Nuestro compromiso LGTBIQ+

Nuestro compromiso LGTBIQ+

Our LGTBIQ+ commitment

Diversity and inclusion are fundamental values at Sinews MTI. We have a strong commitment of being a safe space for our team and our clients, regardless their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

We appreciate and promote diversity, which enriches us and makes us grow. Since our start as a multilingual space, we have enthusiastically embraced the challenge of serving different cultural, religious, and linguistic realities… and, at the same time, we have understood that for many people it is important to work with professionals who share the same minority stress (whether it’s racial, religious, gender-related…).

We are aware of how LGTBphobia can affect LGTBIQ+ communities, their well-being, and their mental health. We also know that many people avoid seeking therapy due to fears related to discussing their sexual orientation or gender identity with a therapeutic team. Therefore, we understand that it is our responsibility to explicitly communicate our commitment, which we take with absolute seriousness.

At Sinews MTI, we implement various measures to ensure that these values are more than just words:

Continuous training

  • Ongoing and updated training in equality, diversity, and inclusion for both the HR department and the rest of the team.

Recruiting policies

  • Inclusion in Job Offers: Our job offers are explicitly open to individuals of different age groups, genders, sexual orientations, races, religions, and functional abilities.
  • Representation of Minoritized Groups: When candidates have equal qualifications, we give preference to individuals from underrepresented groups.
  • Cultural Fit: We reject candidates who demonstrate ethical conflicts with our values, including the support of minorities, either during interviews or through the expression of xenophobic, homophobic, sexist opinions on social media.

Client communication

  • Whistleblowing Channel: We have established an anonymous communication channel for anyone to report inappropriate or hurtful behavior.
  • Inclusion of Non-Binary Identities: We include non-binary gender identity options in our client communication.
  • Transparency Regarding Team Training: We provide information on our website about the specific training or special interest of our team in addressing the challenges faced by various minoritized identities.

Nuestro compromiso LGTBIQ+

Sexology and Sexual Therapy

Sexology and Sexual Therapy


Sexual therapy

SINEWS offers sexual therapy in Madrid focusing on improving your sexual health and well-being, to prevent risky behaviours and problems related to sexuality and to provide you with all the correct information you need.

Online AppointmentClinic Appointment

Important terms and definitions by the World Health Organization.


A central aspect of being human throughout life encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy, and reproduction. Sexuality is experiences and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles, and relationships. While sexuality can include all of these dimensions, not all of them are always experiences or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, legal, historical, religious, and spiritual factors.

Sexual health

a state of physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being in relation to sexuality; it is not merely the absence of disease, dysfunction, or infirmity. Sexual health requires a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships, as well as the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences, free of coercion, discrimination, and violence. The sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protect4ed and fulfilled for sexual health to be attained and maintained.


Biological characteristics that define humans as female or male. The two are not mutually exclusive, as there are individuals who possess both.

What is sexology and sexual therapy?

Sexology is the scientific study of human sexuality, including sexual behavior, sexual attraction, and sexual identity. Moreover, it studies how the sexuality affects other areas, such as physical health and society.

It is a multidisciplinary field, based on the sciences of psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, and medicine. It also considers cultural history, religion, and ethics.

Sexual therapy is carried out by a clinical sexologist or sexual therapist, and focuses on improving sexual health and well-being, preventing sexual risk behaviours and problems related to sexuality, and providing correct information about sexuality. It is specialized in the study and treatment of people´s sexual problems.

Sexual therapy can be beneficial for people of all ages, genders, and sexual orientations. It is a collaborative process that involves open and honest communication between the therapist and the individual or couple. The therapist will work with the individual or couple to identify and address any underlying psychological or emotional issues that may be contributing to their sexual problems.

In addition to addressing specific sexual problems, sexual therapy can also help individuals and couples develop a more positive and fulfilling sexual relationship. This can include improving communication and intimacy, enhancing sexual pleasure and enjoyment, and addressing any conflicts or difficulties in the relationship.

What is the importance of studying and treating sexual health?

Having difficulties or problems related to one´s sexuality affects the physical, psychological, and social health. It can lead to psychological problems such as anxiety, low mood/depression, eating disorders, addiction of legal or illegal substances, etc.

What is a sexual therapist and sexologist?

A sexologist is an expert with knowledge about sexuality. A clinical sexologist or a sexual therapist is moreover trained in therapeutic skills and in how to apply the knowledge to treat problems related to sexuality. They have knowledge about sexuality in all ages and sexes, about anatomy, pleasure, sexual dysfunctions and problems, sexual traumas, guidance within sexuality, sexual history, and a lot more.

Sexologist is not a protected title, so anyone working with problems related to sexuality can call themselves a sexologist. It is therefore important to get informed about their background and education. It is perfectly ok to ask the sexologist directly about their education.

Having a health-related bachelor´s degree in Spain, will allow you to do a master´s degree in sexology and sexual therapy. As there is no specific bachelor´s degree, different sexologist has different areas in which they are specialists (nurse, teacher, psychologists, etc.), and their competence and specialisation differ.

In a master´s program, the sexology students learn about sexual development, sexual diversity, sexual boundary crossings and societal perspectives on sexuality amongst other things. They learn about sexuality from a multidisciplinary perspective: psychological, social, and biological.

Clinical sexologists work with a variety of problems related to sexuality. It can range between sexual disfunctions and minor difficulties in sexual relationships, to the treatment of more extensive problems such as lack of sexual desire or paedophilia. They also work with treatment of sexual abusers and victims of sexual abuse.

Who can receive sexual therapy, and what are the most common motives to seek therapy?

Anyone can seek help from a sexual therapist, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, and relationship status. The most common issues brought up in sexual therapy include:

  • Low libido or lack of sexual desire
  • Difficulty becoming or staying aroused
  • Erectile dysfunction or difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection
  • Premature ejaculation or difficulty delaying ejaculation
  • Difficulty achieving orgasm
  • Pain during sex
  • Sexual anxiety or performance anxiety
  • Difficulties with communication and intimacy in relationships
  • Concerns about sexual orientation or gender identity
  • Unresolved past sexual trauma or abuse
  • Concerns about sexual fantasies
  • Fear of committing to one or several persons
  • Faulty expectations for sexual activity (often caused by pornography)
  • Desire to explore new sexual activities in a safe manner (BDSM)

These are just a few examples of the issues that can be addressed in sex therapy. Ultimately, any issue that affects your sexuality, sexual experiences or relationships can be addressed in sex therapy.

What can you expect in sexual therapy?

During sex therapy, you can expect to talk openly and honestly about your sexual experiences, concerns, and goals without prejudice. Your therapist will listen to your concerns and help you identify any issues that may be affecting your sex life. A clinical sexologist should be able to understand, guide, and help people who struggle with problems related to sexuality.

In a first session, you can expect the therapist to ask about the motive for seeking therapy, give a brief explanation about how the therapy will work and start assessing/evaluating the problem. The information provided by the client is confidential, and the therapist is not allowed to disclose any of the information unless a life is in potential danger. The first questions are often aimed at discarding possible biological or physiological issues related to the problem through a series of questions, and sometimes a medical appointment. Further, the therapist commonly ask about your history regarding health, medication, difficulties, and how you experience the situation. Sometimes it might feel like the questions are irrelevant to the problem, but to assess that, the therapist will need the information first and will therefore ask questions in several contexts of your life. You should never be pressured into sharing information you do not wish to share, but the more information you do provide, the more the therapist will be able to help.

After several session of evaluating and assessing the particular case (the number of sessions depends on the specific problem), a session will be dedicated to give back the information in an organized and professional manner. To give the “diagnosis”. Together with the client, they will establish specific objectives for the therapy, and the sexologist will create an individualized intervention plan. You will then receive the information, advice and guidance adapted to your needs. You will often receive tasks to complete at home and outside of the consultations both during the evaluation and the intervention phase.

Sexual therapy sessions can be conducted individually or with your partner, depending on your specific needs and goals. The number and frequency of sessions will vary depending on your individual situation and progress.

In sexual therapy, you can expect to:
– Discuss your sexual history, experiences, and goals
– Explore the emotional, psychological, and relationship factors that may be affecting your sex life
– Develop strategies and techniques to improve your sexual experiences and relationships
– Address any concerns or misunderstandings you may have about your sexuality
– Improve communication with your partner(s) about sexual issues

If the sexologist cannot help you, they will derive you to another health professional or sexologist who is more specialized on that specific problem.

What are common techniques and interventions used in sexual therapy?

There are many techniques that are commonly used in sexual therapy to help people improve their sexual experiences and relationships. These techniques can vary depending on the individual’s specific needs and goals, as well as the therapist’s approach and training.

Some common techniques used in sex therapy include:

  • Education about sexual anatomy, physiology, and function
  • Communication and intimacy-building exercises
  • Relationship skills training
  • Sensate focus, a technique that involves touching and being touched in a non-sexual way to increase intimacy and pleasure, without the goal of sexual arousal or orgasm
  • Relaxation and stress-reduction techniques to help alleviate anxiety or performance pressure
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to address negative thought patterns and behaviors that may be impacting sexual function
  • Exercises to improve sexual function and performance, such as Kegel exercises for women and penis pump use for men
  • Exploration of personal values, beliefs, and attitudes about sex and sexuality
  • Referrals to medical professionals for the evaluation and treatment of physical sexual dysfunctions

These are just a few examples of the techniques that may be used in sex therapy. Your therapist will work with you to develop an individualized plan that addresses your specific needs and goals.

What are common misconceptions about sexology and sexual therapy?

  1. Only people with sexual problems seek out sex therapy.
    This is not true. Sex therapy can be helpful for anyone who wants to improve their sexual experiences or relationships, or who has concerns or questions about their sexuality.
  2. Sex therapy is only for people who are unhappy with their sex lives.
    While sex therapy can help people who are having problems with their sex lives, it can also be beneficial for people who are already satisfied with their sex lives but want to enhance them even further. 
  3. Sex therapists are only qualified to help with physical problems.
    In fact, sex therapists are trained to help with a wide range of issues related to sexuality, including emotional, psychological, and relationship issues. As mentioned, different sexologists have different backgrounds and are specialized in different areas.
  4. Sex therapy is embarrassing and invasive.
    While sex therapy may require you to discuss personal and intimate details of your sex life, it is not embarrassing or invasive. Sex therapists are trained to create a safe, non-judgmental environment where you can feel comfortable discussing these topics. Also, you should never feel forced to disclose information you are not ready to share.
  5. Sex therapy is only for straight couples.
    Sex therapy is not just for straight couples. It can be helpful for people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or relationship status. Many sexologists are specialized from a gender perspective. 
  6. Sex therapy is a quick fix.
    Like other forms of therapy, sex therapy can take time and effort to be effective. It is not a quick fix, but rather a process of exploration and discovery that can lead to lasting positive changes in your sex life and relationships. The process is seldom lineal, and it is normal to go through ups and downs.
  7. Sexologists offer sexual services.
    They do not offer sexual services, they offer guidance, conversation and education about sexuality. 

Conclusion/summarize the importance of studying and treating sexual health

Overall, sexual therapy can be an effective treatment for individuals and couples who are experiencing difficulties related to their sexuality. It can help them improve their sexual health and well-being, and enhance their overall quality of life. The therapy can help clients learn to become more attuned to their own bodies and their partner(s)’s body and can help improve intimacy and sexual communication.

The goal of sex therapy is to help you improve your sexual health.

Sinews. Terapia Online

Ficha de Datos Personales | Terapia Online

Personal Data File | Online Therapy

Please send us your details with your acceptance for their use.


Data processing controller: The data collected in this form will be processed by the company SINEWS, S.L., holding CIF [Tax Identification Number] B85431153 and with address on CALLE SAGASTA 16, BAJO DERECHA – MADRID as the Data Processing Controller.

Purpose: We inform you that the purpose of the data collected is the management of the users of the web page, as well as the management of the electronic communication.

Legal base: Consent granted by ticking the relevant checkbox. Your personal data shall be processed based on our privacy policy.

Refusal to grant consent: Not introducing the data marked as mandatory in the form shall result in your application not being attended to.

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Rights: You can access, rectify and delete your data, the portability of your data, the limitation or opposition of its processing, the right not to be exposed to automated decisions, as well as the right to obtain clear and transparent information related to the processing of your data, as explained in the additional information.

Right to file a claim with the Control Authority (AEPD): At SINEWS, S.L. we make every effort to comply with the data protection regulation, given that it is the most valuable asset for us. Notwithstanding, we inform you that, in case you feel that your rights have been undermined, you can file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD).

Additional information: You can check the additional and detailed information on data protection on our web page.

Mindfulness @ Sinews MTI

Mindfulness Group


Mindfulness Group

MINDFULNESS es prestar atención al momento presente a propósito, desde una actitud amable, compasiva, curiosa y sin juzgar.

Sign up

«Mindfulness (atención plena) es la conciencia que surge de prestar atención, a propósito, en el momento presente y sin juzgar…»
– Jon Kabat-Zinn

En muchas ocasiones tenemos una tendencia a ponernos en modo de piloto automático, dejándonos llevar por nuestras preocupaciones sobre el pasado o el futuro, sin ser conscientes de lo que estamos haciendo en el presente. Así, pasamos horas y horas de nuestro día haciendo cosas sin prestar atención a ellas. A muchos de nosotros nos habrá pasado cosas parecidas como cuando estamos leyendo un libro y después de un rato nos damos cuenta de que no nos hemos enterado del contenido de la lectura, o cuando, en la hora de la comida, no nos damos cuenta de lo que estamos comiendo, dejándonos llevar por nuestros pensamientos. Para entrenar nuestra capacidad de vivir en el presente les presentamos nuestro programa de Mindfulness.

MINDFULNESS es prestar atención al momento presente a propósito, desde una actitud amable, compasiva, curiosa y sin juzgar. Nos ayuda a fomentar esa capacidad de vivir en el momento presente, tomar conciencia de nuestros pensamientos y emociones, observarlas sin juzgar con la aceptación y amabilidad.

La práctica del Mindfulness tiene numerosos beneficios, hemos añadido en esta breve introducción algunos de los más destacados:

  • Ayuda a aumentar nuestra capacidad de concentración y conciencia.
  • Contribuye a desarrollar la capacidad de no dejarse llevar de forma impulsiva por nuestros pensamientos.
  • Nos animará a ser agradecido y a apreciar la belleza que nos rodea.
  • Permitirá que tengamos mayor flexibilidad ante nuestras experiencias emocionales mejorando su regulación.

Así en Sinews hemos querido lanzar este programa de Mindfulness (Conciencia Plena) en directo para que puedan conocer de cerca este estado y experimentar los beneficios de la práctica de Mindfulness. El presente programa está basado en el reconocido MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program) de Kabat-Zinn.
Consta de 6 sesiones con una duración de 45 minutos cada sesión por semana.

Support Group for Survivors of Sexual Trauma

Support Group for Survivors of Sexual Trauma


Support Group for Survivors of Sexual Trauma

A support group is a safe place where people who have lived similar experiences can come together to share and be heard in an atmosphere of acceptance and understanding.

Sign up

Our goal throughout the sessions will be to gain a better understanding of trauma, the psychological aftermath and the process of recovery.

How does it work?

The group follows a planned 10 session schedule in which we will look at different elements of trauma and the process of recovery. We will not discuss the specific stories of each member but focus instead on how we are doing in the present moment and the different elements that are important to focus on while we are recovering from a traumatic experience.

The road to recovery from an experience of sexual trauma is a long one in which different emotions and patterns appear. The feeling of isolation is usually a common denominator while we are in the midst of it. Through joining the group you’ll see that you´re not alone and a deeper understanding and compassion towards yourself and the process you´re in will be gained.

Cultural adaptation and

Cultural adaptation and "culture shock"


Cultural adaptation and "culture shock"

How long will it take to adjust?

Online AppointmentClinic Appointment

It takes time to adjust to a new culture and all of the new stressors in its environment. The amount of time needed will vary from person to person. There are studies that show distinct phases of adjustment.

  • The first phase is the “honeymoon” phase. This phase can begin, in the form of eagerness and anticipation, before even arriving in Spain. It’s the excitement that is felt when embarking on a new adventure. It usually doesn’t last for more than a couple of weeks after arrival.
  • In the second phase, termed “culture shock”, the excitement wares off and the distress of having to adjust to a foreign culture sets in. Symptoms of this phase include loneliness and sadness, sleep disturbance, feelings of worthlessness or inadequacy, irritability, resentment, criticism toward the new culture, social withdrawal and longing for home, friends and family.
  • In the third stage, one starts to feel a sense of balance as the culture starts to become more familiar (language, food, etc.), and new support networks are being created.
  • The fourth stage is when “adaptation” is achieved. The person starts to feel that they belong. They have an appreciation for the new culture and take advantage of what it has to offer.
  • The fifth, and final stage is called the “re-entry shock” phase. When it’s time to return to the country of origin, one can experience a sense of loss related to having to leave behind the new culture and its customs.

When should I seek counseling for “culture shock”?

When you feel like you’re not moving past the culture shock phase, especially after being in Spain for a couple of months, it may be time for counseling. If you’re experiencing the symptoms mentioned above, and utilizing the resources available to you isn’t working, counseling can be very effective. It can help turn an experience that feels overwhelming, and never-ending, into an opportunity for growth.

Try these strategies to combat “culture shock”

Remember that you are in transition and that what you are experiencing is normal and temporary.

  • Meet people. Get involved in the culture socially and professionally. Volunteer your time, pursue a hobby or join a club, but get out and get connected.
  • Don’t simply react to what is happening; be proactive and self-confident!
  • Make a list every day of at least 3 positive things that have happened, things you’ve learned and that you appreciate about the new culture (do this right before you go to bed!).
  • Don’t be ashamed to get help if you need it.

Psychology and Speech Therapy Online Courses

Psychology and Speech Therapy Online Courses

Psychology and Speech Therapy Online Courses

Learn psychology online with Sinews. We have 12 years of experience as a multidisciplinary clinic.

At SINEWS we have a generosity motto regarding training: we give what we would like to receive, without restrictions. You will find our psychology and speech therapy courses practical, focused on clinical care and based on years of experience. Always accompanied by an accessible and selected list of bibliography. We don’t want to tell you what you can read by yourself, we want to tell you what we do, what we have learned by making mistakes and what we now do better.

Our center serves more than 1000 new clients a year and only two years ago we began to be aware of the value of our professional experience as a team and the diversity of training accumulated by our professionals.
It was then that we began to organize training sessions for our psychologists and speech therapists in which one of the professionals shared a special interest, the experience accumulated in a specific area. And we found them FANTASTIC!
Now we want to make this training accessible to other sanitary professionals through both online and in-person formats, in English and Spanish. Are you tired of paying for courses that are not enriching?

Try us and you will understand. We will provide a 50% discount on your first course with us, because we are sure that you will sign up for more.

Sexual Trauma Course

Sexual Trauma Course

Online introductory course for psychologists.
ONLINE: Zoom Platform

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Neuroeducación & E-Learning

Neuroeducation & E-Learning

Planning and developing engaging and meaningful classes.
ONLINE: Zoom Platform

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Neuroeducación & E-Learning

Neuroeducación & E-Learning


Neuroeducation &


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Today more than ever we are living moments of change in which the use of new technologies makes it easier for us to continue teaching and learning.

We receive constant information about issues that students have to maintain motivation, attention and learning through the digital method and also about the difficulties in explaining and being comfortable with this format that teachers experience.

That is why at Sinews we want to make this 8-hour online course available to educational institutions and to teachers of all levels to help incorporate neuroscience concepts into online learning and learn to use digital tools to improve attention, involvement and motivation in digital classrooms. This change is here to stay and we must learn to live with it, to make our students learn but also to make teachers enjoy it.

E-learning: Abilities and Strategies

0. Identifying your personal strengths, the purpose of your course and your E-LEARNING STYLE

1. Creating/ Modifying your syllabus for e-learning classes

  • Choosing topics and defining your purpose
  • Online assessment strategies
  • Ongoing feedback
  • Planning your online classroom: Online communities

2. Neuroscience and e-learning

  • Working memory
  • Long-term memory
  • Attention and motivation
  • Emotion & e-learning
  • Metacognition

3. Active learning methodologies in digital courses

  • The flipped classroom
  • The use of 2.0 techs: media, blogs...
  • Digital storytelling for long-term learning
  • Streaming classes vs. Filmed lessons: how to prepare each of them.

4. Within your online class

  • Communication and relationships
  • Dealing with different attitudes to e-learning
  • Using technology to engage students with different interests and skills
  • Time management: Ideal duration of classes, videos and podcast and ideal format for attention maintenance and deep learning.

Digital Tools

Digital tools will be showed in each topic of the course and depending on the virtual campus of the institution.
Some of these digital tools:

  • Canvas
  • Blackboard
  • Moodle & Adobe Connect
  • Zoom
  • Skype
  • Youtube
  • Google classroom
  • Twitch
  • Discord
  • Ivoox
  • Itunes
  • Colaborative web pages

Who will be in charge of this training?

Leticia Martínez Prado in addition to working as a psychologist and coach at SINEWS, has extensive experience as a professor, teaching courses such as Psychology in the workplace and New Technologies & Wellbeing for health, education and companies at institutions such as Syracuse, Minnesota University and IE University.

She was also responsible for CUNEF counseling and mentoring department. All these experiences and her training in new technologies and neuro-education have made her experience first-hand the difficulties of students and teachers in learning and in the digital transformation.

Registration |
Payment through PayPal.

Sexual Trauma Course

Sexual Trauma Course


Sexual Trauma Course


Sign up

The kindest of data tells that one of every five women has suffered some type of sexual assault throughout her life. Is essential have the basics of how to detect this reality, approach the story facilitating a safe environment and engage It’s processing from a integrative perspective.

Andrea Moreno accumulates years of experience in the individual treatment of people who have suffered sexual trauma and directs a victim support group from years ago at SINEWS.

Who is this course for?



Payment through PayPal.
After the payment has been processed you will receive an email with the password for the meeting.

Week long Emotional Regulation Group for teens

Week long Emotional Regulation Group for teens


Week long Emotional Regulation Group for teens

Often the lack of social skills and emotions such as stress, shyness or insecurity prevent us from enjoying our daily lives.

Sign up

Summer is the perfect moment to pay attention to our emotions and to improve new skills.
In this group, teenagers between 13 and 18 years old will be able to learn and to improve how to tolerate difficult situations, how to deal with their own emotions and how to improve their social skills using fun activities like art exercises, role-playing, games and group dynamics.

These exercises created from ACT therapy and dialective behavioral therapy have shown their effectiveness in improving social skills, emotional regulation and prevention of problems related to mental health as well as improving well-being in adolescents.

Our therapists Saray and Leticia are experts in this type of therapy and group management, but above all they are specialists in working in a practical and playful format to promote learning in a fun and applied way.