Privacy Policy
1. PROCESSOR | Who is responsible for processing your data?
- Identity: SINEWS, S.L.
- CIF [Tax Identification Number]: B85431153
- Phone number: 917001979
2. PURPOSE | What is the purpose of processing your personal data?
At SINEWS, S.L. we shall process your information to:
- Manage the business relationship you have subscribed to and contracted with us.
- Send commercial communications.
- Make a quotation in line with your needs.
- Manage email communications with interested parties.
- Carry out company recruitment processes.
- Assistance or health care provision.
For how long do we keep your data?
We keep the personal data you provide us with for as long as the business relationship is held. Likewise, although the relationship between the parties comes to an end, SINEWS, S.L. will keep your information to send newsletters related to our products and services. You will always be able to exercise your rights under the current legislation by contacting us using the method you consider most convenient.
However, we inform you that we will periodically revise our systems to delete the data that is not legally necessary.
3. LEGAL BASE | What is the legal base to process your data?
According to the purposes of our data collection, the processing of your data is necessary to:
- Manage the business relationship you have subscribed to.
a. Execution of a contract (provided by article 6.1.b GDPR)
b. Interested party’s consent (provided by article 6.1.a GDPR) - Send commercial communications.
a. Interested party’s consent (provided by article 6.1.a GDPR)
b. Interested party’s consent (provided by article 20 LSSICE)
c. Legitimate interest (provided by article 6.1.f GDPR) - Make a quotation in line with your needs.
a. Interested party’s consent (provided by article 6.1.a GDPR) - Manage email communications with interested parties.
a. Interested party’s consent (provided by article 6.1.a GDPR) - Carry out company recruitment processes.
a. Interested party’s consent (provided by article 6.1.a GDPR)
b. Legitimate interest (provided by article 6.1.f GDPR) - Assistance or health care provision.
a. Interested party’s consent (provided by article 6.1.a GDPR)
Likewise, all the data collected is necessary in order to provide the service. Notwithstanding, the data marked with an asterisk (*) is optional. In the case that mandatory data is not provided, SINEWS, S.L. will not be able to provide the contracted service.
4. INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS' RIGHTS | What rights do I have in the field of data protection?
You can exercise any of the following rights by contacting us via the mailing address CALLE SAGASTA 16, BAJO DCHA – MADRID or via the email address in the header (ADMINISTRACION@SINEWS.ES). In any case, pursuant to current regulation, the following rights are acknowledged:
- Right to request access to the personal data related to the concerned party.
- Right to request its rectification or deletion.
- Right to request the limitation of the data processing.
- Right to object to the processing.
- Right to portability.
What are your rights when you provide us with your data?
Everyone is entitled to obtain confirmation regarding whether SINEWS, S.L. is processing personal data that he/she is concerned with, or not.
Interested individuals shall be entitled to access their personal data, correct them or, where appropriate, request deletion thereof when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected.
You can also tell us the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case, they will only be processed for processing or defending claims.
Likewise, you can withdraw your consent related to the data used.
Additionally, you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD). See more information in Section 7 of this document.
5. RECIPIENTS | Who will receive your data?
Your data will not be disclosed to third companies.
Likewise, we inform you that your data will not be transferred internationally to a third country*.
* (In the event the company provides adequate or appropriate guarantees, you will be informed in to obtain a copy of these. Said guarantees may be BCR, standard clauses, certification mechanisms, codes of conduct, etc.)
At SINEWS, S.L. we make every effort to comply with the data protection regulation, given that it is the most valuable asset for us. Notwithstanding, we inform you that, in case you feel that your rights have been undermined, you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), located on C/ Jorge Juan, 6. 28001 – Madrid. See more information on AEPD at
Psychologe auf Deutsch
Wann ist es empfehlenswert eine Psychotherapie anzufangen?
Gibt es etwas in meinem Leben unter dem ich leide? Bereitet mir etwas große seelische Schmerzen und lässt mich kein normales Leben führen? Muss oder möchte ich gewisse Aspekte meines Lebens ändern? Oder geht es mir einfach schlecht und ich weiss nicht warum?
Es gibt verschiedene Situation in denen es sinnvoll sein kann, professionelle Hilfe zu suchen:
- Wenn wir über längere Zeit psychisch oder körperlich leiden und unsere Versuche die Situation in den Griff zu bekommen keine Erfolge zeigen.
- Wenn wir nicht weiter wissen im Angesicht von großen Entscheidungen und vitalen Veränderungen.
- Wenn unser tägliches Leben aufgrund unserer psychischen oder körperlichen Probleme in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wird und wir unseren Verpflichtungen nur schwer oder kaum nachkommen können.
- Wenn wir immer wieder bestimmte Verhaltensmuster wiederholen die schädlich für uns sind, wir jedoch nicht in der Lage sind diese auf eigene Faust unter Kontrolle zu bekommen.
Die häufigsten Gründe, die unsere Klienten dazu veranlasst zu Sinews zu kommen sind die folgenden:
- Stress, und die von ihm ausgelösten Probleme, sowie verschiedene Angstzustände sind wahrscheinlich der häufigste Therpiegrund:
- Panik- und Angstattacken, sowie verschiedene Phobien
- Zwangsstörungen (Zwangsimpulse und Zwangshandlungen)
- Generalisierte Angststörung (übermässige Besorgnis, Befürchtungen und ständige Anspannung)
- Auch affektive Störungen sind ein häufiger Auslöser für die Suche nach therapeutischer Hilfe. Dazu gehören Depressionen, Dysthymie (lang anhaltende Melancholie) und Bipolare Störungen (manisch-depresive Erkrankung) bis hin zu Anpassungsstörungen, die von einschneidenden Ereignissen und vitalen Veränderungen ausgelöst werden können (Auswanderung, Trauerfälle, Scheidung, neuer Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitslosigkeit...)
- Ebenso kann es sein, dass es körperliche Anzeichen oder eine Störung unserer grundlegenden biologischen Bedürfnisse wie Schlaf, Ernährung und Sexualität sind, die uns beunruhigen, wie zum Beispiel Schlaflosigkeit, der Verlust des sexuellen Interesses, zwanghaftes Essen oder Apetitlosigkeit.
- Auch Suchtverhalten werden bei uns behandelt, vor allem die sogenannte „nichtstofflichen Süchte“ wie zum Beispiel die Spiel-, Kauf-, oder Sexsucht oder ein übermässiger Konsum neuer Technologien.
Wie genau hilft mir eine Psychotherapie?
Die Wirksamkeit der Psychotherapie basiert auf verschiedensten Wirkungsmechanismen. Die emotionelle Erleichterung, ist nur eine davon. Jemandem von unseren Sorgen erzählen zu können, einer Person, die nicht direkt mit unseren Problemen in Verbindung steht, hilft uns die Situation zu analysieren, zu ordnen und uns neu zu orientieren.
Der Psychoterapeut ist nicht dazu da, festzulegen was wir tun und lassen sollen. Vielmehr unterstützt er uns dabei unseren eigenen Weg zu finden. Zunächst geht es darum zu verstehen, welche Faktoren unser Leiden auslösen und eine formale Erklärung dafür zu finden was mit uns los ist. Ebenso wird analysiert wie unsere Interpretation der Situation, unsere Emotionen und Verhaltensweisen dazu beitragen unser Leiden aufrechtzuerhalten.
Basierend auf diesen Erkenntnissen wird ein Therapieplan entworfen, in dem Schritt für Schritt daran gearbeitet wird, die Elemente zu verändern, die uns negativ beeinflussen und sie durch neue, wirksamere Bewältigungsstrategien zu ersetzen die gemeinsam mithilfe des Psychologen erlernt werden.
Für alles gibt es eine Methode.
Gracias - Datos Personales
Thank you - Personal Data
Dear client,
Thank you for sharing with Sinews the required data for your online therapy.
If you have any questions, contact us on 91 700 1979 or send us an email to
SINEWS Multilingual Therapy Institute

Gracias - Servicio de Logopedia prestado en Colegios
Thank you - Speech and Language Therapy in School Service
Dear client,
Thank you for getting in touch with Sinews.
We note your agreement to Sinews’s Speech and Language Therapy in School Service.
SINEWS Multilingual Therapy Institute

Condiciones del Servicio de Logopedia prestado en Colegios
Conditions of Sinew’s Speech and Language Therapy in School Service
This document includes the conditions of Sinew’s Speech and Language Therapy in School Service.
Please read it carefully and complete the information requested at the end.
If you have any queries, please contact Alba Ferrero Vega on the email address:
Before the speech and language therapy service begins, the family will receive an email which will include the start date for the service and the monthly cost.
Furthermore, before the service begins, this contract must be signed and sent as proof of agreement with the following clauses:
The entity SINEWS MTI, S.L.P. will provide all of the necessary staff and material in order to carry out the speech and language therapy service.
The individual service will be provided at the minor’s school.
The place specified for the provision of the service may vary only in cases of illness, change of residence, etc.
SINEWS MTI, S.L.P. ensures that the professionals are legally and professionally qualified to provide the speech and language therapy services.
The start date of the service will be determined in agreement with the family and the service will be carried out until the end of the school year, or until the therapist considers that the therapy goals have been achieved.
The service will be provided according to the official school calendar of the Comunidad de Madrid. Therefore, the service will not be carried out during school holidays or vacations.
The time and date on which the service is provided will not be able to be modified unless both parties agree.
The cost of the service will depend on the number of hours requested and based on these a monthly fee will be established. The service will be charged at a stable rate throughout the corresponding academic year, according to the hours calculated over a month of four weeks (regardless whether the month has more than five weeks and that the annual average number of weeks in a month is 4.52).
This rounding down method allows the family to better organize their economy, and allows SINEWS not to recover cancelled sessions if the minor has any unforeseen illnesses or due to unexpected family plans.
If the family requests additional hours, they will be charged as extra hours at the same price/hour.
The working sessions that are cancelled due to the professional in charge of the service will be recovered, whenever possible at the times and dates convenient to both parties. If this were not possible, the cancelled sessions would be discounted from the next month’s invoice.
The total amount of the service will be paid in advance in the first five days of the month by bank transfer as «Academic Support …» followed by the student’s name and the «current month». The invoice will be sent by email to the address previously provided by the child’s family.
The months of December and April (due to Christmas and Easter) the family will pay half the hired fee. Furthermore, if the service starts past the 14th of the month, the family will only be charged half the monthly fee, there being only two options: to pay the full month if the service started before, or pay half a month if the service started after that date.
The first month will be considered a trial period. After the first month, the family will receive a satisfaction survey where they will be able to express their opinion regarding the service offered.
The family will receive a monthly report discussing the established goals and the minor’s progress.
If any doubts regarding the therapy arise, the family should contact the therapist carrying out the service by email or phone, on 917001979. We recommend a quarterly follow-up meeting with the therapist in charge, depending on their availability, at the school or Sinews’ offices, which would need to be scheduled directly with the therapist or through Sinews’ reception in each case.
The family responsible of the child may withdraw from the service at any time deemed and shall inform in writing with a period of 30 days in advance. In case of not fulfilling the notice period, SINEWS MTI, SLP, can charge the full month.
SINEWS MTI, S.L.P, may withdraw the service provided to the child if the service is valued not to be effective, due to not meeting the necessary conditions or if not deemed appropriate for the child’s needs. If this occurs, we will assess the situation together with the family committing SINEWS to announce the suspension of the service with a minimum of 15 days in advance.
Moreover, SINEWS may suspend the service in case of delayed payment that exceeds four weeks the scheduled payment date (if one month after the start of the service Sinews has not yet received payment for the previous month).
In compliance with the Protection of Personal Data Law, we inform that personal data that may appear in this document will be included in a file created by SINEWS MTI, S.L.P, in order to manage the professional relationship allowing the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to
Both the signing of this document, and the start of the sessions after receiving email communications regarding the service, are considered binding and proof of conformity with the conditions established at the start of the service.
Having read the document and in compliance, it is signed by:
Gracias - Apoyo académico
Thank you - Academic Support Service
Dear client,
Thank you for getting in touch with Sinews.
We note your agreement to Sinews’s Academic Support Service conditions.
SINEWS Multilingual Therapy Institute

Información y Condiciones Apoyo Académico
Information and Conditions Academic Support Service
This document includes the conditions of Sinew’s Academic Support Service.
Please read it carefully and complete the information requested at the end.
If you have any queries, please contact Alba Ferrero Vega on the email address:
Before the academic support service begins, the family will receive a contract which will include the start date for the service, the cost and the following clauses:
The entity SINEWS MTI, S.L.P. will provide all of the necessary staff and material in order to carry out the academic support.
The individual service will be provided at the minor’s home or school. The place specified for the provision of the service may vary only in cases of illness, change of residence, etc.
SINEWS MTI, S.L.P. ensures that all the professionals are legally and professionally qualified to provide the academic support service.
The start date of the service will be determined in agreement with the family and the service will be carried out until the end of the school year.
The service will be provided according to the official school calendar of the Comunidad de Madrid. Therefore, the service will not be carried out during holidays or vacations.
The time and date on which the service is provided will not be able to be modified unless both parties agree.
The cost of the service will depend on the number of hours requested, based on the fees published on the website:
The service will be charged at a stable rate throughout the corresponding academic year, according to the hours calculated over a month of four weeks (regardless whether the month has more than five weeks and that the annual average number of weeks in a month is 4.52).
This rounding down method allows the family to better organize their economy, and allows SINEWS not to recover cancelled sessions if the minor has any unforeseen illnesses or due to unexpected family plans.
If the family requests additional hours, they will be charged as extra hours at the same price/hour.
The working sessions that are cancelled due to the professional in charge of the service will be recovered, whenever possible at the times and dates convenient to both parties. If this were not possible, the cancelled sessions would be discounted from the next month’s invoice.
The total amount of the service will be paid in advance in the first five days of the month by bank transfer as «Academic Support …» followed by the student’s name and the «current month». The invoice will be sent by email to the address previously provided by the child’s family.
The months of December and April (due to Christmas and Easter) the family will pay half the hired fee. Furthermore, if the service starts past the 14th of the month, the family will only be charged half the monthly fee, there being only two options: to pay the full month if the service started before, or pay half a month if the service started after that date.
The first month will be considered a trial period. After the first month, the family will receive a satisfaction survey where they will be able to express their opinion of the service offered.
The family will also receive a monthly report discussing the established goals and the minor’s progress.
The family responsible of the child may withdraw from the service at any time deemed and shall inform in writing with a period of 30 days in advance. In case of not fulfilling the notice period, SINEWS MTI, SLP, can charge the full month.
SINEWS MTI, S.L.P, may withdraw the service provided to the child if the service is valued not to be effective, due to not meeting the necessary conditions or if not deemed appropriate for the child’s needs. If this occurs, we will assess the situation together with the family committing SINEWS to announce the suspension of the service with a minimum of 15 days in advance.
Moreover, SINEWS may suspend the service in case of delayed payment that exceeds four weeks the scheduled payment date (if one month after the start of the service Sinews has not yet received payment for the previous month).
In compliance with the Protection of Personal Data Law, we inform that personal data that may appear in this document will be included in a file created by SINEWS MTI, S.L.P, in order to manage the professional relationship allowing the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by writing to
Having read the document and in conformity, it is signed by:
Prioritizing the mental health and well-being of employees is investing in their performance and commitment.
Would you like to offer your employees the psychological support they need to achieve their goals?
Would you like to implement a plan to improve your job satisfaction indicators?
The relationship between psychological well-being and productivity, the work-environment and talent retention has been proved in several studies. Therefore, from SINEWS InCompany:
- We listen to the needs of your company to create an individualized program
- We help you to evaluate and improve the competencies of your employees and managers
- We develop interventions to improve the emotional well-being the employees and managers of your company
- We facilitate the promotion of activities to transform companies into responsible organizations within their employees
SINEWS InCompany offers different services focused on promoting psychological well-being in the organization and boosting the potential of your employees and managers as professionals:
Who is this service for?
Recommended for companies that want to invest in the emotional health of their employees and / or in their personal and professional development.
How we work?
Our professionals focus their work on the person and the difficulties they face.
This service has grown exponentially in recent months due to events related to COVID-19.
We have observed not only an improvement in the mental health of employees of different companies but also their recognition of companies for making a service like this available to them and their close relatives.
What are the problems commonly treated?
- Mood problems
- Stress management
- Difficulties related to telecommuting and motivation
- Family problems
- Relationships
- Attention difficulties
- Cultural adaptation
- Maintenance of healthy behaviors
- Skills development
What type of sessions does this service include?
We make psychotherapy, psychiatry and coaching sessions available to companies and their employees in various languages.
How can this service be formalized?
This service can be developed in two ways:
- 1. As a fixed monthly contract of a number of weekly hours available in our face-to-face or online schedule for company employees. In this modality, the applicable discounts per session are approximately 40 percent.
- 2. Through individual sessions for company employees. In this mode, the discounts applicable per session are between 15-20 percent.
We also offer a wide variety of workshops and psycho-educational sessions for your employees and managers:
- Wellbeing at the workplace
- Burnout and work stress
- Positive psychology
- Emotional management
- Healthy habits creation
- Mindfulness
- MBSR: University of Massachusetts 8-week Mindfulness Program taught by certified professionals.
- MB-EAT: Mindfulness program validated for the promotion of conscious eating and healthy lifestyle habits.
- Positive teamwork and development of new ideas.
Companies need to adapt to the new demands of the new generations and circumstances: being able to develop yourself professionally and personally in the company they belong to. That is why we offer coaching services to help employees to develop their competencies and acquire new ones for leadership, communication and teamwork.
We offer individual sessions of executive coaching and team sessions as well.
Moving an executive to another country is a challenge for all organizations, the investment in effort and money is not negligible, neither is the amount of stress that the future employee and his or her family will face. How can we prevent the impact of the new situation and its stress?
- We help your company in the selection process of the candidates that request international mobility
- We develop prevention programs (Talks & Workshops) to facilitate the adaptation to work abroad
- We make a follow-up process of the abroad employees as a way to ensure their psychological adaptation to their destination
- We are experts on the treatment of psychological problems in international population (expats).
Companies have the challenge of having professional excellence in their workforce and that is why they look for the best profiles for each project and position. This challenge is even more relevant when it comes to evaluating candidates for managing positions.
We introduce an innovative element in the selection process to ensure the success of the candidate: psychological testing. The psychological evaluations run by a clinical psychologist will facilitate the rejection of conflictive personalities and will identify those profiles with a higher likelihood of success in the adaptation to the company or the new position.
Also, we can design your company’s induction plans to facilitate the process of getting into the new company.
Improve your level of self-confidence to express and make business on a different language with a treatment guided by a native speech therapist.
We offer both individual and group sessions, in your own offices, in our clinic or through our online platform.
If your company is interested in our services, send us an email to (Do not forget to give us a phone number if you want us to reach us quicker).
Sagasta 16
Sagasta 16
GPS Coordinates: 40.42822, -3.69909
On the METRO
Nearest stops:
- Alonso Martínez: lines 4, 5 y 10 (3 minute walk)
- Bilbao - Francisco de Rojas exit: lines 1 y 4 (3 minute walk)
By BUS (less than a 5 minute walk)
- Nº 7: bus stops on Sagasta
- Nº 3: bus stops on Sagasta
By CAR, nearby parking garages (in order of proximity)
- Barceló street, 15
- Fuencarral street, 123
- Plaza Olavide, Trafalgar street, no number

Terapia en la Universidad
University Counseling
Going off to college marked a before and after in the life of many of us.
Not only was it the beginning of our vocation but a step forward in the process of becoming an independent adult. However, nobody says that it is easy. It’s exciting, stressful, turbulent and thrilling.
Most of the university population is under pressure to achieve the expected results, they must adapt to a new social environment in which to find their place, it is their first time away from home and they must cope alone …
If we add the stress of adjusting to another country, another language and another culture we will understand why more and more public and private universities offer counseling services to college students.
Advantages of College Counseling:
- It provides psychological support to students going through a difficult time and prevents negative consequences such as: early school dropout, academic failure, or simply a decrease in academic performance and emotional complications.
- It provides reassurance to families and especially to those of students leaving home for the first time or who are studying a course or a semester in another country thousands of miles away from home.
- It adds prestige to the center, making exchange programs possible with other universities that have the service, and only work with other institutions that will provide this service to their students.
- It offers the opportunity to assist students with academic difficulties by improving their study techniques and stress management during exam periods and it becomes a communication tool between students and teachers.
SINEWS offers University Counseling services led by a team of multilingual professionals capable of helping students, in international programs, in several languages (including English and Spanish).