Servicios para colegios y población escolar
Services for schools and the school-aged population
Outsourcing of the school counselor and educational psychologist (support teacher)
Sinews provides outsourcing services for: outsourcing of the school counselor and educational psychologist (support teacher), training and workshops, afterschool activities / language teaching through games and support teachers in the classroom.
Outsourcing of the school counselor and educational psychologist (support teacher)
Outsourcing has clear advantages over your own recruitment process:
- Payment goes from September to June (both included) and the contract is renewed each school year, being able to terminate it without cost with a month´s notice
- Costs are reduced considerably as the school doesn´t take charge of social security, paid holidays or overtime
- Recruitment and training is done by SINEWS who is also in charge or substituting the professional as soon as possible in case of sick leave or unsuitability
- When hiring our services of school counselor and educational psychologist, we offer a free training pack for teachers at the school
The school counselor is in charge of picking up alarm signs detected by the teacher in the classroom, doing a structured observation in the classroom and contacting the parents to communicate the difficulties found and gather additional information. This professional coordinates the services as well as doing a pre-diagnosis (will always refer to outside the school for a definite diagnosis) coordinating the school´s plan of action.
The educational psychologist pays individual attention or in small groups to children who have learning difficulties that prevent them from following the same rhythm as the rest of their classmates such as psychomotor problems that hinder learning how to write or draw, communication and comprehension difficulties or problems to connect to what is happening in the classroom at every moment and with the instructions of what needs to be done.
Training and workshops
Training in child bilingualism, attention deficit, behavior problems in class, learning difficulties or normal development process. The price of an hour and a half workshop is 120 Euros plus VAT and we issue an attendance certificate for the teacher. This spring we will also offer a 10 hour practical workshop on teaching in a second language which is taught in English. Timetable will be Friday afternoon and Saturday all day and the cost will be 80 Euros per teacher for which you will obtain officially recognized continuous training credits.
We organize 1 hour and a half talks and workshops about different topics besides the ones described for teachers like how to stop using nappies, eating problems, sleeping habits, moving with children. The price is the same, 120 Euros plus VAT per workshop/talk.
Afterschool activities / Language teaching through games
Our professionals carry out playgroup activities which are designed according to age to stimulate the development of a second language. These services require a minimum frequency to stimulate the second language enough. We have professionals who can teach playgroups in English, German and Chinese.
Support teachers in the classroom
This service is available for children with serious learning difficulties who would need a more personalized attention or a special school. The goal is to keep the child in his/her age group and in the most normal educational environment possible. The support teacher accompanies the child during most of the school day making sure he/she understands instructions and follows the rhythm of the class. The aim is always to progressively provide more and more autonomy to the child so there is less need for help. This service is usually paid by the family once the problem is detected and when the frequent difficult choice between looking for a special education resource or to continue in the school arises.
Do you need to hire a psychologist, psychiatrist or speech therapist for your institution?
SINEWS is an affordable and quality alternative for outsourcing bilingual services in several languages.
Some examples of what we offer:
- A qualified team of professionals managed by SINEWS, but at the service of your school/university, as well as clinical supervision to ensure quality
- Round the clock psychological assistance via telephone in your team’s language. This proves to be valuable support for your expat professionals especially in times of emergency
- Psychologists who can interview potential students for admission to colleges and universities in an external and unbiased way
- Substitution or replacement of professional members of your staff in cases of leave of absence
- Carrying out research projects to analyze the psychological aspects of your activity and ways to enhance quality. Recently, NARBON, a company that markets funeral communication products, hired Sinews to conduct a study on the emotional impact of various elements related to the funeral process
How do I hire SINEWS’ professionals?
- Tell us what you need
Use the contact form to get in touch with us (remember to provide your phone number). We will get in touch with you to carry out a “needs assessment”
- Plan of action and Estimate
Within 48 hours we will send you a detailed proposal with the professional profile that best fits your requests in terms of professionals, schedule, budget, etc.
- Starting our work together
Once we agree on a start date, your institution’s needs will be covered. We’ll look forward to receiving your feedback as we periodically meet to discuss any improvements needed.
The prestigious institution Saint Louis University has used our outsourcing services for years.
Psicologia e Psiquiatria em Português
Em SINEWS, sabemos o poder que a palavra tem, sentir-se compreendido e poder expressar é essencial para que a processo terapêutica funcione. É por isso que nossa equipe multidisciplinar de profissionais nativos oferece os seus serviços em várias línguas, inclusive em PORTUGUÊS.
A nossa filosofia no SINEWS é simples: converter em difícil em fácil. Quando algo nos preocupe ou nos sentimos mal, às vezes não é tão simples buscar ajuda, às vezes não sabemos o que nos acontece ou porque.
No SINEWS, analisaremos a sua situação com você e procuraremos respostas para focar a terapia.
PRIMEIRO: Avaliação
Normalmente, uma ou duas sessões serão dedicadas à coleta de informações sobre o problema e suas circunstâncias. No caso de uma consulta com o departamento de crianças, somente os pais participarão na primeira consulta. Esse processo é muito importante, porque trabalhamos com um método cognitivo-comportamental, baseado em como nossa interpretação do problema determina as nossas emoções e comportamentos e pode bloquear nossa capacidade de responder de forma eficaz e adaptativa.
DEPOIS: Hipótese diagnóstica e planeamento Terapêutico.
Após a avaliação, será explicado ao paciente (e / ou sua família no caso de menores) sobre o problema e um plano terapêutico será apresentado adaptado às suas necessidades.
Em geral, 1 sessão / semana (com duração de 50 minutos) será desenvolvida e na fase de acompanhamento as sessões serão espaçadas.
Os tratamentos geralmente têm uma duração média de 12-18 sessões (de 6 a 32), também de acordo com o trabalho do paciente entre as sessões.
Nossas técnicas enfocam problemas específicos e tentam encurtar o máximo possível a duração do processo terapêutico (psicoterapias breves e focadas).
Encontrar um bom terapeuta pode ser complicado, mas também estar em contato com um médico é um luxo.
SINEWS oferece uma equipe multidisciplinar: psicólogos e psiquiatra.
Embora não seja o mais usual, às vezes é necessário descartar que por trás dos sintomas há um problema físico. Nossos médicos ajudarão você a descobrir.
A maioria dos nossos pacientes não precisam de tratamento farmacológico.
Entretanto, quando isso for necessário, o psicoterapeuta manterá a equipe médica informada, que estará em dia com a evolução do paciente. Esta coordenação alcança tratamentos com doses mais curtas e ajustadas.
- Psicologia infanto-juvenil
- Psiquiatria
Psychiatrie pour Adultes, Adolescents et Enfants et Psychothérapie
Psychologue Francais Madrid
Des centaines de patients par an font preuve de notre qualité comme centre de psychothérapie à Madrid. Chez SINEWS, institut multilingue thérapeutique, nous proposons également des services de psychothérapie en langue française.
Services Disponibles en Français:
- Psychiatrie pour adultes, adolescents et enfants
- Psychologie pour adultes et pour adolescents
Un psychiatre est un médecin spécialisé dans le traitement des problèmes psychologiques qui impliquent un élément organique (physique) important. Trouver un bon psychiatre à Madrid, qui soit aussi en contact permanent avec une équipe de psychologues, est un luxe.
Chez Sinews, vous trouverez une psychiatre française avec qui vous pourrez parler dans votre langue maternelle. Le Dr. Moser, née à Paris d’une mère française et d’un père allemand, a fait ses études de médecine au Luxembourg et en Belgique, où elle a également réalisé les cinq années de résidence en psychiatrie.
En tant que thérapeute, le Dr Moser reste au plus proche des patients et de leur histoire, sachant que chaque sujet est unique, avec ses propres ressources et défis, et mérite des réponses et une aide sur mesure. Cela nécessite de bonnes connaissances théoriques et de la souplesse, associées à une médication uniquement lorsque celle-ci s‘avère nécessaire.
Quand faut-il consulter un psychiatre?
- Si votre psychologue ou votre médecin de famille vous le conseille.
- Si ce qui vous affecte ne vous permet pas de mener une vie normale et satisfaisante et vous limite de manière disproportionnée ou prolongée.
- Si vous détectez l’apparition de symptômes similaires à ceux dont souffre un membre de votre famille atteint d’une maladie psychiatrique (schizophrénie, dépression majeure, trouble bipolaire, trouble obsessionnel compulsif…)
- Si vous avez souffert dans le passé d’un mal-être psychologique pour lequel un médecin vous a prescrit des médicaments, et vous souhaitez demander un (autre) avis spécialiste. Le psychiatre déterminera s’il est nécessaire ou non de recommencer à prendre des médicaments, ou d’adapter la prise actuelle afin d’obtenir le maximum d’effet avec le minimum de médicament.
- Lorsque les symptômes physiques de votre état psychologique sont un facteur principal : accélération du rythme cardiaque, essoufflement, fatigue ou manque d’énergie sévère…
Quand un médicament est-il nécessaire?
Chez SINEWS, la base de notre traitement est la psychothérapie. La plupart de nos patients ne prennent aucun médicament. Lorsque des médicaments sont nécessaires, la priorité est donnée à la plus faible dose possible et à des effets secondaires minimaux.
Et qu´en est-il des enfants et des adolescents?
Significant psychiatre pour enfants et adolescents est un médecin qui connaît bien le développement normal des enfants et qui est spécialisé dans le diagnostic et le traitement des problèmes qui peuvent survenir tout au long du processus de maturation et de croissance.
En plus de sa spécialité en psychiatrie, le Dr Moser a suivi une formation de quatre ans en psychothérapie psychanalytique pour enfants et rédige une thèse sur “les secrets de famille“ et leur impact sur le transgénérationnel. Elle a travaillé avec des enfants et des adolescents souffrant d’autisme, de troubles du comportement, d’automutilation et de pensées suicidaires.
Plusieurs peuvent être les préoccupations ou pensées qui donnent naissance au besoin de consulter un psychologue. Chez Sinews, nous avons également deux psychologues francophones, Alejandro Sancha et Veronica Sarria.
Parmi les raisons les plus fréquentes pour lesquelles nos clients consultent SINEWS, nous citons :
- Le stress et les perturbations qui en résultent du même ainsi que les différentes manifestations d’anxiété sont probablement la cause la plus courante d’une demande en consultations psychologique:
- Crises de panique ou d’anxiété
- Phobies
- Trouble Obsessionnel Compulsif (TOC)
- Trouble d’Anxiété Généralisée (TAG), souvent perçu comme une inquiétude excessive
- Troubles de l’humeur, dont les plus fréquents sont la Dépression, la Dysthymie, souvent décrite et perçue comme mélancolie, le Trouble Bipolaire ou les troubles adaptatifs causés par des événements de la vie (changement de pays, deuil, divorce, chômage…).
- Quelquefois, les signaux d’alarme s’activent à cause d’une variation dans certaines habitudes de la vie quotidienne telles que le sommeil (ex: insomnie), l’alimentation (ex: besoin de manger compulsivement ou perte d’apétit, anorexie, etc.) ou la sexualité (ex: perte de désir sexuel).
- Nous traitons également les addictions, en particulier celles connues sous le nom d’addictions sans substance (ex: jeu pathologique, nouvelles technologies, achats excessifs, sexe compulsif, etc.).
- Thérapie en ligne
- Psychologie en ligne
- Psychiatrie en ligne
- Réduction d´accent (en anglais et en espagnol)
- Notre plateforme vous permet d’obtenir un rendez-vous directement avec nos professionnels depuis votre domicile, quel que soit votre lieu de résidence.
- Choisissez l’heure et le jour qui vous conviennent le mieux et connectez-vous confortablement. Si vous ne pouvez pas assister à votre session, vous pouvez toujours annuler avec un préavis de 24 heures.
- Notre plateforme est 100% confidentielle et sûre.
Psychologia - Psychoterapia
Psychoterapia w Madrycie
Wieloletnie doświadczenie naszego centrum psychoterapii w Madrycie daje gwarancję najwyższej jakości usług.
Kiedy warto zwrócić się do psychologa
Czy jest coś co przysparza Ci takiego cierpienia i bólu, że nie potrafisz normalnie funkcjonować? Chcesz lub potrzebujesz zmienić jakieś aspekty swojego życia? Lub po prostu jest Ci źle i nie wiesz dlaczego?
Oto sytuacje w których warto zwrócić się po profesjonalną pomoc:
- Kiedy złe samopoczucie fizyczne lub psychiczne trwa, a nasze sposoby radzenia sobie nie są skuteczne.
- Jeśli czujemy się zablokowani w podejmowaniu ważnych, życiowych decyzji.
- Kiedy trudno nam funkcjonować z dnia na dzień ze wzgledu na ból psychiczny lub fizyczny
- Jesli powtarzamy wciaż pewne zachowania których sami nie umiemy zmienic pomimo, iż są dla nas szkodliwe
Nasi klienci zwracają się do Sinews z nastepujących powodów
Jak może Ci pomóc terapia psychologiczna?
Skuteczne leczenie może być osiągnięte na wiele sposobów:
Oto jeden z nich: wybrany terapeuta pokieruje Cię w sposob umożliwiający obranie przez Ciebie właściwego kierunku działania oraz znalezienie odpowiedzi na pojawiające się pytania.
Odbędzie się to poprzez wspólna, wnikliwą analizę czynników powodujących dyskomfort oraz wyjaśnienie ich przyczyn oraz analizę sposobu interpretacji sytuacji, powstających emocji i zachowań mogących utrwalać istniejący dyskomfort.
Nastepnie opracujemy plan leczenia, gdzie krok po kroku będziemy zmieniać to co negatywnie wpływa na obecną sytuację ucząc się nowych, skutecznych strategii radzenia sobie w powstających nowych sytuacjach.
Mówimy po polsku!
Kontakt i wizyty w języku polskim, proszę dzwonić w piątki 14:30-21:00 lub w soboty 9:00-14:30.
Therapy and insurance reimbursement
Therapy and insurance reimbursement
Find out if your insurance company will reimburse you for therapy, and how to go about it
Therapy and Direct Billing
In the case that you have insurance with GeoBlue, Tricare, Hospitales Madrid or International SOS contact them to request a Guarantee of Payment prior to your first appointment.
Are there any insurance companies that reimburse psychotherapy sessions provided by a private practice like SINEWS?
Most of the “seguros medicos de reembolso” (medical insurance companies that offer policies with reimbursement) will reimburse psychology, speech therapy and rehabilitation therapies (which could include occupational therapy services) provided in a center like SINEWS.
The most common type of policy in Spain is the “seguro de asistencia sanitaria o cuadro medico”(where a premium is paid and the insurance company provides a somewhat wide range of services or diagnostic tests). This type of insurance may also cover psychotherapy services, but a psychologist must be chosen from the insurance companies’ list of providers. That is, this type of insurance policy will NOT reimburse the services received from a private practice like SINEWS.
With the type of insurance that is “seguro de reembolso”, a premium is paid to the insurance company and an specific amount of money is available to spend on medical and therapy services that will be reimbursed (For example, an insurance policy with 150,000€ of reimbursement means one is eligible to receive private health care up to that amount).
With this type of policy, any therapist can be chosen and one is able to go as often as needed. The bill is then sent by the patient to the insurance company and reimbursement will be received according to the agreed limit (usually between 80% and 100% of the cost).
Which insurance companies offer policies for reimbursement of health care expenses?
Almost all insurance companies offer this type of policy, and almost all of these policies cover basic psychology services: brief psychotherapy treatments like the ones in SINEWS (other types of long-term therapy treatments such as psychoanalysis, are often excluded).
We suggest contacting your insurer to enquire about the particulars of your policy.
Yes, in general the insurance covers a limited number of sessions per year (Usually between 15 and 20).
In some cases, the option to request more sessions is available if medicine is prescribed (a new psychiatric report must be submitted) and new authorization from the company obtained.
Depending on the company, between 80% to 100% of the cost is reimbursed, or a co-pay per psychotherapy session is established which will typically range between 9 and 12 Euros per session.
What are the steps I need to take to get reimbursement?
In general, all companies have conditions for reimbursement of Psychotherapy.
- Psychotherapy must be prescribed by a psychiatrist or pediatrician- who are medical doctors
It is therefore necessary to make an appointment with the medical doctor (which the insurance company will reimburse if the policy covers it, but it will be necessary to pay in advance) who will write a report stating that psychotherapy treatment is indicated. This report will be submitted to the insurance company by the patient.
Since this policy allows for the patient to see the doctor of their choice, it is not necessary to choose from a list of doctors provided by the insurance company.
In SINEWS our medical doctors have extensive experience in writing these reports. - Processing the authorization with the insurance company
In order to receive authorization from the insurance company, it is necessary to submit the psychiatrist’s report along with the bill for the consultation.
Sometimes a patient doesn’t realize that the insurance company will reimburse the cost until after they’ve had several sessions. If at the beginning of treatment there was a consultation with the psychiatrist, a report can be issued at a later date which would Make it possible to recover a portion of the money already spent. - Presenting the bills for the psychotherapy sessions
Insurance companies are reimbursing money increasingly faster in order to provide higher quality customer service.
Do not forget about student insurance!
Some of our clients have been pleasantly surprised to find out that school insurance for their children in secondary education, and also at the university level in some cases, would cover some sessions of psychotherapy prescribed by a medical specialist.
Do not hesitate to contact your insurance company to find out about reimbursement for health care services because most of us are not well informed.
Counseling | price/session | duration/session |
Individual psychotherapy for adults in person | 93 euros | 50 minutes |
Individual psychotherapy for adults online | 90 euros | 50 minutes |
Couples therapy, according to nº of sessions | 110 euros | 60 minutes |
Family therapy, according to nº of sessions | 120 euros | 60 minutes |
Psychotherapy for children in person | 93 euros | 50 minutes |
Psychotherapy for children online | 90 euros | 50 minutes |
Reduced fee for sessions with Junior Psychologist in morning schedule | 60 euros | 50 minutes |
Reduced fee for CO-THERAPY with a master student and its supervisor (licensed clinical psychologist) | 45 euros | 50 minutes |
Coaching | price/session | duration/session |
Coaching session for adults | 100 euros | 60 minutes |
Study coach | 78 euros | 60 minutes |
Division of Medicine | price/session | duration/session |
Psychiatry consultation for both adults and children in person Initial consultation 60 minutes, subsequent visits 30 minutes. |
140 euros | |
Psychiatry consultation for both adults and children online | 135 euros |
Joint session with more than one professional | price/session | duration/session |
Joint session with psychologist + speech therapist | 135 euros | 60 minutes |
Joint session with psychiatrist + psychologist/speech therapist | 185 euros | 60 minutes |
A translation service in psychology or psychiatry sessions (check availability of languages) | 40 euros | 60 minutes |
Nutritionist | price/session | duration/session |
First session | 75 euros | 50 to 60 minutes |
Follow-up sessions | 75 euros | 30 minutes |
Speech Therapy | price/session | duration/session |
Adults and children: initial interview | 75 euros | |
Report | 100 euros | |
Feedback session and treatment plan | 75 euros | |
Adults and children: 1 session per week | 75 euros | 50 minutes |
Adults and children: 2 sessions per week | 60 euros | 50 minutes |
*The number of hours required to assess will depend upon the nature of the evaluation and the complexity of the case.
Accent Reduction | price/session | duration/session |
Initial interview and evaluation | 70 euros | |
Report | 100 euros | |
Feedback session (along with return of report) | 70 euros | |
Treatment session | 70 euros | 50 minutes |
Psychoeducational Testing
After a first appointment with a professional in charge of the case, the family will receive a detailed budget especially designed for their case based on the agreed tests and administration time. Initial interviews are with a team psychologist unless otherwise specified.
Cost of test administration is as follows:
Psychology 60€ per hour
Speech Therapy 50€ per hour
Our center offers a discount to associations/institutions with which we have reached an agreement (please inquire):
- Foreign Universities in Madrid: St Louis University, Stanford University and Other foreign students in Madrid with a Student ID card
- Members of the Medical and Psychological Association of Madrid
- Embassy Personnel: USA, United Kingdom, Ireland and others (please inquire) and political refugees
- English Teachers
Discounts apply to individuals in these groups as well as to their minor children.
Cancellation Policy: If you need to change or cancel your appointment, previous warning of 24 hours is required. Failure to advise Sinews within this timeframe will result in the penalization of the price of the session.
This policy may be relaxed in cases of emergency outside of the patient’s control.
International companies with whom we work:
In-Home Services
Psychiatric home-consultation: 180 Euros
Child psychology or adult home-session: 120 Euros
Speech therapy home-session: 90 Euros
Prices within the M-30 of Madrid, other locations on request.
Método de trabajo
How we work
Our philosophy at SINEWS is simple: make what was once difficult easy.
How we work
Our philosophy at SINEWS is simple: make what was once difficult easy.
When we’re troubled by something or feeling bad, it isn’t always easy to look for help, we may not even know what is happening to us or why.
At SINEWS we will analyze your situation with you, and determine the best therapeutic approach for you.
FIRST: Assessment
Usually, one or two sessions will be dedicated to gathering information about the problem and its circumstances.
This process is very important since we work with a cognitive-behavioral method, which is based on how our interpretation (thoughts) of life’s events determines our emotions and behavior, and can block our ability to respond efficiently.
AFTER: Diagnostic hypothesis and Therapeutic Plan
Once an assessment has been made, we will explain to our client what his/her problem consists of and a therapeutic plan to fit his/her needs will be presented to him/her. This is called the “feedback session”.
Generally, the patient will attend 1 session weekly (lasting 50 minutes) which will be gradually spaced out during the follow-up phase.
The therapeutic process lasts an average of 12-18 sessions (from 6 up to 32), and will also depend on the work done by the client between sessions.
Our techniques focus on specific problems and symptom relief. We will keep the number of sessions to a minimum (Solution Focused Brief Therapies).
When in a foreign country, language can become an obstacle
At Sinews we speak your language and our therapists have experienced what it’s like to live in a foreign country, to be part of a mixed marriage… Our Cultural Adaptation therapy will help you with the integration process. Services available also include adult, couple and child and adolescent therapies as well as psychiatric care and neurology in English*.
*see the languages we speak in the Our Team section
Finding a good therapist can be complicated, but finding one that is in direct contact with your doctor is a luxury.
SINEWS is made up of a multidisciplinary team: psychologists, a neurologist and a psychiatrist.
Even though it’s not common, in some cases it is necessary to rule out the possibility that a physical problem is causing the unwanted symptoms. This is where our doctors come in.
Most of our clients don’t need to take medication. However, when it is necessary, the psychotherapist will keep the medical team up to date on the client’s progress. Working together closely will ensure shorter treatment periods and optimal regulation of medication.
Transparency and clarity are our goals:
At SINEWS we will provide you with as much information as you’d like about: diagnostics, the factors that cause and sustain your problem, the therapeutic plan (approximate duration, cost…) and treatment alternatives. You can request to have this information in writing (in a report) if you wish.
Our privacy policy
At SINEWS confidentiality is our commitment. When handling information, we will preserve your anonymity, and protect your privacy.
In order to meet these standards, we are not able to:
- send reports by fax or email
- give any information to a third-party by telephone without our client’s authorization (except to parents in the case of a minor)
- offer consultation to a minor without the express consent of both parents (we will however work with a parent individually in the absence of the minor child)
If at any time any type of information is requested, we will not provide it (not even to schools, universities, companies…) unless we have the authorization from our client, or his/her legal guardian. Information given will be limited to the specific matter for which a release was signed.
Cancellation Policy
If you need to change or cancel your appointment, previous warning of 24 hours is required. Failure to advise Sinews within this timeframe will result in the penalization of the price of the session.
This policy may be relaxed in cases of emergency outside of the patient’s control.
Accesibilidad para todos en Sinews
Sinews, accessible for all
We have adapted our new centre so that it is fully accessible for those with reduced mobility.
Street level entrance on Calle Serrrano Anguita nº 18
You will find an alternative enterance to our main door on Calle Sagasta. This entrance is at street level through a door with a bell to advise Reception of your arrival. There are no stairs, access is provided by a ramp.
Parking reserved for those with reduced mobility at the door
Multi-service consultation room on the lower-ground floor
All of our services are available to those with reduced mobility.
Adapted bathroom
On the same lower-ground floor you will find our fully adapted bathroom.