Workshop for parents: Bilingual children, how? and when?
Language: Spanish
This course offers the opportunity to obtain reliable information as well as a chance to meet other families in similar situations, share experiences and exchange contact information...
At SINEWS we are aware of the benefits that a bilingual education can offer, but also the complexity of it.
Many of the members of our team have been brought up in two languages and we know, first hand, of its advantages.
This workshop offers answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by parents who find themselves faced with such a project:
- Can it have a negative effect my child’s intellectual development?
- Will speaking to a child in two languages from the start delay language acquisition?
- Is the best model “one parent, one language” or “one home, one language”?
- Is it bad for a child to mix the two languages or insert words from one language when speaking another?
- What to do if the child refuses to speak to the mother or father in his or her language (which the child previously used without any problem)?
- How to reinforce the use of one language when the other is consistently becoming more dominant?
- Can our children be bilingual if both parents speak Spanish?
Table of contents:
- What is bilingualism
- Types of bilingualism
- Advantages and disadvantages of starting a family with two languages
- Preliminary considerations before starting the project
- Project Planning
- Models of bilingualism
- Third language, when and how?
- 15 minute BREAK
- Priority, to communicate
- Strengthening languages
- Bilingualism and school
- Bilingualism and relationships
- Normal development, what to expect
- When to consult a specialist
Division of Speech Therapy
Speech Therapist
Children and adolescents
Languages: English and Spanish
SINEWS. Sagasta 16, 28004 Madrid
If you have any questions please call 91 700 1979.
Mode: Hybrid (On-site at Sinews + Zoom broadcast)
Schedule: From 10:30 to 12:00.
Price: 50 EUROS mom or dad, 75 EUROS for both.
Language: Spanish.
Saturday October 22nd, 2025
10:30 to 12:00. 1 hour of workshop, half an hour of questions and interaction
Mode: Hybrid (On-site at Sinews + Zoom broadcast)