Some children develop their own strategies when studying or working on a project. Some others don't because no one has told them how to do it. Study techniques and work habits can be taught and learnt and some parents are eager to help their children but they don't know how.
First of all, try to be patient. Helping your own children with homework can be challenging. Something that can be easy in an adult's eyes might be a whole world for a child.
Secondly, think of the duties you carry out throughout the day. Most of them are habits. Creating habits is essential because when you create a habit, it is easier to remember that you have to do it and, therefore, easier to start with the task. It becomes something almost automatic. For this reason, it would be very helpful if you help your children do it. Something you can do is create a routine with them: pick them up from school, arrive home, have a snack and start doing homework, letting them do something they like after (drawing, playing, helping prepare dinner, etc.).
Ask yourself if your kids have the right environment to carry out their tasks. This is something that many people do not take in consideration but it is an important factor too. So, try to ensure that the room where he or she is doing his or her homework:
- Is appropriately ventilated
- The temperature is between 18 and 22 degrees
- Has a comfortable table and chair befitting their age and size.
- Has enough sunlight
- Remove everything that can be a source of distraction (game consoles, television), leaving only the necessary material.
Bear in mind that is very important that study always at the same place and at the same time, so try to reserve a place in the house for your kids.
And now… what?
- Always remember that helping does not mean doing everything for the other person, rather, being a guide but giving autonomy at the same time. Give them always the chance to try first what needs to be done by themselves.
- When it is time to start doing homework, you can ask them to check the agenda (at first you can do it with them) and plan the rest of the day. If your kids do not know where to start or if they get easily overwhelmed, help them make a schedule or daily / weekly plan. You can divide every task in small steps to make it appear as less work. This allows them to focus on each activity at a time.
- Encourage your child to take breaks periodically. The attention span is limited. Your kids will not learn more just because they spend more time seated on a chair for hours at a time.
- If there is something they do not know how to solve, do not give away the answers for the exercises. You will not do your kids any favors. If they just get the right answer, they will not pay attention in class when the teacher corrects it and they will not learn the process. A better way is explaining how to proceed and then leaving them alone, so they can try to solve it by themselves.
- Make a checklist together, including what your kids need to take to school the following day (books, projects, …) and hang it on a visible place in the room. Ask them to revise everything they might need for the next day with the checklist before going to bed, put it in their backpack and tick off each of the elements on the list once is done.
- It is essential to give them positive reinforcement for every step they take- even for the small ones. Think of how you feel when, for example, your boss tells you the great job you have done. This positive reinforcement might consist of positive words that acknowledge the effort they have dedicated to the task, or that can express appreciation for the completed work. You can also use physical contact to reward them.
And what should you try to avoid?
- Try not to put too much emphasis on the grades. It is the effort which needs to be rewarded. Sometimes the result is not as good as parents expect but this does not mean that your kids have not been working hard! There are many factors that can be influencing your kid’s grades.
- If you believe that the school is sending too much homework, talk to the teacher directly. Do not complain about it in front of your kids. Try to cooperate with the school as much as possible. Dialogue is crucial for understanding every point of view.
- It is also important not to overload your kids with too many activities. Sometimes they have whole afternoons full of extracurricular activities in addition to homework. Try to adapt them to their taste. And of course, your kids should not lose sleep hours because of these duties.
- Do not make homework the center of your family life. Remember they are children, they also need to play, spend fun time with you and relax, too. All of that will also contribute to a healthy development.
If you have already tried to help your kids at home and you feel that it is not working or that your intervention is having a negative influence on your family relationships, do not despair. This situation can be overwhelming for every parent…
Have you ever thought about the idea of hiring a professional equipped to do this job for you?
Sinews offers a wide range of possibilities that might be suitable for your case:
- A learning disabilities specialist who offers academic support in the classroom, so the student will be accompanied during class in order to achieve personalized, integrated support that is adapted to the academic curriculum.
- At home learning disabilities specialist: the specialist will help the child overcome learning difficulties in the language used in school.
- Specialized academic support at Sinews: treatment for learning disabilities are also offered in our facilities.
Contact us by email or visit for further information here .
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