Psiquiatría Adultos

Psiquiatría - Encontrar un buen psiquiatra en Madrid

Psychiatrist in Madrid - Comprehensive Psychiatry Services

Finding a good psychiatrist in Madrid.

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Finding a good psychiatrist in Madrid that is also in constant contact with a team of psychologists is a luxury. A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor that specializes in the treatment of psychological problems that involve an important organic (physical) element.

Why choose SINEWS when looking for a psychiatrist in Madrid?

Because you will be informed about what it is and how each medication that you take works, so you can use them with the greatest effectiveness and the least inconveniences; because we have psychiatrists that specialize in each period of life; because we are available by email if you have any concerns; because we can send you prescriptions via email when you need it; because if you are out of Madrid, we can have an online consultation and because we offer psychiatric care in Spanish, English, French and German.

When to Choose a Psychiatrist in Madrid at Sinews?

  • If you suffered an episode in the past for which psychotropic medication was being taken: antidepressants, anxiolytics, lithium...
    *This type of medication should not be taken without medical supervision.
    The psychiatrist will determine whether or not it is necessary to start up on medication again, or to adjust what is currently being taken in order to obtain the maximum benefits with the minimum amount.
  • Whenever the physical symptoms of your condition are a main factor: racing heart, shortness of breath, fatigue or severe lack of energy...*In these cases it is necessary to rule out any medical problem like a hormone imbalance (such as hypothyroidism which causes severe fatigue), or poor nutrition (the deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in memory loss)... A doctor is the best professional to evaluate these, and other conditions.
  • If you detect the appearance of symptoms similar to those suffered by a family member who has a psychiatric illness (schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder...)
  • If whatever is affecting you doesn't allow you to lead a normal and satisfying life and limits you in a way that is disproportionate or too prolonged.

When is medication necessary?

At SINEWS the basis of our treatment is psychotherapy. Most of our patients do not take any medication.
However, the nervous system is an organ like any other, and like others it can experience «sickness», become worn down or be temporarily out of balance. For these reasons, medical treatment is essential for certain disorders, at least during some stages, of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive patients, some types of anxiety and depression…
There are also certain symptoms that are so uncomfortable or alarming to us that we need temporary relief from them in order to stop, analyze the situation, and then come up with a strategy to solve the problem. There are disorders in which a combination of medication and psychotherapy has demonstrated better effectiveness: depression, panic attacks, nervous ticks, manic episodes or obsessions, hyperactivity in children or eating disorders.

Our philosophy regarding medication:

We believe in the personal resources of our clients and in our ability to set them in motion and help strengthen them. Only rarely will the treatment consist only of medication.
However, when medication is necessary, the lowest dose possible and minimal side effects are priority.
At SINEWS coordination between professionals allows for close monitoring of each case while minimizing visits to the clinic, avoiding the inconveniences and expenses this implies. In addition, our department of psychiatry is easily accessible (telephone, email…) for inquiries about medication. This allows us to cut down to a minimum the quantity and dose of medication, and for it to be discontinued as soon as possible.
We are aware of the fears and stigmas
 that taking medication still creates. Because of this, we offer clear and easy to understand information about any aspect that may concern you, and we explain the different therapeutic options with the advantages and disadvantages of each. Decisions are always made together with the client.
We don’t “prescribe” medication, we offer therapeutic alternatives.
Our department of Psychiatry is an optimal choice for those looking for a psychiatrist in Madrid with a critical attitude towards indiscriminate. medicating end date in mind.


Unfortunately, there is an ongoing myth that psychiatrists only deal with serious mental illness. However, more than 60% of the cases we treat at SINEWS are highly functional people, who have complete lives, a high or very high educational level and are executives of multinationals, liberal professionals or undergraduate or postgraduate students that are going through a complicated time of their lives. The symptoms that most frequently bring these people to consultation are insomnia, anxiety with breathing difficulties, chest tightness… physical and emotional exhaustion or depression and in some cases it could be useful to consider anxiolytics.

The frequency of psychiatric consultations varies according to the severeness of your symptoms. Initially, it can be once or twice a month, but once your but once your problem has been diagnosed and the medication is adjusted, it is normal for check-ups to take place every two or three months. Later, if the treatment is chronic and the patient is stable, it can be changed to every six months.

No, the majority of treatments we prescribe are used for symptoms that are temporary and that resolve very well with medication since they are circumstantial. In a significant amount of cases, they can be removed within a period of 6 to 9 months. Especially if the patient has psychotherapeutic support.

Of course, there are chronic cases that require long-term medication: bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, severe obsessive-compulsive disorder… When the diagnosis is chronic, it is even more important to make a personalized choice of the medication and perfectly adjust the doses to minimize side effects and achieve good tolerance.

  • General psychiatry for adults (anxiety, panic, obsessive disorder, bipolar disorder, adult deficit of attention, depression...)
  • Psychiatry for the elderly (cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, complicated grief...)
  • Neuropsychiatry (psychiatric problems in combination with neurological diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, strokes...)
  • Child and adolescent psychiatry (autism spectrum, tics, obsessive disorder, anxiety, depression, eating behavior problems...)
  • Psychiatry in physical illness (chronic pain, terminal illness, physical limitation and dependence...)

Family Therapy

Family Therapy


Family Therapy

The goal of family therapy is to understand and transform your own/your family’s behaviors.

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SINEWS offers family therapy in Madrid based on the belief that each of us is a part of a system. While the makeup of that system varies, the family system is often a souce of distress and conflict in need of attention and treatment.

Why Family Therapy?

Families play a crucial part in our emotional, physical, and spiritual development, as we are all a product of the relationships we experience with whomever we consider to be a part of that family unit. Challenges faced by each individual family member naturally impacts the others. Although the family system is complicated, it is one in which can be more easily understood through the process of family therapy.

Family therapy is different from individual therapy in that it views the challenges as resulting from the many patterns within the family system, rather than within any one person. The goal is not to blame any one person or find out who the “problem” is, but to recognize complex patterns within the family system and begin to shift them.

Your therapist will work with you to identify and utilize existing strengths within the family and to interrupt detrimental patterns that are occurring automatically between individuals.

The goal of family therapy is to understand and transform your own/your family’s behaviors. You will begin to adopt healthy communication techniques, learn new ways of relating to each other, including conflict resolution skills, and ultimately create a stronger family unit.

Who can participate and what type of issues can be addressed?

In reality, that answer is self-defined. A family member does not necessarily mean that an individual shares blood relations, or that you must live with that person—rather that the person plays a supportive and long-term role in your life. That can include, grandparents, aunts, uncles, girlfriends/boyfriends, babysitters, step-children, foster children, etc.

Family therapy sessions can include all or just those members who are willing to participate.

Some issues commonly addressed by family therapy:

  • Grief/loss
  • Traumatic events
  • Adjusting to relocation
  • Parenting issues
  • Mental illness within a family
  • Divorce
  • Blended families
  • Addiction
  • Issues of communication/conflict

How long does Family Therapy last?

The length of time in therapy depends on the number of goals on which the family would like to work, however, a family will commonly see results within 5-20 sessions.

Couples Therapy

Couples therapy Madrid


Couples therapy Madrid

SINEWS offers couples therapy in Madrid based on the belief that each couple has it's own unique balance and that there isn't a recipe for all.

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The couples division at SINEWS is also sensitive to the needs of gay couples and it is a suitable alternative for the treatment of couples’ problems in Madrid.

Why Couples Counseling?

All couples experience conflict to some degree in their relationship. When conflict is not effectively resolved, negative emotions can accumulate and lead to recurring, painful arguments, or a distancing which results in isolation and loneliness.
The goal of couples counseling is to identify the sources of conflict, and to teach effective techniques to resolve it. The focus of couples counseling at SINEWS is on what each individual can do to improve the relationship, rather than what their partner needs to change. Both parties must come with the desire to change his or her own behavior.
Through counseling, couples will learn to be on the same team again. They will learn how to support and inspire each other. They will learn how to regain romance and enjoy real intimacy. Essentially, they will reconnect, and rebuild a life together.

When to Seek Couples Counseling?

Couples seek counseling for a variety of reasons. Some couples want counseling before making an important commitment like getting married or moving in together in order to do the work on the front end of the relationship. Others have a history together and feel unhappy and stuck.
Couples should consider counseling when they are suffering (lonely, angry or irritable most of the time…), or when their relationship problems are impairing their ability to function in other areas of their life (work, parenting, physical health, etc.).
If you are “escaping” by busying yourself in other areas (work, children, etc.) to avoid facing the problems in your relationship, couples counseling is something you want to seriously consider. It’s also important to point out that many couples, at some point in their relationship, would benefit from outside, professional help from a Marriage counsellor in Madrid, to resolve their difficulties.

How Do I Get My Partner to Go to Couples Counseling?

Some people feel uncomfortable with the idea of talking to a complete stranger about personal problems. If your husband, wife or partner is reluctant to go to counseling, it can be useful for the willing party to start counseling alone in order to gain insight. This insight may be enough to influence change in your relationship, or it can give you clarity as to how to proceed (get partner into counseling, divorce, etc.).

How long does Couples Counseling last?

Couples Counseling is usually what’s considered “short-term therapy”; 12 sessions on average.

IPP-R Evaluación de intereses y preferencias profesionales

IPP-R Evaluación de intereses y preferencias profesionales


IPP-R Evaluación de intereses y preferencias profesionales

El objetivo de la evaluación de los intereses y preferencias profesionales es orientar la elección de los estudios y selección de la carrera profesional.

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Esta valoración va dirigida principalmente a adolescentes a partir de los 16 años y a adultos que deseen cambiar su trayectoria laboral. Muchos de nosotros (sobre todo aquellos que se encuentran en la etapa adolescente y temprana juventud) no contamos con información suficiente sobre las distintas profesiones, actividades que implican y los estudios necesarios para acceder a ellas. Sin embargo dedicamos mínimo un tercio de nuestra vida al área laboral. Es por esto que averiguar qué nos satisface más, cobra un gran valor.

La metodología de este proceso de evaluación consiste en una entrevista con un psicólogo y la cumplimentación del IPP-R (Cuestionario de Intereses y Preferencias Profesionales Revisado, TEA Ediciones, S.A. 2004). Este instrumento está diseñado específicamente con dos propósitos. En primer lugar nos aporta información acerca de qué tipo de actividades nos aportan más satisfacción, y en segundo lugar nos permite averiguar el grado de conocimiento que tenernos respecto a las tareas que conllevan realmente las distintas profesiones. De todo ello, se elabora un informe con el perfil de preferencias y otros resultados destacados.

Esta evaluación se puede completar con la evaluación de la Inteligencia y perfil de aptitudes a través del WAIS-III (Escala de Inteligencia para adultos de Wechsler, TEA Ediciones, S.A. 2008). Este instrumento mide todo aquello que tiene que ver más con la capacidad y aptitud para desempeñar de forma óptima una determinada tarea, que con la satisfacción al desempeñarla. Los dos instrumentos se complementan y aportar información de gran valor para planificar la futura carrera profesional.

Nombre: IPP-R. Intereses y Preferencias Profesional-Revisado
Autora: Mª Victoria de la Cruz López
Procedencia: TEA Ediciones, S.S. (2004)
Aplicación: Individual o colectiva
Ámbito de aplicación: Adolescentes (a partir de 13 años) y adultos
Duración: Variable, entre 20 y 35 minutos
Finalidad: Apreciación de los intereses de los sujetos en quince campos de los profesionales, teniendo en cuenta las profesiones más representativas de cada campo y las principales tareas que las integran. Información sobre el conocimiento que tienen los sujetos acerca de las profesiones y las tareas existentes.
Baremación: Tablas de baremos de escolares de ESO (realizados con muestras de los cursos 2º y 4º) y bachillerato (con muestras de los cursos 1º y 2º).

Asesoramiento vocacional/profesional

Vocational /career couseling / coaching


Vocational /career counseling / coaching

Choosing a career is an important decision and a difficult process.

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Would you like to make a decision about your career, but you feel lost? Have you started to evaluate different options but you don’t feel what fits with you more? Choosing a career is not easy. At Sinews we help you ask yourself the most important questions to find the information that will allow you to make a decision based on your desires, interests and personal qualities.

It is essential that the decision about our professional future should be based not only on the more or less realistic or fanciful idea we have of what a certain job might consist of, but also our personal qualities and our interest profile. The ideal would be to choose a profession that takes full advantage of our skills while we find it stimulating and feel fulfilled.

The purpose of the abilities test (intelligence profile) and professional preferences is to give guidance on career choice, a vital decision considering we spend a third of our time at our workplace.
Vocational or career counseling is of particular interest to young people aged 16 years and adults who wish to change their professional path.

In the career counseling session the following tools are used:

  • Personal Interview with our psychologist to explore qualitative point of the decision (desires, qualifications and doubts).
  • Interests and career preferences Questionnaire, for over 13 years.
  • Identification of strengths instrument

The personal interview allows us to obtain information on personal qualifications (early development, academic background, skills and extracurricular interests, personal or family contact with the reality of different professions …) as well as personality traits (ability to persist, sociability, communication and negotiation skills, mental flexibility, need for stimulation, awareness of one’s goals, self confidence…) The decision process and the basis on which the person has been working up until the interview is also analyzed.

Interests and career preferences Questionnaire is an instrument specifically designed for: a) informing of what activities brings us more satisfaction and b) determining the degree of knowledge we have about the tasks involved in different professions.

Identification of strengths instrument It allows us to explore our strengths to realize what kind of activities and opportunities needs to provide our work so that we can function at an optimal level. The use of personal strengths is related to the perception of motivation, strength, authenticity and fulfillment at work and is the basis of efficiency and labor welfare. This knowledge will allow us to choose a job we like and favors our best performance, besides ruling out those who could lead to further job dissatisfaction.

The personal interview and the tests complement each other and provide valuable information when planning the choice of a future career. After the evaluation process, during the concluding session, the results will be analyzed and a report will be given with the skills profile, professional preferences and other prominent results.

Duration of the assessment and fees:
Two assessment options:

Package A: 160€

  • Personal interview
  • Evaluation of interests and professional preferences
  • Feedback: explanation of the results and delivery of the report

Package B: 250€

  • Personal interview
  • Evaluation of interests and professional preferences
  • Implementation of the test of strengths
  • Feedback: explanation of the results and delivery of the report

Psicología para Adultos en Sinews


Psychology. Counseling in Madrid

Thousands of patients a year guarantee our quality as a counseling center in Madrid.

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When should I seek counseling?
Is there something causing you pain or suffering that is making it hard to function?, Do you want to, or need to change certain aspects of your life?, Or is it just that you’re not doing well and don’t really know why?

There are different situations in which consulting a psychologist will be beneficial:

  • When suffering is persistent and the coping strategies you normally use are not working.
  • If you find yourself “blocked” in important situations, or when it comes to making vital decisions in life.
  • When getting through the day seems like a struggle.
  • If you are repeating certain behaviors, even though they are destructive, because you’re unable to change them on your own.

Among some of the most common reasons why our clients turn to SINEWS are:

  • Stress, and disorders that are derived from it, as well as different forms of anxiety, are probably the most frequent causes for coming:
    • Panic attacks or anxiety and phobias
    • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (excessive worrying)
  • Other common causes for seeking counseling are changes in mood:
    From disorders such as Depression, Dysthymia (melancholy) or Bipolar Disorder to Adjustment Disorders following important life events (moving to a new country, death of a loved one, divorce, unemployment…)
  • Very often, disruption of basic drives can be cause for concern: Sleep, Eating Behavior or Sexuality; such as Insomnia, a loss of interest in sex, compulsive eating or anorexia.
  • We also treat Addictions, especially ones that aren’t chemical: Gambling, New technologies, Shopping, Sex…

How can counseling help me?

Positive results are achieved by several means:
Emotional relief is only one of them.
Talking to an objective professional about our problem gives us valuable information and perspective that will help to get us back on track.
The therapist is not there to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. He or she will guide you to finding the answer for yourself. First an analysis of the factors that are the cause of our discomfort is carried out. This is followed by a formal explanation given to our clients (feedback session) about what is happening and how our way of interpreting the situation, our emotions and our behavior may be perpetuating the discomfort. A therapeutic plan is then designed, focusing step by step on changing what influences us negatively and substituting it with effective coping strategies which will be carried out with the help of the psychologist.
There is a method for all of this.

Our center offers quality counseling in the center of Madrid.

In Company Accent Modification

In Company Accent Modification: The Key to Improving Confidence and Competence


In Company Accent Modification

The Key to Improving Confidence and Competence.

Clinic Appointment

People often think that learning a second language only involves learning vocabulary and grammar. However, any second-language learner can tell you that mastering lists and verb tenses doesn’t give you the edge that you need in today’s professional world.

Why accent modification?

  • Increase understanding. Speaking with a clear, natural accent helps your listener to understand your message without confusion.
  • Increase efficiency of relaying information. When your speaker understands you clearly, there is less time lost in repetition of instructions or information, and more time to effectively convey your message.
  • Improve perception of competence. While unfair, the reality is that your accent affects how peers and clients perceive you. By speaking with a clear and precise accent, you will be perceived as more competent and confident in your communication.
  • Improve confidence. When learning a second language, people often feel less confident, which can lead to holding back in communicating with others. This can impede both personal and professional goals. Accent modification can help you speak clearly and confidently.

How does it work?

The goal of accent modification is to enable you to speak American English clearly and confidently while maintaining your cultural identity. Accent modification services are provided by a certified speech-language pathologist within a structured program tailored to your specific needs. An initial assessment will take place to identify individual goals.

These goal areas will be targeted in a systematic manner, either in individual or group sessions. As accent modification takes time and practice, programs will be structured for one session per week for at least 12 weeks, with the option for additional sessions as needed. Throughout the program, the speech-language pathologist will conduct follow-up assessments to demonstrate progress and identify new goal areas. All sessions will be tailored to needs and interests, with home exercises provided to help carry over progress into more natural settings. Sessions will take place within the business location for convenience.


  • Individual sessions: 80 € per 1 hour session
  • Group sessions (3-5 clients per group): 30 € per person per 1.5 hour session

*Prices applicable for businesses located within downtown Madrid. Please email for quotes for other locations.

Multicultural Couples

Multicultural Couples


Multicultural Couples

Relationships between couples are always complex and need something other than just “love.”

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At SINEWS, we help multicultural couples to confront these challenges and we show them how to potentialize that which unites them and to work as a team to confront and overcome what separates them, thus potentializing an enriched, interesting and liberating partnership and a source of happiness for both members of the couple.

They also require effort, dedication and commitment in order to both consolidate these relationships and to allow them to prosper and to continue being a source of satisfaction for both members of the couple.

The relationships between people from different cultures / countries/ religions/ nationalities are even more complex. As well as having to face the typical problems that every couple has, the different cultural values, beliefs, languages, objectives, expectations and customs that each member brings to the relationship can be a constant source of misunderstandings and problems. These couples will need to learn to negotiate and to be more considerate and thoughtful in order to understand each other. Even the basic set of ideas, expectations, wishes and certain learned models about how a relationship should be is not always going to coincide.

The challenge that a couple coming from two different worlds like this faces will consist in finding ways to confront and resolve these differences in a flexible and constructive way. For this, it is necessary that both members know how to identify, learn and understand the other’s points of view and to respect these even if they don’t agree with them. The couple needs to learn to communicate in a clear way and to avoid misunderstandings. A real commitment needs to be made by both members to work towards reaching agreements and creating an atmosphere where the couple can be honest with each other and where diversity is permitted, but at the same time each one should also be prepared to change and adapt out of free will and not because they are obliged to. The relationship should reinforce what is shared and transform the differences into an integrated and valid view for both members of the couple.

Accent Reduction

Accent reduction


Accent reduction

The Accent Reduction course taught by a Speech and Language Therapist teaches the speech patterns of standard British English.

Clinic Appointment

You will learn the 12 English vowels and the consonants not found in Spanish. In addition to these individual sounds, you will also learn how stress, intonation, and rhythm convey meaning in British English. Prospective students must have an intermediate or higher level of oral English.

Accent reduction is another tool for improving your communication skills in English.

Not only is it important to be able to speak English using appropriate vocabulary, grammar, and syntax but it is important that people pay attention to what you say and not focus on the way you talk. One obvious reason for improving your accent is so that the listener can understand you better. Even if the listener can understand you they may become focused on the way you talk instead of the message you are trying to convey or lose interest in what you are trying to say. In the business world it is important that people understand clearly the message you are trying to get across. If listeners focus on how you say something instead of on what you say you will have difficulty communicating your message effectively. An accent reduction course can help you become a better communicator in English.

Most people want to improve their accent so that others will understand them better. Others want to sound like native speakers, although it must be stressed that achieving the accent of a native speaker 100% is extremely difficult for adults who have not lived in an English speaking country. Sounding more like a native speaker is a realistic goal, however.

Improving one’s accent requires commitment, determination and a lot of practice.

Students attend classes once or twice a week. The student is expected to study a few hours each week at home. The duration of the course depends on progress made towards achieving goals which are made up by the student and the teacher. Typically, after a determination is made of what vowels and consonants are needed to be modified or learned, instruction focuses on correct production of targeted English sounds. The student is asked to listen and repeat individual words frequently when learning correct pronunciation of vowels and consonants. Once these sounds are mastered in words the student will produce these sounds accurately in words in sentences. Students receive ongoing feedback and listen to recordings of themselves periodically to monitor their progress. Reading words and sentences out loud, as well as scripted role playing exercises are done in class when the focus is on intonation and prosody.

Benefits from accent reduction classes include improved speech intelligibility so that people can understand you better, a greater understanding of how to sound like a native speaker, and improved self-confidence in speaking English with other people whose second language is English as well as with native speakers.

Enhanced communication skills achieved through improving your accent can also open up and improve your opportunities for career advancement. Clear and effective communication is important in all areas of life, but especially so in the business world. The degree of success one has in the business world often correlates to one’s success as a communicator. As you become a more successful communicator, you also improve your overall confidence level as a professional.

Course description: Accent reduction in English
Sessions: Individual, 1-hour in duration
Approximate duration of course: 3 + months (it will depend on how much work is done outside of sessions)
Place: SINEWS’ offices C/Sagasta 16, ground floor, right, 28004 Madrid
Level of English required: high intermediate to high
Price: Initial interview+evaluation 70€
Report 100€
Feedback session 65€
Treatment 65€ per individual session

Ludopatía. Tratamiento y otras adicciones sin sustancia

Treatment of compulsive gambling and other non-substance addictions


Treatment of compulsive gambling and other non-substance addictions

SINEWS is a center of reference for the treatment of pathological gambling in Madrid thanks to its team of experts in non-substance addictions counseling.

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How do you know if an activity that most people carry out like shopping, gambling, or using the internet has become an addiction?

Two elements define an addiction: Loss of Control and Dependence.

  • Losing control means that a person cannot abandon the habit by his own means, despite having tried to do it on several occasions and being aware of the damage his behavior is inflicting upon himself and his loved ones.
  • Dependence is the increasing need for the habit that gradually involves more time, energy, money, etc. and starts to take priority over other needs, even those that were basic to the person (family, work, etc.)

The addiction develops slowly without the person’s awareness initially. Krych masterfully described the various stages of development of addiction (Abnormal consumer behavior, a model of addictive behavior, 1989):

  • 1º. The activity is pleasurable
  • 2º. There is an increase in preoccupation when the individual is not performing the activity
  • 3º. There is an increase in the frequency of the behavior and the person progressively loses interest in other activities that were also satisfying before
  • 4º. The individual tends to downplay his interest in this activity
  • 5º. He experiences an intense desire to engage in this activity
  • 6º. Behavior is maintained despite the increasing negative consequences. The person begins to justify and try to convince others because he is incapable of coming to terms with reality
  • 7º. As the negative consequences increase, the person begins to realize this and makes attempts on his own to control himself
  • 8º. Here, the activity is performed not for pleasure but for the relief of discomfort. This relief becomes less intense and shorter in time
  • 9º. The person has less and less capacity to cope with negative emotions and frustrations of everyday life. This stressful state becomes more acute and the addictive activity becomes the only way to ESCAPE from stress
  • 10º. The addictive behavior worsens and an external crisis (a breakup, the discovery of a large debt, a layoff, etc) leads the person/ family to seek treatment.

Compulsive Gambling

When a person begins to bet more money than planned, prefers to play alone, goes to betting centers to try to recover lost money and starts to lie, we can say he is getting to the point of compulsive gambling and may need treatment. Immediately important prejudiced thoughts show up in different areas of life:

  • In the personal area, the individual is stressed, sad, anxious, and has a low self-esteem. The feeling of guilt for spending too much money and the debts make the person lie to family, friends, employers…
  • At work, performance decreases by the constant thoughts about the games, unexcused absences start to happen and the person may even leave his job. The person could be laid off for attempting to steal, although this does not always happen.
  • The family particularly suffers the consequences of gambling. A significant loss of confidence (after lying, petty theft, broken promises…) is added to financial difficulties. The person is not reliable and can’t carry out his responsibilities for his partner, children, parents and the guilty feeling makes him distance himself.

The psychological treatment has the following objectives:

  • Regaining self-control over gambling behavior (minimize the impulse or excitement).
  • Build a new lifestyle that is satisfactory without the presence of the game.
  • To develop effective strategies to be able cope with life’s problems (including financial problems) without resorting to gambling.
  • Discover the real and rational functioning of games of chance (such as slot machines, bingo, casino games, etc.) and the mechanisms that cause the addiction.

The role of the family throughout the process of the treatment for compulsive gambling is essential. They provide valuable information about the problem from an objective point of view. Additionally, listening to their concerns, worries and mistrust and teaching them that this is normal and helping them with some guidelines will help to create a more relaxed and suitable family atmosphere for the treatment of compulsive gambling.

Other non-substance addictions:

  • Addiction to work is a maladaptive and excessive involvement in work activity and a loss of control of the work limits. This “obsessive” dedication causes family and social relationships to deteriorate and usually affects health as a result of physical stress, lack of sleep and the frequent consumption of alcohol and stimulants. The psychological treatment is directed towards building a balanced lifestyle in which work satisfaction is combined with personal, family and social well-being.
  • An addiction to Shopping is defined as an uncontrollable urge to acquire desired objects. The satisfaction comes from the act of buying rather than the object bought (they are usually superfluous things that are not really necessary) The level of consumption breaks the level of economic stability giving way to debts, the deterioration of family relations and guilt… Psychological problems are frequent: depression, anxiety, food disorders that result in low self-esteem and impulsiveness. Counseling will help define the severity of the problem, identify its causes and teach the person to regain control.
  • Addiction to sex is not exclusively the result of a high desire for sexual activity but the decrease of personal distress through sex; hence it becomes an obsession the person is unable to control. Among the negative consequences are the possibility of transferring the obsession to the partner as well as feelings of guilt, shame or reduced self-esteem. The psychologist can help identify and resolve internal unrest, satisfy unmet needs or gaps through healthy strategies and help control the obsession with sex.
  • Addiction to Internet and New Technologies involves time spent on this activity that is out of proportion in relation to other leisure activities and obligations that often leads to the deprivation of sleep, and the neglect of other activities and important relationships. A person who struggles with this will continually receive complaints from those around him, constantly thinking of going online and trying to control the time spent online without any success are unmistakable signs. Psychological treatment is a useful tool to restore balance in our lives.