Clara Martínez Heinemann

Clara Martínez Heinemann

Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Clara Martínez Heinemann
General Health Psychologist
Adults and adolescents
Languages: English, German and Spanish
Online AppointmentClinic Appointment
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Clara Martínez Heinemann
General Health Psychologist
Adults and adolescents
Languages: English, German and Spanish
  • Degree in Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.
  • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology at the Universidad Villanueva.

With a German mother and a Spanish father Clara has grown up in a bilingual and multicultural environment on which she has built her personal skills and interests. Clara has grown up in Madrid, with her parents and her paternal family, but she has been in constant contact with her German family spending her summers in Munich, Stuttgart and Berlin.

She spent her schooling from kindergarten to the age of 18 at the German School in Madrid, with teachers and classmates of different origins. Nowadays she values especially the promotion of independent learning and critical thinking that the school provided her, while at the same time she is aware of the high academic demands of this educational system.

Since adolescence, Clara has had a special interest in understanding social relationships and emotions. In secondary school and after completing training, she worked for three years as a school mediator providing support to the school psychologists in the resolution of conflicts between primary students. She loved the experience of supporting the little ones who were more alone or who had a fight, teaching them to manage emotions and to empathize with others. It was there that she understood that children’s problems are no less important, since difficulties that may seem minor have a major impact on the little ones.

Studying Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, she was interested in behavior analysis as an evidence-based approach that allows an efficient therapy adapted to each person and their context. She extended her training at the Center for Applied Psychology at the UAM with a training in Motivational Interviewing, a methodology focused on supporting the client with the change they want to achieve. which helps them to explore and resolve ambivalences so that they can engage and persist in the direction they have decided to take.

After completing an internship in recruitment for Sales Hunters she decided to focus her Final Degree Project on primary prevention of psychosocial risks related to working from home. In her opinion, the relationship between performance and well-being at work is unquestionable and in that sense, working for the integration of each member of the team is always beneficial. She developed a program aimed for companies interested in evaluating and reducing the psychosocial risks related to teleworking.

During the Master in General Health Psychology, she completed an internship at the Mental Health Center ITA Moscatelar in the Eating Disorders Unit. For Clara, eating is «just» one more symptom, the tip of the iceberg, of a deeper problem that requires multidisciplinary attention and always working as a team with families.

Clara was selected for her second MPGS internship at Sinews, under the guidance of the psychologist and coach Eva Herber, her current supervisor. With her guidance she has been able to learn and get an approach to Positive Psychology and Strengths Coaching. where she discovered the therapeutic power of focusing on what the patient already does well and promoting it, instead of focusing on what he/she does wrong and trying to correct it. In her work with adult patients suffering from depression, work stress, self-esteem problems and cultural adaptation difficulties, she shone with her own light and the company integrated her as soon as she finished working with the team.
She is currently in training in the child and youth department to work again with children and adolescents, where early intervention prevents problems from developing into major difficulties.

Clara offers a safe space to freely express the difficulties or situations that generate distress and thus accompany and treat, with respect and without judgment, the personal needs of each patient.

  • Master's Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology, Clinical Psychology. Edeca Training, April 2023 - March 2024
  • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology. Villanueva University, October 2021 - March 2023
  • Degree in Psychology. Autonomous University of Madrid, 2017 - 2021
  • School education. German School of Madrid (DSM), 2005 - 2017
  • General health psychologist. Sinews (Madrid), March 2023 - present.
    • Clinical Sessions (Evaluation and intervention)
    • University Counceling
  • Internships. Sinews (Madrid), September - February 2023.
    • General Health Psychology (multilingual):
    • Clinical sessions
    • Case conferences
    • Supervised therapy
  • Internships. Ita salud mental (Moscatelar, Madrid), June – July 2022.
    • Eating disorders:
    • Participation in workshops and group dynamics
    • Supervision of patients in daily life activities
    • Clinical sessions
  • Internships. Psicólogos 81 (Princesa, Madrid), February – May 2022.
    • General health psychology:
    • Clinical sessions
    • Supervised therapy
  • Internships. Sales Hunters (Madrid) , February – May 2021.
    • Human Resources (HR) - recruitment:
    • Screening of applications
    • Interpretation of employment tests
    • Interviews
    • English level evaluation
    • Report writing
  • Course: Sand-box technique, El Núcleo.
  • Course: Applying Motivational Interviewing to health problems: a useful tool in treatments (5th edition), Center of Applied Psychology – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
, 50 hours.
  • Course: Detection and Evaluation in High Intellectual Abilities (2nd edition), Center of Applied Psychology – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, 25 hours.
  • Course: School Mediation, German School of Madrid, 60 hours.
  • School mediator: German School of Madrid, 09/2014 - 06/2017 (30 months). Support the school psychologists, Mediation: resolution of conflicts between primary students
  • Spanish: bilingual or native
  • German: bilingual or native
  • English: full professional competence

Clara escribe:

Dra. María Isabel Zamora

María Isabel Zamora - Psychiatre

Dra. María Isabel Zamora
Dra. María Isabel Zamora
Adultes et adolescents
Langues: français, anglais et espagnol
Rendez-VousRendez-Vous en ligne
Dra. María Isabel Zamora
Dra. María Isabel Zamora
Adultes et adolescents
Langues: français, anglais et espagnol
  • Diplômé en médecine par l'Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid.
  • Spécialiste en neurologie du Complejo Asistencial de Segovia.
  • Spécialiste en psychiatrie de l'hôpital général universitaire Reina Sofía de Murcie.

Née au Canada au sein d’une famille espagnole, elle vit jusqu’à l’âge de 19 ans à Montréal, ville reconnue pour sa multiculturalité et pour son ouverture au monde. Sa formation académique est bilingue française et anglaise depuis son enfance.

À 16 ans, elle représente le Canada dans le programme Ruta Quetzal, déclaré comme étant « d’intérêt universel » par l’Unesco. Elle participe dans l’expédition de l’an 2000 en parcourant l’Espagne, les États-Unis et le Mexique, ce qui représente une expérience de vie très enrichissante et ce qui marque sans doute son histoire.

En 2003, elle débute ses études de Médecine à l’Université d’Alcala à Madrid. Tout au long de sa formation, elle participe dans divers programmes d’échange universitaires, qui lui permettent de se déplacer dans différentes facultés de Médecine en Europe. Dans le cadre d’un de ces programmes, durant sa deuxième année d’études, elle voyage en Slovaquie pour se former à l’Hôpital Universitaire Louis Pasteur à Košice. Plus tard, elle étudie sa 5ème année de carrière à la Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier en France, avec une bourse Erasmus. C’est là-bas qu’elle s’initie dans le monde de la Neurologie et de la Psychiatrie, entre autres.

Une fois obtenue la Licence en Médecine, elle réalise un internat en Neurologie à Segovie (Espagne), dans l’équipe du Dr Duarte. Durant les premières trois années, elle complète sa formation dans différent hôpitaux de Madrid (Hospital U. Ramón y Cajal, Hospital U. 12 de Octubre, Hospital U. Puerta de Hierro) ainsi qu’à Valladolid (Hospital U. Río Hortega). Durant sa dernière année de résidence, elle retourne dans sa ville natale au Canada pour faire un stage externe au Montreal Neurological Institute, où elle se forme en troubles du mouvement, démence, sclérose en plaques et hospitalisation.

Une fois devenue Neurologue, elle décide de poursuivre sa formation et fait un deuxième internat en Psychiatrie, à l’Hôpital Reina Sofia de Murcia (Espagne). Elle accède à se former dans pratiquement tous les dispositifs du réseau de Santé Mentale de la région et s’expose à différentes orientations psychothérapeutiques.

En 2021 elle débute comme coordinatrice du Programme de Psycho-Gérontologie et de Diversité fonctionnelle du Centre de Santé Mentale d’Alcobendas à Madrid. Elle traite aussi des patients adultes de Psychiatrie Générale du milieu extrahospitalier, et s’occupe des urgences psychiatriques durant les gardes à l’Hôpital Universitaire Infanta Sofia de San Sebastian de los Reyes (Madrid).

  • 2016-2021. Internat en Psychiatrie (Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía, Murcia, Espagne).
  • 2010-2014. Internat en Neurologie (Complejo Asistencial de Segovia, Espagne).
  • 2003-2009. Licence en Médecine (Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Espagne). - 2007-2008 Erasmus (Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montpellier, France)
  • 2021-2022 | Coordinatrice des programmes de Psychogérontologie et de Diversité fonctionnelle du centre de santé mentale d’Alcobendas (Madrid, Espagne) dans le réseau public de santé.
  • 2021-2022 | Médecin adjoint de Psychiatrie de l’adulte dans le centre de santé mental d’Alcobendas (Madrid).
  • 2021-2022 | Gardes de Psychiatrie. Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofia (San Sebastian de los Reyes, Madrid).
  • 2021-2022 | Coordinatrice de recherche de la sous-commission d’éthique et de recherche du service de Psychiatrie. Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía (San Sebastian de los Reyes, Madrid).
  • Automne 2015 | Médecin adjoint de Neurologie. Service de Médecine Neurologique de l’Institut Calot - Fondation Hopale (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France).
  • Gutiérrez Ríos R, Castrillo Sanz A, Gil Polo C, Zamora García MI, Morollón Sánchez-Mateos N, Mendoza Rodríguez A. Collet-Sicard syndrome. Neurologia. 2015 Mar;30(2):130-2. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2013.04.002. PMID: 23796762.
  • Gil Polo C, Rodríguez Sanz MF, Berrocal Izquierdo N, Castrillo Sanz A, Gutiérrez Ríos R, Zamora García MI, Mendoza Rodríguez A, Duarte García-Luis J. Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm: long-term treatment with botulinum toxin. Neurologia. 2013 Apr;28(3):131-6. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2012.03.009. PMID: 22652139.
  • Castrillo A, Tabernero C, García-Olmos LM, Gil C, Gutiérrez R, Zamora MI, Mendoza A, Rodríguez MF, Guerrero P, Rodríguez-Vico JS, Ferrero M, Morollón N, Duarte J. Postdural puncture headache: impact of needle type, a randomized trial. Spine J. 2015 Jul 1;15(7):1571-6. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2015.03.009. PMID: 25794941.
  • Castrillo-Sanz A, Mendoza A, Gutiérrez-Ríos R, Zamora MI, Morollón N, Rodríguez-Sanz MF, Duarte J. [Posterior reversible encephalopathy in a case of late-onset eclampsia]. Rev Neurol. 2013 Aug 1;57(3):112-6. PMID: 23881615.
  • Manuel de résidents de Neurologie de la Societé Espagnole de Neurologie (S.E.N.), 2012 - “Démence à corps de Lewy” - “Démence fronto-temporale”
  • Manuel d’urgences pour résidents de l’hôpital Géneral Universitaire Reina Sofía de Murcia. «Manual de Urgencias de Residentes del HGURS 2017» Syndrome confusionnel aigu.
  • Chapitre: Agitation psychomotrice. Publié pour le programme officiel d’actualisation professionnelle en médecine d’urgences de la SEMES (ISBN: 978-84-9110-110-9) 2018.
  • VI congrès international en contextes cliniques et de la santé. Mai 2020 | Crise psychotique secondaire à encéphalopathie de Hashimoto chez un patient avec antécédents de schizophrenie paranoïde. - La psychose cycloïde: à propos d’un cas clinique.
  • III Congrès international en contexte cliniques et de la santé. Mars 2017 | Confusion mentale suite au diagnostic de carcinome à petite cellules du poumon. - Un cas clinique de paraphrénie fantastique: importance de l’évaluation psychopathologique.
  • XIX Congrès national de psychiatrie. Palma de Mallorca. Octobre 2016 | Adaptation espagnole du “Adolescent Peer Relations Instrument (APRI)” pour la détection du harcèlement scolaire.
  • 65ème réunion annuelle de la Société Espagnole de Neurologie. Barcelone. Novembre 2013 | Syndrome cou-langue: un rapport familial.
  • 64ème réunion annuelle de la Société Espagnole de Neurologie. Barcelone. Novembre 2012. | “Bilateral limb shaking” - Dystonie cervicale chez des religieuses : une nouvelle dystonie occupationnelle? - Perforation du colon, une complication autonomique du syndrome de Guillain-Barré.
  • Réunion annuelle de la Société espagnole de Neuroradiologie. Octobre 2012 | Manifestations craniocervicales du syndrome de Gardner. 2 cas cliniques et revue de la littérature.
  • Titre du cours : “Les soins du patient âgé selon une perspective multiple: Gérontologie, Neurologie et Psychiatrie (GeNePsi)”, automne 2022. | Conférence: Les troubles Psychologiques et comportementaux de la démence - Les troubles du mouvement - Les maladies cérebrovasculaires
  • Titre du cours : « Mesures d'hygiène du sommeil. » Hôpital de jour pour les Troubles de la Personnalité (Hôpital Psychiatrique Román Alberca, Murcia, Espagne) Novembre 2019
  • Électroconvulsivothérapie et fonction cognitive. Unité des démences. HUVA novembre 2020
  • Stéréotypies motrices. Unité d’hospitalisation psychiatrique de l’enfant et de l’adolescent. HUVA mars 2020
  • Psychoses atypiques. Hôpital de jour pour les Troubles de la Personnalité. HPRA octobre 2019
  • Troubles psychiatriques chez le patient en dialyse HGURS mai 2019
  • Traitement antipsychotique de seconde génération durant la gestation. HPRA mars 2019
  • Différentiation entre les troubles du spectre de l’autisme et la schizophrénie par l’évaluation de l’attribution d’un état mental par une tâche de mentalisation: une revue et méta-analyse. HPRA février 2018
  • Boulimie et abus de drogues. CAD Murcia janvier 2018
  • Dépression et Parkinson. HGURS avril 2017
  • Troubles cognitifs légers. HGURS février 2017
  • Dépression et maladie de Parkinson, à propos d’un cas. HPRA février 2017
  • Gestion des symptômes neuropsychiatriques dans les démences. HGURS janvier 2017
  • Diagnostique différentiel des troubles cognitifs à début précoce. HGURS novembre 2016
  • Troubles cognitifs légers et la médecine des premiers soins. CS Murcia Sur septembre 2016
  • Approche des troubles cognitifs. CS Murcia Sur septembre 2016

María Isabel's posts:

Dra. María Isabel Zamora

María Isabel Zamora

Dra. María Isabel Zamora
Division of Medicine
Dra. María Isabel Zamora
Adults and adolescents
Languages: English, French and Spanish
Clinic AppointmentOnline Appointment
Dra. María Isabel Zamora
Division of Medicine
Dra. María Isabel Zamora
Adults and adolescents
Languages: English, French and Spanish
  • Graduate in Medicine by Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid.
  • Neurology Specialist by Complejo Asistencial de Segovia.
  • Specialist in Psychiatry by Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía de Murcia.

Dr Zamora was born in Montreal, a city known to be multicultural and diverse. Both her parents are of Spanish descent. She lived in Canada until the age of 19 and her academic education was bilingual in French and English up to then.

At age 16, as part of her extracurricular activities, she represented Canada in a cultural program called Ruta Quetzal, which was recognized by UNESCO to be of «Universal Interest». She got to travel around Spain, USA and Mexico, and it proved to be a very inspirational experience.

In 2003, she moved to Spain to pursue her education in Medicine at the University of Alcalá (Madrid). While being in Medical School, she had the opportunity to undertake exchange programs throughout Europe. Slovakia was one of the destinations where she studied during the summer of 2005 (Košice’s University Hospital Louis Pasteur). Another destination was France, where she spent her fifth year in the “Faculté de Médecine de Montpellier”. This is where she had her first clinical contact with Neurology and Psychiatry, which would one day become her specialties.

Once she achieved her medical degree, she went on to pursue her specialty as a resident in Neurology at the Hospital Complex in Segovia (Spain). During the first years, she completed her training with rotations in different hospitals in Madrid (H. U. Ramón y Cajal, H.U. 12 de Octubre, H.U. Puerta de Hierro) and in Valladolid (H.U. Río Hortega). As a senior resident, she moved back to her hometown Montreal to undergo an internship at the Montreal Neurological Institute, where she trained in Movement Disorders, Dementia, Multiple Sclerosis and Neurology wards.

After completing her specialty in Neurology, she undertook a second Residency in Psychiatry at the “Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía” in Murcia (Spain). During that time, she took experience with different orientations in psychotherapy. Some of her clinical rotations were Dementia-Psychogeriatrics, Adult and Child/Adolescent Outpatients-Community Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Eating Disorders, Personality Disorders, Adult and Child/Adolescent inpatient Psychiatry, Addictions, and long-term Mental Health Rehabilitation.

In 2021-2022, she worked as a psychiatrist in the public health system and was the Coordinator of the Psychogeriatrics and the Functional Diversity Programs in Alcobenda’s Mental Health Center (Madrid). She also assisted adult outpatients and attended on-call duties at the “Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía” (San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid).

  • 2016-2021. Specialization in Psychiatry (Hospital General Universitario Reina Sofía de Murcia, Spain).
  • 2010-2014. Specialization in Neurology (Complejo Asistencial de Segovia, Spain).
  • 2003-2009. Medical doctor degree (Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, Spain). - 2007-2008 Erasmus Erasmus (Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montpellier, Francia)
  • 2021-2022 | Coordinator of Psychogeriatrics and Functional Diversity programs in Alcobenda’s Mental Health Center in Madrid (National Public Health System)..
  • 2021-2022 | Adult outpatient Psychiatrist in Alcobenda’s Mental Health Center in Madrid (National Public Health System)..
  • 2021-2022 | Emergency psychiatrist during the on-call duties at Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofia (San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid). (National Public Health System)..
  • 2021-2022 | Research coordinator in the “Ethics and Research sub-commission” of Psychiatry Department in Hospital Universitario Infanta Sofía (San Sebastián de los Reyes Madrid). (National Public Health System).
  • Fall 2015 | Neurologist in General Neurology Ward. Institut Calot - Fondation Hopale (Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France).
  • Gutiérrez Ríos R, Castrillo Sanz A, Gil Polo C, Zamora García MI, Morollón Sánchez-Mateos N, Mendoza Rodríguez A. Collet-Sicard syndrome. Neurologia. 2015 Mar;30(2):130-2. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2013.04.002. PMID: 23796762.
  • Gil Polo C, Rodríguez Sanz MF, Berrocal Izquierdo N, Castrillo Sanz A, Gutiérrez Ríos R, Zamora García MI, Mendoza Rodríguez A, Duarte García-Luis J. Blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm: long-term treatment with botulinum toxin. Neurologia. 2013 Apr;28(3):131-6. doi: 10.1016/j.nrl.2012.03.009. PMID: 22652139.
  • Castrillo A, Tabernero C, García-Olmos LM, Gil C, Gutiérrez R, Zamora MI, Mendoza A, Rodríguez MF, Guerrero P, Rodríguez-Vico JS, Ferrero M, Morollón N, Duarte J. Postdural puncture headache: impact of needle type, a randomized trial. Spine J. 2015 Jul 1;15(7):1571-6. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2015.03.009. PMID: 25794941.
  • Castrillo-Sanz A, Mendoza A, Gutiérrez-Ríos R, Zamora MI, Morollón N, Rodríguez-Sanz MF, Duarte J. [Posterior reversible encephalopathy in a case of late-onset eclampsia]. Rev Neurol. 2013 Aug 1;57(3):112-6. PMID: 23881615.
  • Neurology resident handbook of the Spanish Society of Neurology, 2012 - “Lewy Body Dementia” - “Frontotemporal Dementia”
  • Resident Emergency Handbook of the HGURS 2017 - “Acute confusional state/ delirium”
  • “Agitation” chapter published in the SEMES’ Medicine and Emergency Update Program for Professionals (ISBN: 978-84-9110-110-9). June 2018.
  • VI International Congress in Clinical Contexts and Health. May 2020 | “Psychotic episode in patient with Hashimoto Encephalopathy and history of paranoid schizophrenia.” - "Cycloid Psychosis: a case report."
  • III International Congress in Clinical Contexts and Health. March 2017 | “Confusion in Patient with Small Cell Lung Carcinoma” - “Case report on Fantastic Paraphrenia: Importance of Psychopathology Assessment”
  • XIX Spanish Psychiatry National Congress. Palma de Mallorca. October 2016 | Spanish adaptation of the “Adolescent Peer Relations Instrument (APRI)” for school bullying detection
  • 65th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Neurology. Barcelona. November 2013 | “Neck-tong syndrome: a family report”
  • 64th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Neurology. Barcelona. November 2012 | “Bilateral limb shaking” - “Cervical dystonia in religious individuals: a new occupational dystonia?” - “Colonic Perforation, an autonomic complication in Guillain-Barré Syndrome”
  • XLI Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Neuroradiology. Alicante. October 2012 | “Craniocervical manifestations of the Gardner syndrome, 2 cases and review of the literature”
  • Course title: “The Elderly Care from a Multiple Perspective: Gerontology, Neurology and Psychiatry (GeNePsi)”, fall 2022. Online format| Lectures: Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia - Movement disorders - Cerebrovascular disease
  • Course title: “Healthy Sleep Hygiene Habits”. Personality disorders Day Hospital. Hospital psiquiátrico Román Alberca, Murcia, Spain. November 2019
  • Electroconvulsive therapy and cognitive function. Dementia Unit of the Neurology Department. HUVA, Murcia, Spain. November 2020
  • Motor stereotypies. Child and Adolescent inpatient unit of Psychiatry. HUVA March 2020
  • Atypical psychosis. Personality disorders day hospital. HPRA, Murcia, Spain. October 2019
  • Psychiatric disorders of dialysis patients. HGURS. May 2019
  • Second generation antipsychotics during pregnancy. HPRA, Murcia, Spain. March 2019
  • Discriminating autism spectrum disorders from schizophrenia by investigation of mental state attribution on an on-line mentalizing task: A review and meta-analysis. HPRA February 2018
  • Bulimia and drug abuse. CAD, CSM Murcia Este. January 2018
  • Depression and Parkinson’s Disease. HGURS. April 2017
  • Mild Cognitive Impairment. HGURS. February 2017
  • A case on Depression and Parkinson’s Disease. HPRA, February 2017
  • Management of neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia. HGURS. January 2017
  • Differential diagnosis of Early Onset cognitive Impairment. HGURS, November 2016
  • Mild cognitive impairment in Primary Care. CS Murcia Sur. September 2016
  • Management of cognitive impairment. CS Murcia Sur September 2016

María Isabel's posts:

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Jorge Jiménez Castillo

Jorge Jiménez Castillo

Jorge Jiménez Castillo
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Jorge Jiménez Castillo
Adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
Online AppointmentClinic Appointment
Jorge Jiménez Castillo
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Jorge Jiménez Castillo
Adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
  • Graduate in Psychology from the University of Valencia
  • Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Born in Albacete, thanks to his parent’s interest in languages he spent several summers as a teenager in the UK (Oxford and Cambridge), where he met peers from many different countries (Russia, Italy, France, Japan…). Thanks to this international experience he decided to attend the bilingual program psychology at the University of Valencia, during which he did a one year exchange at Rutgers University in USA. There, he shared a dorm with roommates from Taiwan, France, Australia and Hong Kong. He faced the challenges of an international student that has to adapt to a different academic system as well as learn to manage his finances and build healthy habits like eating and exercising. During his time in the USA he worked to support people on the Autism Spectrum at the Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center, where ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) techniques are applied.

There, he also joined a neuroscience lab (the CLEF lab) and participated in experiments and scientific publications as well as attended international conventions.

Upon his return to Spain, he joined another research team at the University of Valencia at the same time he started his training at Hospital Clínico de Valencia, where he closely followed the team in charge of people going through their first psychotic episode, familiarizing himself with the reality of people with Severe Mental Disorders and the importance of educating the patient and their family on their disease, in order to challenge preconceived ideas and face their daily problems. During his senior year, he got involved in an LGBTIQ+ organization and became increasingly aware of the lack of inclusion of many studies in the field of clinical psychology, which motivated him to spend several years looking into the consequences that discrimination against LGBT people has on a person’s psychological wellbeing though a intersectional lens. This way, he completed a project on the prevalence of depression and anxiety among LGB people and another project focused on the protective role that social support has in the face of LGBTphobic discrimination.

He decided to move to the capital to study a Masters’ Degree in General Health Psychology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and has the opportunity to receive training at the Center for Applied Psychology of said university. There, he gained interest in Behavioral Analysis as an evidence-based approach that allows for an efficient therapy that is tailored to the person and their context.

He was selected for an internship at SINEWS MTI, where he gained valuable experience and knowledge thanks to the guidance of therapists with years of experience with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Due to the high quality of his work, he was able to join the SINEWS team and moved to Murcia to work as a School Counsellor at the British School King’s College. During his work with teenagers, he became fascinated by the intensity and passion with which they experience their daily lives. He helped them manage their emotions and make decisions to get them closer to their goals, values and ambitions. At the same time, he worked online with adult expats and international students.

Jorge defines himself as a curious and patient therapist. He believes in an evidence-based, judgment-free therapy that allows for a work aligned with the client’s values.

Meet Jorge:

  • Masters Degree in General Health Psychology: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2018-2020)
  • Bilingual Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology: University of Valencia, España (2013-2018)
  • Exchange program: Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA (2015-2016)
  • Additional courses:
    • Epistemiology of Behaviorism (Engrama Psicología) - 2023
    • Sex therapy within a Behavor Analysis framework (Psicoflix) - 2023
    • Intervention during suicidal conduct (Psicoflix) – 2023
    • Psycopharmacology for psychologists (SINEWS MTI) –2020
    • Individual and group intervention in sexual trauma (SINEWS MTI) –2020
    • Functional Analysis in clinical settings (Centro de Psicología Aplicada, UAM) –2019
    • Intervention during emergencies and catastrophes (Psicoemergencias Comunidad Valenciana) –2018
    • Dialectical-Behavioral Therapy (Asociación española de DBT) – 2017
  • Bilingual Psychologist - SINEWS MTI (2022-current date)
  • School counsellor at King’s College Murcia with students aged de 2 to 18. (2020-2022)
  • Intern Psychologist: SINEWS Multilingual Therapy Institute. (2019-2020)
  • Intern Psychologist: Centro de Psicología Aplicada de la UAM. (2019)
  • Intern Psychologist: Hospital Clínico de Valencia. (2017)
  • ABA Therapist: Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center. Nueva Jersey, EEUU. (2016)
  • Member of the youth group in the LGBT+ organization Lambda (2016 –2018)

Published article:
Phan, M. L., Gergues, M. M., Mahidadia, S., Jimenez-Castillo, J., Vicario, D. S., & Bieszczad, K. M. (2017). HDAC3 Inhibitor RGFP966 Modulates Neuronal Memory for Vocal Communication Signals in a Songbird Model. Frontiers in systems neuroscience, 11, 65.

Author in the following international conventions:

  • Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2017 – Washington, DC, USA
  • Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, 2016 – San Diego, California, USA
  • 10th Annual Perceptual Science Forum, 2016 – Rutgers University, NJ, USA
  • Aresty Undergraduate Symposium 2016 – Rutgers University, NJ, USA

Research Assistant: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Qualitative research: Minority stress, resilience factors and post-traumatic growth in sexual minorities.
2018 –   2020 

Research Assistant: University of Valencia
Study devoted to understanding the role of individual differences while learning to use a Brain-Computer Interface.
2016 –   2017

Research Assistant: Rutgers University, USA
The role of epigenetic mechanisms in the acquisition of auditory memories and the associated brain plasticity processes in the auditory cortex.
2015 –   2017

Final Bachelor’s thesis: University of Valencia
Literary review of the evidence relating minority stress and the prevalence of depression in sexual minorities.
2017 –   2018

Jorge's Posts:

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Alicia Fraile Martin

Alicia Fraile Martín

Alicia Fraile Martin
Division of Medicine
Dra. Alicia Fraile Martín
Languages: English and Spanish
Online AppointmentClinic Appointment
Alicia Fraile Martin
Division of Medicine
Dra. Alicia Fraile Martín
Languages: English and Spanish
  • MD Degree Universidad de Valladolid.
  • Psychiatrist specialist.

Alicia always considered Medicine as her second love; her first one, without a doubt, were books, which she saw as an opportunity to discover new worlds, people, and lives. Along the road she also realized that mastering English meant a huge expansion of possibilities and could be the icing on the cake on her future ahead.

She studied Medicine in Valladolid and during the summers of those years and thanks to the International Students Exchange Program, she had the chance to appreciate the practice of Medicine in other countries: Zagazig (Egypt), Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, USA) and Torino (Italy). With this, Alicia was also able to become aware of cultural differences and the fact that, despite everything background and life experiences, all patients have the same needs.

After passing the MIR exam with flying colors, Psychiatry was her choice in the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid, where the great volume of population and the excellent medical services assured a wide range of challenges and training to become a general psychiatrist. Alicia dedicated her special training to neuropsychiatry in the city of London at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, where she acquired experience in the treatment of the psychiatric consequences of neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, epilepsy, among others.

When she finished the specialty training her first job took her to Complejo Asistencial Bennito Menni of Hermanas Hospitalarias in Ciempozuelos (Madrid) which allowed her to get a fuller picture of Psychiatry (chronic patients, institutionalized for schizophrenia, learning disabilities, autism and more). Later on, she became a member of the nascent Brain Damage Unit Hospital Beata M.ª Ana, a landmark centre for the treatment of stroke and traumatic brain injuries. It was then when she really understood how relevant the psychiatric care is, specially of the patients suffering from the devastating consequences and side effects of their conditions.

Her work in Hospital Fremap de Majadahonda from 2008 to 2022 was dedicated to the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders secondary to traumatological and medical diseases considered work-related (severe traumatic injuries and brain damage), as well as chronic pain (complex regional pain syndrome, chronic low back pain, neuropathic pain and others) and the psychiatric disorders exclusively work-related (particularly post-traumatic stress disorder). The treatment of patients with disabilities requires to tame your gaze to be able to grasp the person as a whole, paying attention not only to their
difficulties, but also to their strengths and with the aim of enhancing them, always keeping the person in sight.

After a family relocation, she went to Alicante, where she was part of the Public Health System (Centro de Salud Mental Altabix, Elche, and Santa Pola), and just like in her daily work in Frema, Alicia cared for patients suffering from the most frequent mental disorders: anxiety, depression, insomnia, obsessive-compulsive disorder. She repeatedly asserts that she likes taking patients off medication much better than putting them on medication, and using as less as possible, choosing the drug with the most appropriate profile for each individual patient.

In the last 12 years she has combined her clinical job with the translation from English to Spanish of medical texts for GEA editorial, which allows her to maintain her medical English updated as well as staying informed of the numerous advances in the field of Medicine.

To our Sinews team, Alicia brings a great deal of experience with patients who suffer from medical problems and neurological disorders, which allows to treat each person as a whole and offer them integral solutions from a humanist standpoint.

  • 2009-2013. Specialist in Psychiatry by Clínica Universidad de Navarra, May 2013. Pamplona - Spain.
  • 2006. Health Management degree by Universidad de La Sabana, December 2006. Chía - Colombia.
  • 1999-2006. Medical doctor degree - Bachelor in Science by Universidad de La Sabana, December 2006. Chía - Colombia. Degree approved by the Spanish Education and Science Ministry on November 22nd 2007.
  • June 2020 - Currently | Psychiatrist. Sinews MTI, Madrid - Spain.
  • September 2015 - October 2020 | Psychiatrist. UMA (Unidad Médica Angloamericana), Madrid - Spain.
  • September 2015 - October 2020 | Medical Advisor, Repatriation expert psychiatrist. Euro-Center Madrid, Madrid - Spain.
  • May 2015 - September 2020 | Psychiatrist. ATAM Association (Association created by Telefónica for people with disabilities), Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid - Spain.
  • September 2013 - May 2015 | Psychiatrist (Afdelingslæge). Aalborg Universitetshospital, Psykiatrien, Region
    Nordjylland – Denmark.
  • May 2009 - May 2013 | Resident. Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology Department, Clínica Universidad de Navarra. Pamplona, Navarra - Spain.
  • April 2008 - April 2009 | General Practitioner. Nursery home “El Balconcillo”, AMMA group. Guadalajara, Castilla la Mancha – Spain.
  • February 2008 - April 2009 | General Practitioner in primary care and emergency room. Clínica Dr. Sanz Vázquez, Guadalajara – Spain.
  • March 2007 - November 2007 | General Practitioner at the intermediate care unit. Atención Médica Especializada. Bogotá D. C. – Colombia.
  • February 2007 - October 2007 | General Practitioner in primary care and emergency room. Hospital Centro Oriente II Nivel, E. S. E. Secretaría de Salud de Bogotá, D. C. Bogotá D. C. – Colombia.
  • February 2006 - May 2006 | Observer. Division of Translational Neuroscience Research in Schizophrenia at the University of Texas
    Southwestern School of Medicine in the University of Texas – Southwestern Medical Center. Dallas, Texas - USA.
  • Baquero Mahecha G. A. “Psychiatric patients also travel around the world: What we should know to help them travel safely” 19th WPA World Congress of Psychiatry, Lisbon – Portugal, August 21th - 24th, 2019.
  • Viteri G., Garin A. Slon P., Etxano Cantera J., Baquero G. A., Pla J., Domínguez P., Zubieta J. L., García-Eulate R. “Depression in elderly: a DTI study of white matter abnormalities with two control groups” at the European Congress of Radiology, Vienna – Austria, march 7th to 11th, 2013.
  • Caicedo C., Baquero G. A., Prieto E., Ortuño F., Arbizu J., Pla-Vidal J. “Prevention of late-life depression: a 18FDG PET study” during the XII Annual Meeting of the International College of Geriatric Psychoneuropharmacology (ICGP) shared with the Spanish Society of Psychogeriatrics XIX Annual Meeting (SEPG), held in Seville – Spain, october 24th to 27th, 2012.
  • Póster: Baquero Mahecha G. A., Marin J. J., Garin A., Borro D., García-Eulate M. R., Pla-Vidal J. “Prevention of depression in elderly: factors in clinical research.” during the Annual Meeting of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry (AAGP), held in Washington, D. C. - USA, march 16th to 19th, 2012.
  • Pla-Vidal J., Garin Muga A., Baquero Mahecha G. A., Marin Méndez J. J., Suárez López P., Sánchez Ostiz Gutierrez R. “Prevención de la depresión en ancianos: estudio de factores clínicos”, en el 54 Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, celebrado en Santiago de Compostela – España, del 6 al 8 de junio de 2012.
  • Baquero Mahecha G. A., Marin J. J., Molero P., Corte P., Gómez J. A., Cózar G., Pla J. “Implicación pronostica del deterioro cognitivo en los pacientes geriátricos que ingresan en una unidad psiquiátrica de agudos”, en el XV Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatría, celebrado en Oviedo – España del 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2011.
  • Gómez J. A., Cano A., Martín R., Lahortiga F., Cózar G., Baquero Mahecha A. “Aspectos relacionados con la eficacia del tratamiento en las disfunciones conyugales”, en el XV Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatría, celebrado en Oviedo – España del 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2011.
  • Cózar G., Cano A., Gómez J. A., Baquero G. A. “¿Influye en el número de reingresos el tratamiento inicial de los trastornos afectivos psicóticos?”, en el XV Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatría, celebrado en Oviedo – España del 8 al 11 de noviembre de 2011.
  • Marin Méndez J. J., Baquero Mahecha A., Molero Santos P., Corte de Paz P., Cózar Santiago G., Pla-Vidal J. “Estudio del deterioro cognitivo previo como posible mediador fisiopatológico de la asociación entre los trastornos afectivos y la evolución a demencia”, en la XVIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de
    Psicogeriatría, celebrada en Madrid – España del 6 al 8 de octubre de 2011.
  • Cózar Santiago G., Cano A., Baquero A., Dívar M., Lacunza C., “Intentos autolíticos en urgencias. ¿Lo hacemos bien?”, en Encuentros en Psiquiatría,
    celebrada en Sevilla – España del 1 al 2 de abril de 2011.
  • Cozár G, Cano Prous A., Gómez Sánchez J. A., Yurrita Montesinos S., Baquero Mahecha G. A. “Diagnóstico de trastorno mental en una muestra de
    universitarios” en el XIV Congreso Nacional de Psiquiatría, celebrado en Barcelona – España, del 18 al 23 de Octubre de 2010.
  • Baquero GA, Molero P, Pla J, Ortuño F. “A schizophrenia-like psychotic disorder secondary to an arachnoid cyst remitted with neurosurgical treatment of the cyst”. Open Neuroimag J. 2014; 8: 1–4. Publicado online Feb 21, 2014. doi: 10.2174/1874440001408010001.
  • Baquero Mahecha G. A., Pla Vidal J. Libro: Psicogeriatría, una visión integral del envejecimiento humano, capitulo: “Terapia Electro convulsiva en Ancianos”. ISBN: 978-958-99242-3-5
  • Dívar Conde M., Laspra Solís C., Cozár Santiago G., Baquero Mahecha G. A., Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 14, caso “Por qué callas”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-705-5, ISSN: 1699-4639.
  • Cozár Santiago G., Baquero Mahecha G. A., Dívar Conde M., Gómez Sánchez J. A., Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 14, caso “Mente fuerte, músculo débil”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-705-5, ISSN: 1699-4639.
  • Baquero Mahecha G. A., Cozár Santiago G., Gómez Sánchez J. A., Dívar Conde M., Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 14, caso “Persecución con causa”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-705-5, ISSN: 1699-4639.
  • Gómez Sánchez J. A., Baquero Mahecha G. A., Cozár Santiago G., Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 14, caso “Pensar antes que actuar”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-705-5, ISSN: 1699-4639.
  • Baquero Mahecha G. A., Dívar Conde M. Libro: Casos clínicos de residentes de Psiquiatría 13, caso “Corazón, corazón”. ISBN: 978-84-7989-640-9, ISSN:
  • Tutoring of Medical School Students’ at Aalborg Universitetshospital on Psychiatry. April 2014 – April 2015.
  • Tutoring of Psychiatry residents at Aalborg Universitetshospital. April 2014 – April 2015.
  • Teaching and tutoring of Psychiatry to 5th year Medical School Students’ at Universidad de Navarra. May 2009 – May 2013.
  • Seminary of psychotic disorders, depressive disorders, anorexia and bulimia in the subject of Clinical Practice III. 2010 - 2011 and 2011 and 2012 academic years of Medical School at Universidad de Navarra.
  • Preparation and Skills Development Objective Structured Test (ECOE) of 5th and 6th year of Medicine School at Universidad de Navarra.

Alicia's posts:

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Guillermo Gabarain

Guillermo Gabarain

Guillermo Gabarain
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Guillermo Gabarain
Adults and couples
Languages: English and Spanish
Online AppointmentClinic Appointment
Guillermo Gabarain
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Guillermo Gabarain
Adults and couples
Languages: English and Spanish
  • General Health Psychologist.
  • Degree in Psychology, San Jose State University, San José, California, EEUU.
  • Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy, Santa Clara University, California, EEUU.

Although Guillermo was born in San Sebastián (Basque Country), he has lived in different parts of Spain and the United States, which is why he considers himself multicultural, bilingual and somewhat nomadic. During the last years he has lived and worked between Madrid and Miami, which allows him to be in contact with different cultures.

One of his greatest interests from a young age was to understand how our personality develops, what motivates us to be the way we are, and why we behave in a certain way. He also wondered why some people seem to be happier and more adaptable to life’s circumstances than others. Guillermo was able to convert this interest in people into his vocation and professional career, which he has been doing for more than 20 years. In 1996, Guillermo graduated from San Jose State University (California) with a degree in Clinical Psychology and in 2001 completed a Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Santa Clara University (California).

Throughout these years, Guillermo has come to the conclusion that people are constantly changing and evolving. Who we are and how we behave is not only a product of genetics and the experiences we live, but also of our values, of what we believe is most important.

What Guillermo values ​​most personally at the moment are his family and personal relationships, since these give him security, love and affection, a space for growth and structure. Another essential value for him is «experience». Perhaps because he has been an expatriate all his life, he needs to face new challenges and meaningful experiences that allow him to continue learning and growing. «Humanism», or in other words, solidarity and interest in people, is what motivates him in his vocation and gives meaning to his work as a psychologist. Helping and guiding his clients on their way to a satisfying life consistent with his vision, is for him, his «daily bread.» Finally, he also considers «effort» essential: feeling that he has given his best, since sometimes the results are not completely in our hands.

During his training in California, Guillermo specialized in Mental Health diseases (Depression, Bipolarity, Anxiety, Personality, etc.), carried out research in the area of ​​multiculturalism and actively participated in promoting a health system open to immigrants and the minorities. Recognizing the importance of the family in the Latino culture, he delved into the study of Systemic Theories and worked with several organizations providing training to low-income families in communication, organization and education issues.

At the turn of the millennium, Guillermo returned to Madrid (Spain) with the aim of providing his children with family warmth and cultural roots. Professionally, he specialized in the treatment of addictions and drug dependencies, working as a clinical psychologist and supervisor of several programs (Hospital and Intensive). Undoubtedly, for Guillermo this work was wonderful because, as he says, his clients taught him the great achievements that we are capable of achieving. Working with people severely addicted to alcohol, cannabis, heroin, tranquilizers, cocaine, and other stimulants, he witnessed extraordinary recoveries.

Perhaps one of the experiences that changed him the most was developing a Family Care Program in the Neonatal Unit (NICU) at the 12 de Octubre Hospital in Madrid, where he supported parents of newborns and premature babies (24 weeks) or with serious illnesses. This pioneering program in Spain assisted many families during the arduous and painful process of staying in a NICU.

In the year 2012, Guillermo decided to migrate with his family back to the United States with the aim of continuing his professional development, and give his children the opportunity to live abroad, learn another language and culture. During the following 6 years, Guillermo had the opportunity to collaborate on numerous projects, from working at the Florida International University (FIU) guiding university students, or implementing a Mental Health and Addiction Treatment program for HIV/AIDS patients, to help immigrants in deportation proceedings or applying for asylum in a humanitarian way.

During this last stay in the US, Guillermo has also acquired training and experience in the Gottman Method of Couples Therapy and the Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) from Dr. Sue Johnson. These scientifically validated therapeutic models help couples to experience and share their emotions and basic emotional needs, and structure new interactions between the members of the couple or the family, in a way that creates a more secure bond. In addition, couples learn what the pillars of a healthy relationship are, and develop the tools to maintain a satisfactory, balanced relationship consistent with their values ​​and needs.

Recently, Guillermo returned to Madrid with his family. Although he continues to collaborate with projects in Miami, assisting clients with complicated immigration situations, he has been collaborating with SINEWS since 2022, with the aim of continuing to develop as a psychologist and coach, and to continue contributing wherever it is needed. He has recently completed training as an Executive Coach and obtained the PCC certification through the “International Coaching Federation” (ICF).

Guillermo’s fundamental objective as a professional is to help his clients find solutions to their problems, and to develop the necessary tools to overcome complex situations and regain balance on their own.

  • 1996 - Bachelor Degree in Clinical Psychology
    San Jose State University, San José, California, EEUU
  • 2001 - Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (Counseling Psychology)
    Santa Clara University, California, EEUU
  • Psychologist, Adults and Couples: Instituto Europeo de Psicología Positiva (IEPP), (3 years).
  • Psychologist in Private Practice, Adults, Adolescents and Couples, (15 years).
  • Clinical Therapist, Florida International University, (2 years).
  • Child and Adolescents Clinical Therapist, Chrysalis Health, (1 year y a half).
  • Clinical Services Supervisor, Care Resource, (3 years).
  • Program Supervisor / Psychologist, Neonatology Department - Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, (1 year).
  • Assistant Director / Addictions Psychologist, CAID de Móstoles - Fundación Salud y Comunidad, (3 years).
  • Addictions Psychologist, TAVAD - Tratamientos Avanzados de la Adicción ,(1 year and a half).
  • Mental Health Therapist, Gardner Family Care Corporation, (3 years).
  • Mental Health Therapist / Coordinator, Momentum for Mental Health, (4 years).
  • Abreu, J.M., & Gabarain, G. (2000). Social Desirability and Mexican-American Counselor Preferences: Statistical Control for a Potential Confound. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 47, No. 2, 165-176.

  • Agencia Antidroga de la Comunidad de Madrid. Título: «Factores psicológicos asociados a la efectividad en la retirada de Metadona»
    January 2007 – June 2009
  • Department of Psychology, SJSU (San Jose, California). Título: «Social desirability and Mexican American counselor preferences: Statistical control for a potential confound»
    October 1995 – June 1997

  • Gottman Method in Couples Therapy, Gottman Institute, EEUU (2018).
  • Executive Coaching, Escuela Europea de Coaching, Madrid (2010 y 2020).
  • Advanced Psychotherapy Skills Training, Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid (2007).
  • Family Wellnes : Certified Instructor, Family Wellness Corp, EEUU (1999).
  • Crisis Intervention Specialist : Certified Instructor, Crisis Intervention Institute, Inc., EEUU, (1997).

Guillermo escribe:

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Gema Rubio Herranz

Dra. Gema Rubio Herranz

Gema Rubio Herranz
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Dra. Gema Rubio Herranz
Founding Partner
Adults and couples
Language: Spanish
Online AppointmentClinic Appointment
Gema Rubio Herranz
Division of Psychology, Psychotherapy and Coaching
Dra. Gema Rubio Herranz
Founding Partner
Adults and couples
Language: Spanish
  • Bachelor Degree in Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Master in Clinical and Health Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Certificate of Advanced Studies in Experimental Clinical Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid.
  • Doctorate in Psychology (cum laude) from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Gema Rubio Herranz es psicóloga general sanitaria de adultos y parejas. Su actividad profesional y áreas de mayor interés son los Trastornos de Ansiedad (crisis de pánico, fobias, ansiedad generalizada…), Trastorno Obsesivo, Trastornos por Estrés, Trastornos relacionados con el Estado de Ánimo (depresión, trastorno bipolar), Trastornos del sueño, Duelo, el Juego Patológico (ludopatía) y la Terapia de Pareja. Ejerce como psicóloga en la clínica privada desde hace más de 20 años.

Her professional career began as a resident psychologist in the Clinical and Health Psychology unit of the Department of Psychology in the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Since then, she has enjoyed a successful private practice.

Además, es docente del Máster Universitario de Psicología General Sanitaria de la Universidad Europea de Madrid (en la asignatura de “Estrés y afrontamiento”). Siempre ha trabajado para complementar su actividad clínica con la investigación (obtuvo su tesis doctoral cum laude sobre ludopatía), las publicaciones científicas y la docencia, fue profesora en el campus de Madrid de la universidad americana de Saint Louis y ha desarrollado distintos talleres psicoeducativos para pacientes (trastorno de pánico con/sin agorafobia, técnicas de relajación, manejo de estrés y TDAH en el adulto entre otros). Cuenta con una amplia formación, experiencia laboral e investigadora en el campo de la psicoterapia Cognitivo-Conductual.

  • 1999: Master´s Degree in Psychology (Complutense University of Madrid). License number of the Official College of Psychologists: M-17078
  • 2006: PhD. in Psychology (Complutense University of Madrid), with honors.. Tesis Doctoral “Tratamiento psicológico individual versus en grupo de jugadores patológicos de máquinas recreativas con premio”, Sobresaliente Cum Laude. Dirigida por Francisco J. Labrador Encinas.
  • 2001: Bachelor's Degree in Advanced Studies, as part of the program: Experimental Clinical Psychology (Complutense University of Madrid)
  • 2003: Master in Health and Clinical Psychology (Complutense University of Madrid). With 700 hours of theory and work experience in health centres and the Clinic Psychology Unit of the Master.
  • 2007: Professional Course of Biofeedback Techniques (Biofeedback Spanish Center)
  • 2010-2011: Curso de postgrado de Neuropsicología. Programa de Altos Estudios Universitarios. Curso de la Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes. 375 horas lectivas
  • 2013-2014: Curso de Experto en Terapia de parejas. Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid. 100 horas
  • Directora del Máster Universitario en Técnicas Avanzadas en Psicología de la Salud (Universidad Europea de Madrid) (7 meses)
  • Profesora de Psicología de la Salud en el Máster Universitario de Psicología General Sanitaria (Universidad Europea de Madrid) (7 años). Profesora de Formulación Clínica de casos en el mismo master (4 años). Tutora de psicólogos en (supervisión de evaluación, formulación clínica, diseño de tratamientos y aplicación de terapia) y directora de Trabajos Fin de Máster.
  • Psychologist of adults and teenagers. Evaluación, diagnóstico y tratamiento cognitivo-conductual principalmente de trastornos de ansiedad, del estado del ánimo (depresión y trastorno bipolar), autoestima/asertividad, adicciones sin sustancia (ludopatía, compras, trabajo), duelo, insomnio, dolor crónico y problemas de pareja (mejora de la relación, rupturas sentimentales, dependencia emocional y disfunciones sexuales). Utilización de distintos instrumentos de evaluación y diagnóstico. SINEWS MTI Madrid (13 años).
  • Responsable de formación y supervisora de psicólogos junior. Sinews MTI (4 años)
  • Psicóloga de adultos y adolescentes. Evaluación, diagnóstico y tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de los trastornos de ansiedad, del estado del ánimo y juego patológico principalmente. Utilización de instrumentos de evaluación y diagnóstico (entrevistas, autoinformes y cuestionarios) e instrumentos de auto-observación. Ejercicio privado. Madrid. (9 años)
  • Psicóloga de adultos con problemas derivados del estrés. Evaluación, diagnóstico y tratamiento cognitivo-conductual de los trastornos por estrés. Utilización de técnicas de Biofeedback para su evaluación y tratamiento. Novoclinic la Moraleja. Madrid. (2 años)
  • Psicóloga de pacientes con Síndrome de Fatiga Crónica. Evaluación de las disfunciones cognitivas y alteraciones emocionales consecuencia del SFC y tratamiento psicológico cognitivo-conductual. Utilización de la Escala WAIS-III y otros instrumentos de evaluación y diagnóstico (entrevistas, registros y cuestionarios). Novoclinic la Moraleja. Madrid (1 año)
  • Teacher of Psychology (in English). Preparation and teaching of the subject Drugs and Behaviour at Saint Louis University. Madrid Campus. (6 months)
  • Psychologist of university students. Psychological intervention (assessment, diagnosis and treatment) with university students with adaptation disorders, anxiety disorders, substances abuse and mood disorders. Saint Louis University. Madrid Campus. (2 months)
  • Resident psychologist in the Health and Clinical Psychology Unit of Complutense University of Madrid. With tasks of assessment, diagnosis and treatment of the different psychological disorders, elaborating clinical reports and involvement in clinical sessions. (3 months)
  • Psychologist specialized in women. Design and application of a cognitive-behavioural group treatment program for Panic disorder with/without Agorafobia. Madrid. (9 months)
  • Field researcher for a Quality Study of the Post-Graduate Degrees of Complutense University of Madrid(2 years)
  • Psiquiatrist assisstant. With tasks of assessment and application of relaxation programs to the patients in the PsychiatricUnit. Hospital del Aire, Madrid. Practicum. (1 month)
  • Voluntary assistant with psychotic patients. Madrid Society of Families with Schizophrenic Members (AMAFE). (1 year)

LABRADOR, F.J. y RUBIO, G. (2010) La activación como factor determinante del juego patológico. En E. ECHEBURÚA,; E. BECOÑA y F.J. LABRADOR (2010) El juego patológico: Avances en la clínica y en el tratamiento. Madrid: Pirámide. (Isbn: 978- 84- 368- 2412-4; pp.123-164))

LABRADOR, F.J. y RUBIO, G. (2007) La activación como factor determinante del juego patológico. En E. Becoña (Ed.) Actualización en el tratamiento del juego patológico. Madrid: Consejería de Sanidad y Consumo. (pp. 85-124)

LABRADOR, F.J. y RUBIO,G. (2007) La activación como factor determinante del juego patológico y su tratamiento. Comunicación presentada en el V World Congress of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies. Barcelona 11-14 de Julio.

LABRADOR, F.J.; RUBIO, G. y RUIZ, B. (2006) Juego patológico: Eficacia de dos programas de intervención terapéutica individual y grupal. Ponencia presentada al Vº Congreso de la Federación Iberoamericana de Asociaciones de Psicología. Veracruz (México) 16-19 de Mayo de 2006.

LABRADOR, F.J., RUBIO, G., SALGADO, A. Y RUIZ, B. (remitido para publicación). Comparative pre and post-treatment study of pshysiological and subjetive arousal during slot machine gambling in pathological gamblers versus a control group. Journal of Gambling Studies

Labrador, F.J., Crego, A. y Rubio, G. Clinical experimental methodology applied to post-traumatic stress: assessment and treatment of a case. Acción Psicológica, 2 (3), 253-268.

Rubio, G; Fernández-Alba, A.; Labrador, F.J., Salgado, A. y Ruiz, B. (2002). Arousal assessment during gambling with slot machines with a prize: comparative analysis of a sample of pathological gamblers and a normal sample. Análisis y Modificación de Conducta.

“Cognitive distortions in a pathological gamblers' sample versus a normal sample during gambling with slot machines with a prize". Paper presented in the III Latin-American Congress of Psychology. July, 2002.

"Level of arousal during gambling with slot machines with a prize: comparative study in a gamblers' sample versus a normal sample ". Paper presented in the III Latin-American Congress of Psychology. July, 2002.

Fernández-Alba, A., Labrador, F.J., Rubio, G., Ruiz, B., Fernández, O. y García, M. (2000). Speech analysis of pathological glamers gamblers during slot-machine gambling: descriptive study. Psicothema, 12(4), 654-660.

“Irrational verbalizations modification in pathological gamblers of slot machines with a prize". Paper presented in the II Congress of the Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology Spanish Association. Murcia, on March 25-27, 1999.

“Irrational verbalizations in pathological gamblers of slot machines with a prize". Paper presented in the II Congress of the Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology Spanish Association. Murcia, on March 25-27, 1999.

  • Terminal patient and geriatric patient course
  • Child sexuality course (0-6 years old), Educational orientation course to face the failure at school. UCM.
  • Introduction to SPSS course (statistical package). UCM.
  • Basic training course for voluntary work with drug-addicts and Work and Social Issues Ministry.
  • Social Anxiety course: description, assessment and treatment Relaxation techniques course. Rebull Psychology Clinic 2002, 2000, 1998, 1996.


  • 2006. Six months in Cambridge for an English course at the Anglia Polytechnic University and Studio School of English, Cambridge.
  • 2003. One month intensive English course at St George I.S., London.
  • Two years English course in Quick Center, Madrid.


  • 2002. Advanced user of Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access and SPSS (Statistical Analysis).

Gema's Posts

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Alejandro Sancha Moreno

Alejandro Sancha Moreno. Psychologie pour adultes et pour adolescents

Alejandro Sancha Moreno
Département de Psychologie, Psychothérapie et Coaching
Alejandro Sancha Moreno
Enfants, adolescents et adultes
Langues: Français, Espagnol, Anglais
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Alejandro Sancha Moreno
Département de Psychologie, Psychothérapie et Coaching
Alejandro Sancha Moreno
Enfants, adolescents et adultes
Langues: Français, Espagnol, Anglais
  • Licence en Psychologie, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
  • Master en Psychologie Génerale Sanitaire, Universidad Europea de Madrid.
  • Master en Neuropsychologie Clinique, Instituto Superior de Estudios Psicológicos.
  • Formation en psychologie clinique de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, Instituto Superior de estudios Psicológicos.

Alejandro Sancha est un psychologue clinicien avec une vaste expérience en thérapie cognitivo-comportementale et en évaluation intégrale et réhabilitation des individus confrontés à des lésions cérébrales acquises.

Il connaît de première main les défis que les déménagements internationaux posent aux enfants et à leurs familles, ayant vécu dès son plus jeune âge dans différents pays (Colombie, Équateur et Pérou). À cette époque, il a été formé dans des établissements éducatifs tels que le Lycée Français de Lima et le Lycée Français de Madrid, où convergent une grande variété de cultures, en rencontrant des professeurs et des camarades de diverses origines.

Dès le début, Alejandro a eu la clarté de vouloir combiner sa passion pour les sciences avec l’intention de générer un impact positif dans la vie des personnes, des intérêts qui l’ont conduit à choisir la psychologie comme carrière.

Son parcours académique comprend des études de premier cycle en psychologie clinique, complétées par deux ans de programmes d’échange international aux États-Unis (State University of New York) et en France (Université Jules Verne).

Son enthousiasme pour les étapes de l’enfance et de l’adolescence l’a amené à obtenir un master en psychologie clinique de l’enfant et de l’adolescent. Pour Alejandro, ce sont des moments cruciaux où convergent une grande variété de changements et de circonstances offrant une précieuse opportunité de générer un impact positif dans le développement du potentiel de chaque enfant.

Curieusement, l’autre extrémité de la vie est également une zone d’intérêt spécial pour Alejandro. Ses grands-parents font partie essentielle de sa vie, et leur soutien et leur influence ont été et sont cruciaux. Conscient des défis posés par le déclin fonctionnel tant dans le vieillissement que dans les lésions cérébrales, il a obtenu un master en neuropsychologie clinique pour aider ses patients à traverser de la meilleure manière possible ce chemin. Ses stages au centre de rééducation des lésions cérébrales de Polibea Sur lui ont permis de mieux appréhender le défi quotidien auquel font face les personnes touchées et leurs familles.

Pendant ses études de master, il a fait partie du groupe de recherche en psychologie clinique et santé, participant au projet de recherche «Stress parental et handicap. Un programme d’entraînement à la flexibilité psychologique à l’ère de la COVID-19» à l’Université européenne de Madrid.

À travers des cours, des congrès annuels et des formations complémentaires, il maintient un engagement dévoué envers le développement professionnel continu, reconnaissant son rôle fondamental dans la garantie de la plus haute qualité des services de santé.

Avec l’expérience d’avoir vécu en Colombie, en Équateur, au Pérou, aux États-Unis, en France, en Espagne et en Inde, Alejandro a cultivé une profonde appréciation de la diversité culturelle et une compréhension unique des complexités inhérentes aux différents environnements de vie.

Dans sa pratique professionnelle, menée en anglais, français et espagnol, Alejandro adopte une approche scientifique, plaçant le bien-être de ses clients au premier plan.

Son travail se caractérise par aider les personnes à acquérir une compréhension approfondie des processus psychologiques qui sous-tendent leurs expériences, en leur abordant les connaissances et les stratégies nécessaires pour relever efficacement les défis de la vie.

La passion profonde d’Alejandro pour comprendre le comportement humain et les principes scientifiques qui le sous-tendent alimente son engagement à faciliter le parcours de ses clients vers le bien-être psychologique. Son objectif ultime est d’accompagner les personnes avec lesquelles il travaille avec des stratégies pratiques pour le développement personnel et un changement positif durable.

Alejandro écrit:

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Mariló Martínez Zamora

Mariló Martínez Zamora

Mariló Martínez Zamora
Mariló Martínez Zamora
Speech Therapist
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English and Spanish
Clinic Appointment
  • Undergraduate degree in Speech Therapy by the University of Málaga.
  • Master’s Degree in Early childhood care by the Complutense University of Madrid (currently studying.)

Born and raised in Málaga. At the age of 8 she followed her parents who engaged a professional project in the UK,  where she attended a British school in Golborne, Lancashire. This relationship with the UK was maintained over time. Every year during the month of July she and her brother would attend school with their British classmates.

Thanks to this submersion in British culture and language she is fully bilingual. At the age of 12 she was already volunteering to help the teachers with the younger grades. From the age of 15 she would teach Spanish in British secondary schools during the summer.

It has always been clear to her that children learn through play, hence the importance of making the sessions fun and stimulating for them. Mariló has been working with children all her life and her first challenge as a speech therapist was to support a child within the Autistic Spectrum, with whom she has been working for almost two years, helping him with pronunciation and reading and writing difficulties and improving the way he expresses and communicates his thoughts and opinions to others.

Her interest in helping the hearing impaired has led her to learn sign language. She currently has an A2 level and plans to continue studying.

During her internship at Asociación Arrabal A.ID., which offers services to low-income individuals and families, she worked with children with developmental delays, hearing impairment, learning difficulties and reading and writing delays, among others.

For her Final Degree Project, she reviewed the bottle and cup feeding methods for premature babies, studying the evidence on the advantages and disadvantages of each one (swallowing is also a field of speech therapy).

Currently, she is enhancing her training by taking a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Care offered by the Complutense University of Madrid, where she will improve her techniques to help the little ones in the development of language, even before they speak their first words.

Meet Mariló:

  • Universidad de Málaga (2017-2021). Undergraduate in Speech and Language Therapy
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2021-2022). Master in Early Intervention
  • V Voice Pathology workshop. Organised by: Servicio de otorrinolaringología (Quirón Marbella) y Universidad de Málaga. Date: 5th and 6th of April, 2019. Number of hours: 16
  • OSAS Speech Pathology intervention from myofunctional and oral therapy. Organised by: Universidad de Málaga. Date: 17th of February, 2019. Number of hours: 4
  • Speech Pathology Intervention in total and partial laringectomy. Organised by: SCIRE Formación. Date: 20th of December, 2020-15th ofJanuary, 2021. Number of hours: 16
  • Volunteer as Spanish assistant teacher in Twiss Green Primary School, UnitedKingdom (July 2014)
  • Volunteer to the community in Golborne High School, United Kingdom (July 2016)
  • Volunteer as Spanish assistant teacher in Cornwall High School, United Kingdom(July 2017)
  • Private tutor to a minor with ADHD (2018)
  • Private tutor to a minor within the Autism Spectrum (2019-2021)
  • Private tutor to develop speaking skills in English (2019-2021)
  • Internship in Asociación Arrabal A.I.D. (December 2020- March2021)
  • English – C1.
  • French – B1.
  • German – B1.
  • Spanish Sing Language – A2.

Mariló's posts:

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Marta Kosiorek

Marta Kosiorek. Psycholog i psychoterapeuta

Marta Kosiorek
Dział Psychologii, Psychoterapii i Coachingu
Marta Kosiorek
Psycholog i psychoterapeuta
Dzieci, młodzież i dorośli
Języki: Polski, angielski i hiszpański
Umów wizytę onlineUmów wizytę w klinice
Marta Kosiorek
Dział Psychologii, Psychoterapii i Coachingu
Marta Kosiorek
Children, adolescents and adults
Languages: English, Polish and Spanish
  • Magister Psychologii (Uniwersytet Warszawski, 1 rok na wymianie studenckiej na Universidad Complutense de Madrid).
  • Tytuł Psicólogo General Sanitario (UDIMA) uprawniający do wykonywania zawodu psychologa w Hiszpanii.
  • Szkolenie Psychoterapeutyczne w nurcie Psychoterapii Gestalt – Instituto de Psicoterapia Gestalt w Madrycie.
  • Studia podyplomowe z zakresu Zaburzeń ze Spektrum Autyzmu (Universidad Miguel de Cervantes/Fundación Gatea).
  • Studia podyplomowe w zakresie Wczesnej Interwencji (Universidad Pontificia de Comillas).

Marta jest psychologiem i psychoterapeutką. Pracuje z dziećmi, młodzieżą i dorosłymi. Marta pracuje integrując nurt humanistyczny z technikami wywodzącymi się z innych szkół psychoterapii takich jak poznawczo-behawioralna czy systemowa, zawsze dostosowując metody pracy do indywidualnych potrzeb pacjenta.

Urodzona w Warszawie, od dziecka uwielbiała podróżować i z dużym zaangażowaniem i łatwością uczyła się języków obcych. Jedna z tych podróży przywiodła ją do Madrytu z założeniem, że spędzi tutaj jeden rok podczas wymiany studenckiej Erasmus na Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Nie są jej więc obce wyzwania z jakimi spotykają się studenci studiujący za granicą. Dzięki temu niezwykłemu doświadczaniu udało jej się nawiązać przyjaźnie z osobami z różnych stron świata, z którymi utrzymuje bliskie relacje do dziś. W rezultacie Marta zdecydowała się przeprowadzić do Hiszpanii i założyła tu wielokulturową rodzinę. Zna w związku z tym zarówno blaski jak i cienie życia poza granicami swojego kraju. W trakcie doskonalenia zawodowego w dziedzinie psychologii pracowała jako nauczyciel angielskiego w szkole Kids&Us, oraz w dwujęzycznym ośrodku Gymboree, prowadząc zajęcia rozwojowe dla dzieci od 0 do 6 lat i ich rodzin.

Marta rozpoczęła swoją karierę jako psycholog we wczesnej interwencji, uczestnicząc w projekcie badawczym dotyczącym dziećmi urodzonych przedwcześnie i ich rodzin na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim we współpracy z Instytutem Matki i Dziecka w Warszawie. Ukończyła studia podyplomowe z terapii dzieci ze Spektrum Autyzmu oraz pomocy psychologicznej w innych trudnościach takich jak zaburzenia lękowe, depresja, ADHD, zaburzenia zachowania, doświadczenie przemocy czy bullying. Prowadziła warsztaty dla rodziców wspierające ich w codziennych trudach wychowania oparte na założeniach Rodzicielstwa Bliskości i komunikacji bez przemocy.
W pracy terapeutycznej z dziećmi używa technik bazujących na zabawie, gdyż jest to najbardziej naturalny sposób wyrażania przez dzieci ich potrzeb i emocji. Marta zawsze stara się, żeby rodzina czuła się częścią oddziaływania terapeutycznego jako czynnik sprawczy zmiany i wspólnie z rodzicami omawia i proponuje sposoby, które mogą ich wspierać w codziennych zmaganiach.

Marta może pomóc rodzicom odnaleźć odpowiedzi na następujące pytania: ¿Jak wspierać dzieci w osiąganiu kolejnych rozwojowych kamieni milowych? ¿Co robić, gdy dziecko doświadcza frustracji i napadu złości? ¿Jak wspomóc dziecko w nawiązywaniu kontaktów z rówieśnikami? ¿Jak rozmawiać z nastolatkiem? I na wiele innych kwestii, które niepokoją rodziców.

W trakcie swojej 10-letniej praktyki, kontynuując pracę z dziećmi i młodzieżą, Marta dalej szkoliła się, zbierając narzędzia oferowane przez różne szkoły psychoterapii i poszerzając swoją praktykę o pracę z dorosłymi. Jako psychoterapeuta dorosłych, Marta może pomóc osobom z objawami depresji czy zaburzeniami lękowymi, osobom, które mają trudności w nawiązywaniu satysfakcjonujących relacji czy w adaptacji do nowych okoliczności, osobom, które przechodzą przez sytuację stresu i żałoby lub są po doświadczeniu traumy lub przemocy.

Dzięki 4-letniemu szkoleniu w nurcie terapii Gestalt, Marta wprowadziła do swojej pracy nowe techniki, które w sposób holistyczny traktują ludzkie doświadczanie z perspektywy tu i teraz. Jej priorytetem jest stworzenie w gabinecie atmosfery zaufania i akceptacji, w której pacjent poczuje się wysłuchany i zrozumiany, bez oceniania. W takich warunkach stwarzamy możliwość pacjentowi do zadbania o siebie i znalezienia odpowiedzi na kwestie, które uniemożliwiają mu osiągniecie poczucia satysfakcji i szczęścia. Praca terapeutyczna to towarzyszenie drugiej osobie na drodze do poszerzenia świadomości o jej mechanizmach zachowania, tak żeby z pomocą terapeuty mogła zmienić te, które przestały jej służyć.

  • Styczeń 2021. Studia uniwersyteckie II stopnia w zakresie Psychologii Klinicznej i Zdrowia – tytuł Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria, UDIMA
  • 2017-2021. 4-letnie szkolenie psychoterapeutyczne w nurcie Psychoterapii Gestalt, Instituto de Psicoterapia Gestalt w Madrycie
  • 2016. Studia podyplomowe z zakresu Zaburzeń ze Spectrum Autyzmu, Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes/Fundación Gatea
  • 2012. Specjalista w zakresie Wczesnej Interwencji, Universidad Pontificia Comillas/Fundación ICSE
  • 2010. Magister Psychologii, Uniwersytet Warszawski. Titulo homologado en España. Colegiada nº24623
  • 2008-2009. Stypendium w ramach programu europejskiej wymiany studenckiej Erasmus na Wydziale Psychologii Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • 2008. Licencjat z Animacji Społeczno-Kulturalnej, Wydział Pedagogiczny Uniwersytet Warszawski
  • Od 2021. Psycholog i psychoterapeuta w SINEWS. Psychoterapia dzieci, młodzieży i dorosłych. Warsztaty dla rodziców
  • 2015-2021. Psycholog ADR Infancia– prywatna klinika w Arganda del Rey. Psychoterapia dzieci, młodzieży i rodzin. Grupy umiejętności społecznych . Zajęcia z psychomotoryki
  • 2020-2021. Psycholog stażysta, CENIT Psicología. Psychoterapia dorosłych (online). Warsztaty dla rodziców
  • 2015-2016. Psycholog, Crece Bien. Warsztaty dla rodziców z dziećmi. Konsultacje rodzicielskie
  • 2011-2014. Edukator, Gymboree. Wczesna stymulacja. Zajęcia rozwojowe dwujęzyczne dla rodziców z dziećmi
  • 2011. Psycholog w Domu Opieki Seniora Peñagrande Torrelodones. Wsparcie psychologiczne. Rehabilitacja i stymulacja poznawcza. Zajęcia integracyjne
  • 2010 – Stowarzyszenie dla Rodzin SDR – praca z dziećmi z ADHD i z trudnościami emocjonalnymi.
  • 2009/2010 – Centrum Pomocy Psychologicznej UW – diagnoza i koterapia w terapii grupowej, bezpłatna pomoc dla studentów UW.
  • 2009/2010 – Ośrodek Terapeutyczny dla Dzieci przy Wydziale Psychologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego – koterapia w grupach dla dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu, ADHD i zaburzeniami rozwoju.
  • 2008/2009 - Clínica Universitaria Asociada a la Universidad Complutense de Madrid – diagnoza i terapia z dziećmi i dorosłymi.
  • 2008 – Mazowieckie Centrum Neuropsychiatrii w Zagórzu, Oddział Dzienny. Centro de Neuropsiquiatría y Rehabilitación de Niños y Adolescentes Mazowieckie (en Zagórze). Sección de Psiquiatría Diaria.
  • 2008 – projekt rozwoju Inteligencji Emocjonalnej aktywizujący Seniorów, Dom Dziennego Pobytu.
  • 2006/2007 – Stowarzyszenie dla Rodziców i Przyjaciół Osób z Zespołem Downa Tęcza.
  • 2005 – Dom Opieki dla Osób cierpiących na schizofrenię Leśny.
  • 2013. Rozdział w książce Dziecko urodzone przedwcześnie i jego rodzice, Wybrane zagadnienia psychologiczne pod redakcją dr hab., Grażyny Kmity, Wydawnictwo Paradygmat.
  • Maj 2011. Prezentacja na IV Polskiej konferencji Psychologii Klinicznej Dziecka: “Zaciekawienie Osobą Obcą a poszukiwanie bliskości z rodzicem u dzieci urodzonych przedwcześnie"
  • I Congreso Internacional de Psicología de la Salud y Clínica para niños y adolescentes, Madrid 2015.
  • Konferencja „Dziecko i terapia”, Instytut Psychoterapii i Psychoanalizy.
  • Kurs Kinezjologii Edukacyjnej – BRAIN GYM (32h).
  • Kurs “Metoda Ruchu Rozwojowego Weroniki Sherborne“(18h).

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