coppie
Lingue: italiano, spagnolo e inglese

Clara Gallego è cresciuta in un ambiente molto interessato alla diversità culturale, segnato dall’emigrazione del bisnonno in Francia e dai legami con la famiglia che viveva lì e dallo spirito di viaggio dei suoi genitori, che a loro volta hanno svolto parte del loro dottorato nel Regno Unito.

L’amore per l’equitazione l’ha portata un’estate a Killarney, in Irlanda, mentre i successivi soggiorni a Dublino e a Toronto, in Canada, sono stati finalizzati a continuare la sua formazione linguistica e a vivere in altre culture. Clara è appassionata di natura e sente un legame speciale con i cavalli, con i quali trascorre gran parte del suo tempo libero. Si è interessata alla terapia assistita dagli animali in giovane età, partecipando come volontaria per quasi un decennio alle sessioni che si svolgevano nella sua scuola di equitazione (in particolare con i bambini dello spettro autistico). Ritiene che i cavalli, in quanto esseri viventi che interagiscono, offrano una relazione senza aspettarsi una risposta socialmente determinata e questo ha un effetto curativo unico.

Inoltre, è sempre stata una persona molto sociale e ha cercato attivamente le relazioni sociali. Dopo una buona esperienza personale con uno psicologo, e in combinazione con la vocazione ad aiutare, ha scelto la psicologia come laurea.

È laureata in Psicologia  nell’Università Pontificia di Comillas, dove ha svolto internship con i bambini, nell Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Merced, nell’aula di Pedagogia Terapeutica con bambini affetti da dislessia, discalculia, ritardo nello sviluppo…, e nell’Ospedale San Rafael nell’ambito dell’assistenza e della stimolazione precoce. Ha anche avuto un primo contatto con i pazienti nel campo della salute sessuale nella Fondazione Sexpol, dall’interesse per un’area del benessere umano poco esplorata. Dopo aver conseguito il Master in Psicologia Generale della Salute nell’Università Complutense di Madrid, ha deciso di concentrare il suo lavoro terapeutico sugli adulti.

Ha iniziato la sua carriera professionale come volontaria in NB Psicología e Amalgama Social dopo aver terminato il internship MPGS nella Clínica López Ibor, per continuare ad acquisire esperienza. Nell’ambiente di lavoro, ha presto rivolto la sua attenzione alla comunità degli espatriati, sia nelle sessioni terapeutiche che negli interventi in caso di crisi, nell’ambito dei programmi di sostegno ai dipendenti. Ha anche tenuto webinar e corsi di formazione sulla salute mentale per diverse aziende.

Questa esperienza gli ha permesso di confermare come un problema di ansia, un umore depressivo, una separazione o un lutto influiscano sulla nostra vita quotidiana al lavoro. L’ha anche avvicinata alle difficoltà dell’acculturazione e della migrazione, come la perdita del senso di appartenenza.

La sua esperienza come terapeuta psicosessuale che tratta uomini adulti con disfunzioni sessuali e i loro partner le ha insegnato che è ancora molto difficile chiedere aiuto e che molti tabù devono essere infranti. La relazione tra la qualità della relazione intima e la qualità della relazione affettiva rende possibile migliorare l’una, curare l’altra e viceversa. Dalla sua concezione del sesso come strumento di piacere e di comunicazione, Clara è convinta di quanto sia importante cambiare la visione coitocentrica e fallocentrica ed essere disposti ad aprire la mente ad altri modelli di rapporti sessuali.

È consapevole che la coppia è l’aspirazione e la relazione principale degli adulti, quindi è fondamentale prendere in considerazione le relazioni di coppia e le loro disfunzioni. Crede che una buona relazione di coppia sia uno spazio sicuro, in cui una persona può essere e sentirsi veramente realizzata.

Da un’innata curiosità e dalla volontà di continuare a formarsi, ha completato un corso associato all’UCM in Compassion and Mindfulness Cultivation, oltre a due diplomi universitari di specializzazione, uno in Terapia sessuale e di coppia e l’altro in Trauma, Attaccamento ed EMDR.

Per questo motivo, Clara sviluppa la sua attività terapeutica da un punto di vista integrativo, con una forte visione sistemica. Crede che sia importante percepire le persone non come un individuo isolato, ma come qualcuno che agisce, pensa e sente in relazione alle proprie esperienze e al proprio ambiente. Pertanto, dà spazio anche al discorso sulle prime esperienze di apprendimento nella vita. A suo avviso, le prime esperienze di legame modellano il modo in cui le persone si relazionano tra loro in seguito. Allo stesso modo, le prime esperienze traumatiche possono avere un impatto sullo sviluppo e sul comportamento degli adulti.

La sua concezione della terapia è uno spazio di accompagnamento in cui può sostenere e guidare il paziente come protagonista del proprio processo di crescita e cambiamento.

Clara scrive:

Héctor Pastor

Héctor Pastor

Héctor Pastor
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Héctor Pastor
Adults and couples
Languages: English and Spanish
Online AppointmentClinic Appointment
Héctor Pastor
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Héctor Pastor
Adults and couples
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Master in Third Generation Therapies (UNIR)
  • Master in General Health Psychology
  • Master in Psychopharmacology and Drugs of Abuse (Complutense University of Madrid)
  • Degree in Psychology

From his summers at Oxford and Manchester, Héctor especially remembers his bicycle routes, multicultural friendships, and the amazing music culture. It turns out that music for him is a way of living and connecting with emotions. His times as a teenage rocker with friends led to a more professional stage playing in musicals, town concerts, and cover bands to finally end up as the lead guitarist in a Madrid based indie band.

He studied at Elche’s University Miguel Hernández where he earned a degree in Psychology. It was here that he also got the chance to do an Erasmus year in The Netherlands studying at Groningen University. It was a year where he discovered an international environment and a very advanced country in aspects like mobility and open mindedness. This experience helped to challenge and expand the ideas he held about life and about himself. This was in great part thanks to the group of friends he made there, with whom he shared values ​​such as curiosity and the desire to continue growing as people.

Héctor specialized in the field of addictions, first researching the disease in a laboratory, and then beginning to do therapy in clinics with inpatients and outpatients. He discovered that in this disease that is often invisible to the human eye, group therapy has the incredible power to engage people in the processes of change and to teach us to manage emotions together. He had great mentors and colleagues who also helped him to have a very well rounded view of the disease and mental health. The goal in therapy is to never judge, see the person as a whole, and help them become who they feel they want to be.

During his training in multifamily therapy, Héctor personally participated in group therapy where he met families of all shapes and sizes such as a mother with her daughter, a couple without children, people who came alone, larger families, as well as the students of the course. This helped him understand, among many other things, the shame that can be felt while being in therapy and the importance of building a safe environment, which marked a before and after in the way he understood his patients.

To families or couples who are considering starting family therapy, Héctor says: “it can help us to see problems from the outside and in a comprehensive way, facilitating empathy, communication, intimacy, and objectivity. The experiences and emotions that arise in therapy help to get out of the loop of arguments many of us find ourselves in within our relationships.”

In recent years, he has focused on the practice of individual therapy with adult patients who struggle with anxiety, suffer from depression, want to reduce the stress in their lives, or “simply” want to work on their personal growth. He also works with couples who are striving to improve their communication, work in the area of ​​sexual intimacy, or overcome jealousy.

Héctor considers himself an integrative psychologist who places great importance on the patient’s needs and preferences when designing the treatment plan. To do this, he tries to make it easier for the patient to connect their emotions with the present moment and provide concrete guidelines that explain how to change what they need. He has a variety of tools to pull from when facilitating sessions, as not all methods work for all patients. He likes to analyze in depth where the core of the problem is and select which methods to use accordingly. It is perhaps because of this that many patients tell him he hits the nail on the head with his sessions.

  • Psychologist at Sinews MTI, since May 2024-present. Individual and couples therapy.
  • Psychologist, Consulta Psicológica Alejandro Moreno, October 2023-June 2024. Sexology and general psychology, individual and couples therapy.
  • Psychologist, APAL Madrid (Asociación de Prevención y Ayuda al Ludópata), 2021-2023.
    • Treatment of gambling and behavioral addictions. Individual therapy, online and in-person multifamily therapy.
    • Psychoeducational workshops, group therapy and family therapy.
    • Tutor for psychology students.
  • (Internship) Psychologist, P81 Psicólogos Princesa, February 2022-July 2022.
    • Third generation techniques.
    • Individual therapy and clinical supervisions.
  • Psychologist - Online consultation, 2020-present.
    • Online individual therapy in English and Spanish.
  • Psychologist, Triora Clinic, Alicante, 2019.
    • Addiction treatment. Conducting workshops, group, family and individual therapy in English and Spanish.
  • (Internship and volunteering) Psychologist, Concienciados (Valencia), 2018.
    • Addiction treatment. Workshops and group therapy. Therapy with patients' families.
  • (Internship) Psychologist, Department of Psychobiology of the UNED, February-July 2017. Research on the effects of cocaine and alcohol on the brain. Psychologist, Department of Health Psychology, University of Alicante, 2016. Neuropsychological tests on children and adolescents for data collection for a scale study
  • (Internship) Psychologist, SOFAD - Adolescent Family Care Service, Alicante City Council 2015.
  • Co-therapist in systemic family therapy working with adolescents and families. Participation in parent school and workshops with adolescents.
  • Master in Psychotherapy, Third Generation Therapies, 2021-2023. BIND.
  • Master in General Health Psychology, 2017-2019. CEU Cardenal Herrera University.
  • Master in Psychopharmacology and Drugs of Abuse, 2016-2017. Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Degree in Psychology, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, 2010-2015. Erasmus Program at University of Groningen (Netherlands).
  • EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) level 1 training for the treatment of traumatic experiences. EMDR Spanish Institute, 2023.
  • Training in "Expert in Multifamily Therapy", Elche Interfamily Therapy Center and ABD Association, 2020-2021.
  • Socidrogalcohol Course "Basic Skills of the Health Worker in the Context of Addictions", 2020.
  • Assertiveness Training, the antidote to Depression. University of the Basque Country, 2019.
  • Center for Creative Leadership, Leadership Essentials: leadership and personal growth course, 2018.
  • Anti-Drug Agency Course: Social mediators in drug addiction prevention, 2017.
  • Emotions and addiction prevention workshops for children and adolescents. Parents School, Alicante City Council, 2015.
  • Co-author of the poster at the II International Congress of Psychobiology in Ávila entitled Simultaneous cocaine and alcohol intravenous self-administration in young rats. Won the award for best poster, 2017.
  • Talk-workshop on gambling prevention at Colegio Mayor Santillana, 2022.

Héctor escribe:

Ana Pilar Collado

Ana Pilar Collado

Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Ana Pilar Collado
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
Clinic AppointmentOnline Appointment
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Ana Pilar Collado
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Bachelor’s Degree in psychology at Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
  • Training and license in administration of ADOS-2 (Diagnostic Observation Scale for Autism).
  • Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (currently studying).

Ana studied from kindergarten to high school in a bilingual Spanish-English school, where she also learned French and German, thanks to the global and forward-thinking vision of her parents who decided to invest in a school with a marked international character.

During her adolescence, Ana participated in various exchange programs in the United States, France (Biarritz) and Germany (Berlin). She still remembers the time she spent in New Jersey as one of the best of her life and still maintains contact with her “American family.” These small cultural immersions not only helped her improve her fluency in the language, but she also gained maturity and confidence from a very young age. Likewise, she began to become familiar with other cultures, which only increased her interest in the study of diversity. She considers traveling one of her great hobbies and meeting new people from all over the world as one of the things that enriches her the most.

This is why Ana decided to study Psychology in English at the Complutense University of Madrid to professionalize her command of the language and, most importantly, with the dream of being able, in the future, to cover a demand that was of interest to Ana. special: offering support to expatriates in their native language.

During her degree, Ana specialized in Neuropsychology and carried out her internship in the Memory Unit of the San Carlos Clinical Hospital, where she worked with geriatric patients with or without cognitive impairment, performing neuropsychological evaluations and functional assessments, with a view to a multidisciplinary diagnosis, as well as subsequent treatment. There she acquired basic knowledge for the interpretation of neuroimaging tests and made her first contact with action protocols in the field of public health. She chose the University of Birmingham for her Erasmus program, where she continued to deepen her interests with subjects such as Neuroimaging, Psychology of Intellectual Disability or Atypical Development and Early Intervention. During her stay in the United Kingdom, she got a job as a Spanish Teaching Assistant at a school as part of a volunteer program. There she joined the Modern Foreign Languages ​​department where she prepared students to take Spanish for their GCSE. After finishing her degree, she carried out extracurricular internships at the Neuroscience Research and Cognition Center of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, within the Neuropsychology and Functional Neuroimaging Research Group.

That same September she was admitted to the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid. During these almost 6 years at said University, Ana combined her studies with her position in the University’s International Relations Office, which brought her closer to the needs and challenges faced by study abroad students.

At that time Ana was beginning to show special attention to what neurodiversity meant. She chose her internship at AMITEA, the Complex Diagnostic Unit for Autism Spectrum Disorders at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital, where she was able to specialize in the psychological tools necessary for a differential diagnosis such as the ADOS-2 test. She also had the opportunity to follow up on patients diagnosed with ASD, and accompany them through behavioral, socialization and communication difficulties.

After the Master’s degree, Ana was selected as a Teaching Assistant at Vassar College, New York. During her stay in the United States she was also able to take subjects such as Neuroscience and Behavior. During that time, she also participated in volunteer work as an interpreter for a non-profit organization that provides lawyers to refugees and immigrants facing deportation in the New York City area. Knowing how language barriers can lead to other barriers such as social, emotional or cultural barriers, as well as barriers when it comes to accessing resources and ultimately, access to human rights, was what encouraged her to focus on this project.

Most of her work and academic experience has therefore been related to this passion for multilingualism, and she is excited to be able to work with a diverse and multicultural population. Currently, Ana speaks fluent German, French, English, Spanish and Galician. Having lived as an expatriate has helped her understand and connect with the difficulties that come with not identifying with a single culture when being far from your country of origin, and that is why she has decided to open the focus of her intervention to other languages ​​to cover the needs of people who do not speak Spanish or at least it is not their mother tongue.

During the last two years she has worked in an association for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) where she has been Responsible for Intervention in Natural Contexts with Spanish and English speaking families. In addition, Ana performed neuropsychological evaluations focused on the differential diagnosis of ASD, due to comorbidity and confusion with other conditions such as high abilities, ADHD or dyslexia, as well as individual sessions with adolescents and adults. Her work in the field of ASD has forged in her a depathologizing view within the world of neurodivegency and much more focused on the person and the family, with a marked systemic nature and with the quality of family life as an indicator. That is why during this time Ana has not only been able to learn more about neurodiversity, but also address and work on her problems outside of the diagnosis such as grief, breakups, anxiety or low self-esteem.

Ana is currently immersed in her Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery at the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid at the La Paz Hospital. However, for her it is vitally important to combine research with clinical practice, since she understands scientific research work as fundamental to contributing to improving the quality of life of the population.

Ana works from an integrative perspective, focused on the person, well-being and personal growth, although she values ​​above all the trust and comfort of the person in the therapeutic process, regardless of the approach applied, which, in most cases, will depend on the personal needs of each patient. Her professional commitment is to be able to facilitate, through languages, that foreign people can connect emotionally in their own language with a therapeutic process.

  • Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery. Research in psychiatry, medical humanities and medical psychology – ongoing. Universidad Autónoma of Madrid.
  • Training and Clinical Accreditation for the application of the ADOS-2 tool in the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Cornell University New York (USA), University of London (U.K.) and University of Newcastle (U.K).
  • Master in General Health Psychology 2021. Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Degree in Psychology in English: Specialization in Neuropsychology 2019. Complutense University of Madrid.
  • 2023-Current: Researcher at the La Paz University Hospital, Madrid, Spain.
  • 2022-2024: Responsible for the Intervention Service in Natural Contexts with children with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Therapist for adolescents and adults. Diagnostic equipment. Asperger Association Madrid, Spain.
  • 2020-2022: Teaching Assistant, Department of Hispanic Studies, Vassar College, NY, United States.
  • 2017-2022: Examination Supervisor, British Council, Spain.
  • 2020-2021: Intern student of the Master of General Health Psychology at AMITEA. Complex Diagnostic Unit for Autism Spectrum Disorders, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Service, Gregorio Marañón Hospital, Madrid, Spain.
  • 2020-2020: Intern student of the Master of General Health Psychology at PsiCall, Madrid, Spain.
  • 2019-2020: Training Scholar, International Relations Office, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
  • 2019: Research Assistant, Center for Research in Cognition & Neurosciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
  • 2019: Intern student of the Master of General Health Psychology at the University Clinic of Psychology of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain.
  • 2018-2019: Intern student of the Degree in Psychology, Specialization in Neuropsychology. Memory Unit, Geriatrics Service, San Carlos Clinical Hospital, Madrid, Spain.
  • 2017-2018: Spanish Teacher Assistant, Arden Academy, Solihull, United Kingdom.
  • 2021-2022: Volunteer for Safe Passage Project. Spanish-English interpreter between volunteer lawyers and refugee and immigrant children from New York, United States.
  • 2016-2019: Volunteering for the Madrid Food Bank. “Great Food Collection” Campaign.
  • Training in risk prevention in social and health personnel positions. QuironPrevention (2024)
  • First aid training. QuironPrevention (2024)
  • Seminar in Neuroscience and Behavior. Vassar College, New York (2022)
  • Introduction to the Biology of Cancer. Johns Hopkins University, Maryland (2020)
  • Training in “Creating Safe and Good Environments for Children and Adolescents in Areas of Non-Formal Education, Leisure and Free Time”. Universidad de Comillas (2023)
  • Training for Users in Data Protection and Security. Microlab (2022)
  • Collado-Blanco, A. P., Garrido-Bolton, J., González-Martínez, B., Galán-Gómez, V., Bueno-Sánchez, D., Corral-Sánchez, M. D., ... & Fernández-Jiménez, E. (2023). Executive functions and behavioral outcomes after CAR-T cell therapy. A case report in the context of the psycartkids project. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 455.
  • Collado-Blanco, A. P., Garrido-Bolton, J., Galán-Gómez, V., González-Martínez, B., Bueno-Sánchez, D., Ortiz-Villalobos, A., ... & Fernández-Jiménez, E. (2023). Neuropsychological assessment after CAR-T cell therapy in pediatric population. A case report. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 455.

Spanish Native language

2016: IELTS (7.5/9)
2015: Obtaining the “Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) from the University of Cambridge
2012: Obtaining “Grade 9” from Trinity College London
Spanish Language Fellow at Vassar College, New York, USA (2020-2022)

2021: Obtaining C2.1 (CEFR)

2021: Obtaining the B2 (CEFR)
Academic year 2020-2021: Intermediate French II taught by Vassar College, NYS, United States

Good level of comprehension, oral and written production

Ana Pilar escribe:

Laura Redondo

Laura Redondo

Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Laura Redondo
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
Clinic AppointmentOnline Appointment
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Laura Redondo
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. Francisco de Vitoria University : 2021 - 2023.
  • Master's Degree in Neuropsychology. University of Salamanca | 2020 - 2021.
  • Degree in Psychology. Autonoma University of Madrid | 2016 - 2020.

Laura comes from a large and diverse family. Since she was a child, she has shared long periods with them, living with up to four generations together under the same roof during summers in the village. From her personal perspective, this experience has been the greatest influence on her interest in people. Also it has given her the opportunity to develop fundamental skills for a therapist from an early age, such as active listening, communication, negotiation, understanding and non-judgment.

She owes her fascination with English to her half-Australian aunt, who has been her main mentor and guide in the language, communicating with her in English from a very young age. Later, driven by her own fascination, she began a more formal learning of the language. Her summers in Brighton and London allowed her to immerse herself in British culture and meet students from all over the world. She retains friendships from a variety of countries and takes every opportunity to explore a new culture as soon as she has an opportunity.

She studied Psychology at Autonoma University of Madrid and completed her internship at  Complejo Asistencial Benito Menni, where she had the opportunity to work with people with intellectual disabilities and severe behavioral disorders. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she completed her internship as a team coordinator in Acercando Vidas project ( emocional and social support for the elderly) and as a psychologist in Educamos Contigo, where she worked with children at risk of school failure. Within her responsibilities in Educamos Contigo were found: study techniques, planning  or time management. Although not initially in her plans, this unexpected situation gave her the opportunity to develop alternative skills, such as leadership, team management and connecting with people through screens, a skill especially relevant in an environment where online sessions are increasingly common.

Her passion for gaining an in-depth understanding of how the brain works led her to study a Master’s degree in Neuropsychology at Salamanca University. During her internship at the Intras Foundation in Zamora, she came into contact with people with dementia and acquired brain damage (due to strokes, hemorrhages or accidents) and learned to design materials to work on working memory, processing speed or executive functions, in order to recover the daily functioning of patients. She took away two main lessons: (1) the importance of psychological support for caregivers of dependent patients and (2) the incredible potential for readaptation and resilience of the brain and the human being. 

Finally, upon returning to her hometown, she took a Master’s degree in General Health Psychology at the Francisco Vitoria University with a humanistic approach, which allowed her to complement her cognitive-behavioral training and introduce into her work methodology techniques that can be more effective in problems such as grief, relationship difficulties or emotional management of the disease situation (cancer, chronic health problems).

During the year and a half that her internship at APAI Psychology Office lasted, and given that it is a center that serves all types of population and all ages, she developed the ability to adapt case by case, as well as the ability for research and self-taught learning. She was selected to stay on the team where she has been working with people with anxiety disorders, depressive symptomatology, bereavement, behavioral disorders and has diagnosed and treated specific learning disabilities (dyslexia, dysgraphia or TANV, among others) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adolescents. 

Laura has so many interests within the field of psychology that she never stops studying. She is currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Third Generation Therapies at the International University of La Rioja with training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness.

As a therapist, she defines herself as warm, approachable, committed and non-judgmental. However, she considers that the true way to describe her is how each of her patients sees her.

At the same time, and accompanying her in each of her vital stages, Laura has been a federated sportswoman. So many years in the world of sports have given her both, the value of commitment, and the knowledge of the great challenges faced by an elite athlete, in their day-to-day life and in competition.

Meet Laura:

Laura's posts:

  • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. Francisco de Vitoria University : 2021 - 2023
  • Master's Degree in Neuropsychology. University of Salamanca | 2020 - 2021
  • Degree in Psychology. Autonoma University of Madrid | 2016 - 2020
  • Psychology Office A.P.A.I.: neuropsychological evaluations, neuropsychological reports, clinical evaluation and intervention (1 year)
  • Mente Azul Foundation in cooperation with a sports organization.
  • ALADINA Foundation in cooperation with a sports organization.
  • Coordinator in Acercando Vidas project – UAM
  • Psychopedagogical counseling with Educamos Contigo - UAM
  • Brain and Screens. María Couso - Play Fun Learning I 2023
  • Course on Psychological Intervention in Trauma. Elizabeth Clapés I 2023
  • Dyslexia: Diagnosis and Intervention. Integratek - University of Barcelona I 2023
  • The socioemotional environment in children and adolescents with ADHD. Integratek I 2023
  • Integral Approach to Suicidal Behavior. Psychologists Princess 81 | 2022
  • Principles of Affirmative Psychology in Sexual and Gender Diversity. Official College of Psychology of Madrid | 2020
  • Psychological First Aid. Autonomous University of Barcelona | 2020
  • Emotional Intelligence Course. Official College of Psychology of Madrid | 2019
  • Extraordinary Master Award - Master in Neuropsychology (USAL): best record of the promotion (2020-2021)

Clara Gallego

Clara Gallego

Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Clara Gallego
Adults and couples
Languages: English and Spanish
Clinic AppointmentOnline Appointment
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Clara Gallego
Adults and couples
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.
  • Expert in Sexual and Couple Therapy.
  • Expert in Trauma, Attachment and EMDR (Euroinnova and UNIR, respectively).
  • Master in General Health Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid.

Clara Gallego has grown up in a very interested in cultural diversity environment, impacted by the emigration of her great-grandfather to France and the link with the family living there, as well as the traveling spirit of her parents, who, in turn, did part of their PhDs in the United Kingdom. 

Her love for horse riding took her to Killarney, Ireland, one summer and her subsequent stays in Dublin and Toronto, Canada, were aimed at continuing her language training and living in other cultures. Clara is passionate about nature and feels a special connection with horses, with whom she spends much of her free time. She became interested in Animal Assisted Therapy very early, volunteering for almost a decade in the sessions that took place in her equestrian center (especially with children on the autism spectrum). She feels that as living interacting beings, horses offer a relationship without expecting a socially determined response and that has a unique healing effect.

Furthermore, she has always been a very sociable person and has actively sought social relationships. After a good personal experience with a psychologist, and combined with a strong vocation to help others, she chose Psychology as her career. 

She graduated in Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, where she did internships with children, at the Colegio Nuestra Señora de la Merced, working in Therapeutic Pedagogy with children with Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Developmental Delay…, and at Hospital San Rafael in Early Care and Stimulation. She also had a first contact in extracurricular practices at the university with patients in the sexual health area at Fundación Sexpol, given the interest in a little explored area of human welfare. After graduating from the Masters of General Health Psychology at the Complutense University of Madrid, she decided to focus her therapeutic work on adults.

She began her professional career as a volunteer at NB Psicología and Amalgama Social after finishing her MPGS internship at Clínica López Ibor, to continue on gaining experience. In the work environment, she soon turned to helping the expat community in both therapeutic sessions and crisis intervention, under the context of Employee Assistance Programs. She also provided webinars and training on mental health for different companies. 

This experience allowed her to confirm how an anxiety issue, a depressive mood, a breakup or a grieving process can affect our day-to-day life at work. At the same time, it brought her closer to the difficulties of acculturation and migration, such as the loss of a sense of belonging. 

Her experience as a psychosexual therapist, treating men with sexual dysfunctions and their partners, has taught her that it is still very difficult to ask for help and many taboos need to be broken. The relationship between the quality of the intimate relationship and the quality of the emotional relationship allows, by improving one, curing the other and the other way around. From her conception of sex as a tool for enjoyment and communication Clara is convinced of how important it is to change the coital-centered and phallocentric vision of sex and to be open-minded to other models of sexual relationships.

She understands that couples are the aspiration and the core relationship of adult humans, so it is crucial to take into account couple relationships and their dysfunctions. She believes that a good couple relationship is a safe space, where the person can be genuine and feel satisfied.

From an innate curiosity and the will to continue on learning, she completed a course associated with the UCM in Compassion and Mindfulness Cultivation, as well as two University Expert degrees, one in Sexual and Couple Therapy and the other in Trauma, Attachment and EMDR.

Given all of this, Clara develops her therapeutic activity from an integrative point of view, with a strong systemic vision. She believes that it is important to perceive people not as isolated individuals, but as people who act, think and feel in conjunction with their experiences and their environment. For this reason, she also gives importance to early learning experiences in life. The first bonding experiences mark, from her point of view, the way people relate to each other later in life. Equally, early traumatic experiences can impact adult development and behavior. 

Her conception of therapy is a space of accompaniment to support and guide the patient as the main character of their own process of growth and change.

Meet Clara:

  • Grado en Psicología – Universidad Metropolitana (Venezuela) y Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (España)
  • Máster en Psicología Clínica – Columbia University (Nueva York, USA)
  • Máster en Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria y Obesidad – Universidad Europea (Madrid, España)
  • Máster en Psicología General Sanitaria – Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio (Madrid, España)
  • Psicóloga en la Unidad de Cirugía Bariátrica de Centro Tánamo (Enero-Junio 2015)
  • Psicóloga en prácticas en Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús (Octubre 2018-Diciembre 2018)
  • Psicóloga en prácticas en Hospital Santa Cristina (Marzo 2019-Mayo 2019)
  • Psicóloga en prácticas en ITA (Julio 2019-Septiembre 2019)
  • Psicóloga en práctica en Sinews (Agosto 2021-Marzo 2022)
  • Psicóloga colaboradora con Terapin Instituto de Psicoterapia (Abril 2022-Octubre 2022)
  • Psicóloga colaboradora con Renace TCA Zaragoza (Abril 2022-Octubre 2022)
  • Psicóloga en Sinews (Octubre 2022-Actualidad)
  • Curso Terapia Familiar Sistémica: Infantojuvenil (25 horas) - Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos
  • Curso Terapia Familiar Sistémica: Adultos y Pareja (25 horas) - Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos
  • Curso Teoría del Apego en Psicoterapia (9 horas) – Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos
  • Curso Coaching Nutricional (Curso Anual) – Instituto de Nutrición Integral (NYC)
  • Curso MBSR 8 semanas (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) – New York Zen Center
  • Curso Mindful Eating 8 semanas- New York Zen Center
  • Asistencia al 12 Congreso de Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria de AEETCA en Zaragoza (Noviembre 2019)
  • Asistencia a Jornadas de Actualización en Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria del Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos (Mayo 2022)
  • Profesora voluntaria en Harlem Hebrew Charter School, Nueva York (Septiembre 2016- Septiembre 2017)
  • Asistente de Investigación para revista de la Asociación Americana de Psicología “Spirituality in Clinical Practice” (Septiembre 2016- Diciembre 2017)
  • Voluntaria en Fundación “Cómete tus miedos” (Mayo 2022-Actualidad)

Clara escribe:

Bárbara Osset

Bárbara Osset

Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Bárbara Osset
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
Clinic AppointmentOnline Appointment
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Bárbara Osset
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.
  • Master's in General Health Psychology. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.
  • Master's in Child and Adolescent Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. Universidad Pontificia de Comillas.

Barbara Osset, raised in an international environment at Hastings School, a British institution where she met children of different nationalities, religions, and cultures. Her family ties to France, with summers spent in Brittany, Normandy, Marseille, and a couple of experiences as an au pair in Paris, cultivated her innate curiosity and love for diversity from a young age. These experiences taught her to adapt to various environments and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual. Her interest in people and different ways of living, combined with her natural leadership, would eventually lead her to a career in psychology.

With a strong academic background from the Pontifical Comillas University, including a master’s degree in General Health Psychology and another in Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for children and adolescents, Barbara has accumulated extensive experience over the years. Her training includes internships, international volunteer work, and specialized courses, enabling her to offer an eclectic approach that draws from systemic (family), humanistic, and mindfulness therapies based on the needs her patients bring to therapy.

Barbara received training in various settings, including roles as a counsellor in educational institutions, clinical settings, and a day hospital, where she learned to address more severe conditions such as OCD, personality disorders, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), bipolar disorder, behavioural problems, and ADHD in children, adolescents, and adults through individual and family therapy. Her approach has always been to provide comprehensive therapeutic support, recognizing the importance of considering each individual within their context.

Furthermore, Barbara has assisted adolescent and young adult patients with substance dependence, helping them recognize their use of substances like cannabis and alcohol for self-regulation. She has guided them in finding ways to initiate change while providing accessible information about the short-term, medium-term, and long-term effects of drugs on the brain, all without judgment but from a place of understanding. Due to her interest in this issue, she has collaborated on various publications related to prevention in school settings and early psychoeducation in primary school.

In addition to her clinical experience, Barbara has engaged in volunteer activities around the world, reflecting her commitment to global service and her passion for helping others. She has spent several summers in Ireland with the Aladina Foundation in collaboration with Serious Fun Camps, where she accompanied children with cancer and their families on a rehabilitative journey to restore their childhood and confidence after months of suffering. This experience provided her with firsthand knowledge of the reality of childhood cancer and how it affects children, families, and their relationships.

Another reality Barbara is familiar with through her volunteer experiences is that of children who have lived in orphanages in less privileged countries, such as Ecuador and Morocco. She has observed how their early experiences of understimulation and lack of secure attachment can impact relationship difficulties and behaviour problems that may surface later in life.

Barbara firmly believes in creating a team with parents, teachers, caregivers, and others to promote the emotional growth of each child and adolescent. Passionate about her work and committed to the well-being of her patients at all stages of life, Barbara fosters an environment of understanding and acceptance in which the patient discovers their own answers.

  • Master's in Child and Adolescent Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy  / Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ( 2022 - 2023 )
  • Master's in General Health Psychology / Universidad Pontificia de Comillas ( 2020- 2022 )
  • Bachelor's Degree in Psychology / Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (2015 - 2019)
  • British Baccalaureate (AS & A-level examinations) / Hastings School Madrid (2013 - 2015)

Clinical Health Psychologist at SINEWS MTI.  (Current Position)

  • Individual and Family Therapy for children, adolescents, and adults. 
  • Conducting psychological assessments.

Clinical Health Psychologist at ORIENTAK S. L. (2023)

  • Individual and Family Therapy for children, adolescents, and adults. 
  • Conducting psychological assessments.
  • Organizing workshops and group therapies.

Clinical Psychology Internship at Centro NB Psychology (2021 - 2022)

  • Individual therapy for adults. 
  • Facilitation of therapeutic workshops. 

Child and Adolescent Psychology Internship at Vedruna School (2021 - 2022)

  • Psychosocial resource, providing therapeutic support to children and families from less privileged socioeconomic backgrounds. 
  • Individual and family therapy. 

Child and Adolescent Psychology Internship at UNINPSI (2020 - 2021)

  • Development of psychopedagogical reports, therapeutic support to children with learning difficulties, coordination with schools and educational centers. 
  • Individual and family therapy.

School Guidance Internship at Padre Pulgar Sacred Heart School (2019)

  • Internship with the elementary, high school, and vocational guidance team. 
  • Administration of tests and preparation of psychopedagogical reports. 
  • Support in classrooms with Therapeutic Teachers and ALs.
  • Workshops on academic guidance, emotional regulation, organizational techniques, and study skills. 

Clinical Psychology Internship at Betesda Foundation (2018)

  • Day center providing therapeutic support to individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and their families. 
  • Conducting workshops and providing companionship.
  • Rubio, E., Sión, A., Esteban, L., Maldonado, D., Armada, V., Osset, B., Jurado, M. R., Arias, F., & Rubio, G. (Pendiente de publicación). New Approach to Early Maladaptive Schemas and Its Relationship with Alcohol Use Disorder: Role of Psychopathology and Prognostic Variables. Spanish Journal of Psychology.
  • Rubio, E., & Osset, B. (2021). La educación emocional en las aulas y la prevención de la adicción al alcohol. En G. Rubio Valladolid (Eds.), Alcohol, alcoholismo y emociones sociales (Cap. 13). Delta Publicaciones Universitarias.
  • Interpreter at Serious Fun Camp from 2018 to 2022 / Barretstown Camp, Fundación Aladina, Ireland
  • Charity rally in Morocco in 2020 / UNIRAID
  • International volunteer in July and August 2017, Ecuadro Project / Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
  • Mentor in the DEMOS Project in 2015-2016 / Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
  • Mentor and student council from 2013 to 2015 / Hastings School
  • Organization of the KILO Food Bank project from 2012 to 2015 / Hastings School
  • Humanitarian aid from 2007 to 2017, Family Project at Ecole Communautaire Merzouga, Morocco
  • Course on Anti-racism and Mental Health in Schools / Anna Freud National Centre for Children (2023)
  • Introduction to Emotion-Focused Therapy Workshop with Leslie Greenberg (2018)
  • Mindfulness and Conscious Movement Meditation Techniques Course (2014)

Noa Zelman

Noa Zelman

Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Noa Zelman
Children, adolescents and young adults
Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan and Hebrew
Clinic AppointmentOnline Appointment
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Noa Zelman
Children, adolescents and young adults
Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan and Hebrew
  • BA in Psychology, Ramon Llull University.
  • MA in Clinical Psychology, MUPGS Ramon Llull University.
  • MA in Child Development, Haifa University.

Noa Zelman was born in Ecuador to Uruguayan parents and raised in Barcelona, Spain. After university in Spain, she decided to continue her personal and professional path and moved to Israel, then Germany, and finally Madrid. Having grown up as a third culture kid while attending International Schools (within the American system including IB) has greatly influenced Noa. Home is what she builds with people around her, not a physical place. Because of this, creating a nurturing context is something she has always thought of as an essential anchor in her own upbringing and in her work with children. As a global citizen, wherever she went, Noa was always in the minority. Whether it was her different accent, or culture or religion, she often felt different from those around her. Throughout her upbringing and work with children, she has come to deeply embrace diversity. As the universal saying goes, we are all “Same, same, but different.” Noa learned how essential it is to deeply understand the child’s context and local culture in order to offer the best support.

For her whole life, Noa has worked with children in different settings. After obtaining her BA in Psychology (Blanquerna, URL), MA in clinical psychology (MUPGS Blanquerna, URL) and later on an MA in Child Development in University of Haifa, Israel, she continued to work as a teacher with progressive learning approaches (Reggio-Emilia and RIE/Pikler) in the Early Years and in the Walworth Barbour American International School. It was during her work there that Noa gained a wider approach on how she wanted to continue to support children’s mental health as she was working closely with learning and emotional difficulties as well as maladaptive behaviors. Noa believes that evaluation and diagnosis are a step closer to understanding how we can better support children. Nurturing and authentic child-adult relationships, adapting responsive learning environments to children’s interest and needs, and partnering with adults in children’s networks (families and other professionals) are principles of Noa’s approach.

Both her experiences of having previously worked as a therapist in mental health, and her time as a teacher have inspired Noa to identify gaps in how child development is supported. After 5 years in Israel, Noa moved to Germany and dedicated her time to building a project that is very close to her heart. Through social media platforms, Noa shared resources and offered workshops for both families and educators on important topics, such as teaching about consent, assisting in conflict resolution, brain development, and the importance of risk-taking through play. She aspires to continue to support grown ups through workshops and training programs, and children through mutual respect, deep relationship-building, and playful exploration in more therapeutic settings. During that time, Noa also decided to become a student in the European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health and discovered how much Perinatal Psychology resonated with the way she works with parents and children and their family history. As an expert in Early Development she can support parents who are navigating changes at home (divorce, a new baby coming, grief…) as well as identifying possible developmental delays (communication, motor and coordination…) and finding tools to stimulate and guide their child.

Trained in the RIE/Pikler approach Noa has experience working with groups of mothers and their babies in building a playful and natural communicative environment.

Deeply understanding and educating others about the capabilities of young children and their right to quality experiences has become one of Noa’s greatest blessings. More importantly, it is a way of thinking not just about children and learning, but about bettering our world and ourselves.

  • In progress: Training in Perinatal Psychology at the European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health (2023)
  • MA in Child Development, Haifa University (2021)
  • MA in Clinical Psychology, MUPGS Ramon Llull University. (2018)
  • BA in Psychology, Ramon Llull University (2016)
  • 2023: Child psychologist in SINEWS MTI
  • 2022-2023: Child development advocacy and psychoeducation for educators and families at @ourstoriesofdevelopment; Augsburg, Germany
  • 2020-2022: Reggio Emilia-inspired Early Years teacher at Walworth Barbour American International School; Even Yehuda, Israel
  • 2020 - 2021: Part-time Early Childhood (0-6 year olds) teacher during MA studies, Wonder School & Educare Gan; Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 2019-2021: Early Childhood teacher at bilingual progressive Reggio-Emilia inspired education. Wonder School; Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 2019 - 2021: RIE Co-educarer in training at bilingual childcare (0-3 year olds), Educare Gan; Tel Aviv, Israel
  • 2017 - 2018: Clinical psychology intern. Hospital de Mataró; Barcelona, Spain
  • 2015 - 2016: Child-Adolescent Psychology Intern, CODDIA Clinic; Barcelona, Spain
  • Perinatal Psychology; European Institute of Perinatal Mental Health (2023)
  • CPR & First Aid Certified (2020)
  • Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) Parent-Infant Guidance workshop; Ruth Mason (2018)
  • Personality Disorders; Dr. Lorna Benjamin (2018)
  • "Unhappy Childhoods"; Dr. Luigi Cancrini (2016)
  • “Therapeutic Alliance”; Dr. Valentin Escudero (2015)
  • “Child psychotherapy from the systemic approach”; Dr. Joana Alegret (2015)

Noa escribe:

Alba Ferrero

Alba Ferrero

Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Alba María Ferrero Vega
Coordinator of the specialised services of psycho-pedagogical support and speech therapy at the school
Languages: English and Spanish
Clinic AppointmentOnline Appointment
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Alba María Ferrero Vega
Coordinator of the specialised services of psycho-pedagogical support and speech therapy at the school
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Master’s Degree in Child Neuropsychology. Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology - Clinical Psychology Speciality. Complutense University of Madrid.

Born and raised in Toledo, Alba has always been clear about her two great passions: child psychology and languages. At the age of 18 she moved to Madrid to study a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at Complutense University of Madrid. The internship at the Clinical Psychology Unit of the UCM gave her a first-hand experience of what her future profession would be like.

As the years went by, she developed a keen interest in neuropsychology. She wanted to be able to understand the relationship between the brain and behaviour. In particular, she wanted to delve deeper into Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, emphasising the importance of executive functions and how they condition our learning and behaviour. This interest led her to study the Master’s Degree in Child Neuropsychology. The internship at the Child Brain Injury Unit of the Beata María Ana de Jesús Hospital only corroborated that this was definitely her path. During those months, she had the opportunity to help children who had either lost their abilities as a result of an accident or who started with a developmental delay related to difficulties during pregnancy or childbirth. The cognitive stimulation sessions showed her the great plasticity of these children’s brains, allowing advances that would be unthinkable for adults.

A few months later she was offered the opportunity to work in a hospital, presenting her services as a neuropsychologist in their cognitive stimulation programme for patients with early and moderate stages of neurodegenerative diseases. In each session, the different cognitive functions were stimulated, ensuring that the materials were adapted to the needs of the users and to the evolutionary stage of the disease. The closeness demonstrated by the patients day after day showed that there were also affective needs to be covered, with empathy and warmth on the part of the professional being essential to develop better adherence to the programme.

Finally, she started working at SINEWS in 2018 as a home-based educational psychology support professional with children with learning difficulties, ADHD and other neuropsychological disorders. After an initial interview with the family where the student’s needs are presented, Alba establishes and explains to them what the objectives of the work will be. Session after session, she helps the student to develop an effective study routine, teaching them organisation and time management skills, useful learning strategies and, in short, giving them all the help they need to be able to achieve good academic results. Creativity in adapting materials to the student’s needs is essential to achieve good results, as is constant communication with the student, family and school. 

In addition to her role as a study coach, Alba has continued to develop her career at Sinews providing home-based cognitive stimulation services to adults with neurodegenerative diseases, motivated by the enriching experience she had years ago.  

Thanks to Sinews, she remembered her passion for languages and her need to continue improving her English to be able to communicate openly with clients of other nationalities, bilingualism being another of her vital goals. 

Over time, Alba has become the coordinator of the specialised services of psycho-pedagogical support and speech therapy in the classroom and at home, serving as a link between families, schools and the different Sinews professionals working in this area. Her work includes the selection and training of new candidates for the team, the design of action protocols and the supervision of the professionals. She also organises first assessment interviews with families requesting psycho-pedagogical support services in order to get to know the child’s needs in depth and assign the most suitable professional for each case. She maintains constant contact with professionals, families and the school to ensure that the objectives set are being met and that there is an effective synergy between all of them.

  • Master’s Degree in Child Neuropsychology. Complutense University of Madrid
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology. Clinical Psychology Speciality. Complutense University of Madrid
  • Course "Disaster, Trauma and Recovery”. Official College of Psychology of Madrid
  • Course "Basic Principles for Telepsychological Intervention”. Official College of Psychology of Madrid
  • Course "Meta-analysis and Systematic Reviews”. National University of Distance Education
  • Course "Data Protection in Psychology”. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid
  • Course "Deontology and Good Practices in Psychology”. Official College of Psychology of Madrid
  • Course "Psicodoc: Bibliographic search specialised in psychology”. Official College of Psychology of Madrid
  • Course "You matter to me. The Excellent Professional. The Importance of Patients”. Vianorte Foundation - Laguna
  • Course "Mindfulness”. University of Malaga
  • Neuropsychologist and Coordinator of the specialised services of Psychopedagogical Support and Speech Therapy at school. SINEWS. April 2018 – Present
    • Psychopedagogical support at home for children with learning difficulties, ADHD and other neuropsychological disorders.
    • Psychology and cognitive stimulation at home for users with neurodegenerative diseases.
    • Coordinator of the specialised services of Psychopedagogical Support and Speech Therapy at school.
  • Neuropsychologist. Vianorte Foundation - Laguna. October 2016 - June 2017
    • Rehabilitation and cognitive stimulation programme for users with mild cognitive impairment and dementia.
    • Group sessions for the stimulation of different cognitive functions.
    • Development of cognitive stimulation material.
    • Follow-up neuropsychological assessments of users included in the programme.
  • Freelance child neuropsychologist. October 2015 - July 2016
    • Assessment and cognitive stimulation of children with attentional and learning difficulties.
  • Trainee neuropsychologist. Beata María Ana de Jesús Hospital. Child Brain Injury Unit. December 2014 - February 2015
    • Visualisation of clinical cases and active participation in rehabilitation sessions.
    • Development of rehabilitation materials.
    • Research on topics related to childhood brain injury.
  • Trainee psychologist. Psychology Clinic of the Complutense University of Madrid. October 2012 - June 2013
    • Clinical case studies and participation in them as a student.
  • Martín-Aragoneses, M.T., López-Higues, R., González-Marqués, J., Fernández Blázquez, M.A., Pascual Benito, A., Díez Landa, M., & Ferrero Vega, A.M. (2015). Do maintenance/manipulation tasks provide a measure of working memory similar to that provided by complex amplitude experimental tasks? Spanish Society of Neurology. 

Alba's Posts

Yue Fu

Yue Fu

Yue Fu
Yue Fu
  • 马德里自治大学心理学本科
  • 西班牙国立远程大学社会工作官方硕士
  • 马德里欧洲大学临床心理学官方硕士
  • 巴塞罗那大学移民心理治疗线上专家课程(在读)


因为频繁的搬家,悦初抵西班牙时的求学生活是较为动荡的,但她最终还是以荣誉生的身份毕业于马德里颇有声望的公立中学Ramiro de Maeztu。 在心理学本科期间,悦始终对社会公益和跨文化交流工作抱有极大热情。作为中国之家和Desarrollo y Asistencia公益机构的志愿者,悦参与了陪伴残疾人士和孤寡老人的志愿者工作。她还参与组织多项跨文化交流项目,为中西文化交流出力,为西班牙华人发声。




在众多申请者当中,正因为她的跨文化属性和多语言能力,悦被Sinews选中作为实习生进入本公司。在她的导师Victoria Ramos Kurland带领和督导下,悦开始接收来访开展心理咨询与治疗工作,其中包括社交焦虑,广泛焦虑症,抑郁症,童年创伤,情感忽视,依恋问题等心理问题的治疗工作。悦在工作中体现出的高能力和个人魅力让我们毫无疑问地决定让她正式加入到我们的团队当中。



Alejandro's blogs:

Yue Fu

Yue Fu

Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Yue Fu
Adults and adolescents
Languages: Spanish and Chinese
Clinic AppointmentOnline Appointment
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Yue Fu
Adults and adolescents
Languages: Spanish and Chinese
  • Psicológa por la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
  • Máster en Trabajo social, estado de bienestar y metodologías de intervención social por la UNED.
  • Máster de Psicología General Sanitaria en la Universidad Europea de Madrid.
  • Posgrado de Salud Mental, Género e Intervenciones Psicológicas con Inmigrantes en la Universidad de Barcelona (en curso).

Yue se considera inmigrante de la generación 1,5 ya que no es ni de la primera generación ni de la segunda, sino migró junto a su familia a España con 14 años. El haber crecido entre dos países le ha permitido conocer ambas culturas en profundidad y dominar ambos idiomas a nivel bilingüe. Conoce de primera mano el reto de adaptarse a una nueva sociedad, hacer amigos de nuevo, comprender la nueva cultura sin perder la cultura de origen…

A pesar de un proceso ajetreado de escolarización en España debido a varias mudanzas familiares, Yue consiguió terminar su bachillerato en el prestigioso instituto madrileño Ramiro de Maeztu con un diploma de Matrícula de Honor. Durante los años de carrera en Psicología, Yue siempre se interesó por la labor humanitaria brindando apoyo a personas vulnerables, así como por la creación de puentes interculturales. Como voluntaria de la Casa China y la ONG Desarrollo y Asistencia trabajó acompañando a personas con diversidad funcional y a personas mayores. También participaba en eventos interculturales poniendo su granito de arena para la comunicación intercultural y colaboraba en artículos para dar voz a la comunidad china en busca de una mayor justicia social.

Su vocación nace de la propia lucha en el proceso de adaptación y de estas experiencias de apoyo en las que desde la empatía comprendía la necesidad de un trabajo terapéutico. Durante la carrera, Yue hizo voluntariado internacional en un centro de rehabilitación de esquizofrenia en Alemania en el que realizaba tareas ocupacionales en el huerto con los pacientes. Asegura que disfrutó mucho de las conversaciones tras el trabajo y conoció a las personas detrás del diagnóstico. Posteriormente, cursó cuarto de carrera en la Universidad de Ámsterdam con el programa Erasmus. Adaptarse al nuevo sistema académico neerlandés y estudiar en inglés le supondría todo un reto a la vez que le dio la oportunidad de conocer otra forma de aprender. El contacto con estudiantes de todo el mundo supuso un paso más en su experiencia de diversidad cultural.

En el año 2018 empezó a trabajar como mediadora intercultural a través de un programa público del ayuntamiento de Madrid, acompañando a personas en situación de riesgo, así como organizando actividades y eventos comunitarios de intercambio cultural. En el mismo año, Yue cofunda una asociación sin ánimo de lucro destinada a la promoción del acercamiento intercultural entre comunidad china y el resto de la población.
Buscando ofrecer un apoyo más integral y profundo completa el Máster de Psicología General Sanitaria. Gracias a su experiencia en el ámbito social, Yue aporta a sus clientes un expertise en problemas de adaptación cultural como el estrés aculturativo, los duelos migratorios y los trastornos de adaptación. Un expertise reconocido ya que ha participado como ponente en diversas charlas universitarias y jornadas nacionales sobre igualdad, migración y salud…

Yue fue seleccionada para realizar sus prácticas en SINEWS de entre múltiples candidat@s, precisamente por su perfil intercultural y multilingüe. De la mano de su tutora Victoria Ramos Khurland atendió con supervisión a pacientes que sufrían ansiedad generalizada, depresión, ansiedad social, traumas de infancia y dificultades de apego entre otros. Su papel terapéutico como alumna brilló con luz propia y enseguida supimos que la queríamos en el equipo.

Yue trabaja con un enfoque integrador, combinando técnicas de base cognitivo-conductual con habilidades clínicas propias del humanismo, dándole máxima importancia al vínculo terapéutico y la empatía. Considera que lo que más se agradece y lo más valioso en la terapia psicológica es la confianza depositada en la terapeuta por parte del paciente y la “lucha compartida” contra los malestares.

Nos deja este mensaje para ti: “Gracias por darme la oportunidad de acompañarte en tu proceso de cambio. Créete. Créenos, lo haremos bien.”

Yue escribe: