Psychiatrist in Madrid - Comprehensive Psychiatry Services
Finding a good psychiatrist in Madrid.
Finding a good psychiatrist in Madrid that is also in constant contact with a team of psychologists is a luxury. A Psychiatrist is a medical doctor that specializes in the treatment of psychological problems that involve an important organic (physical) element.
Why choose SINEWS when looking for a psychiatrist in Madrid?
Because you will be informed about what it is and how each medication that you take works, so you can use them with the greatest effectiveness and the least inconveniences; because we have psychiatrists that specialize in each period of life; because we are available by email if you have any concerns; because we can send you prescriptions via email when you need it; because if you are out of Madrid, we can have an online consultation and because we offer psychiatric care in Spanish, English, French and German.
When to Choose a Psychiatrist in Madrid at Sinews?
- If you suffered an episode in the past for which psychotropic medication was being taken: antidepressants, anxiolytics, lithium... *This type of medication should not be taken without medical supervision. The psychiatrist will determine whether or not it is necessary to start up on medication again, or to adjust what is currently being taken in order to obtain the maximum benefits with the minimum amount.
- Whenever the physical symptoms of your condition are a main factor: racing heart, shortness of breath, fatigue or severe lack of energy...*In these cases it is necessary to rule out any medical problem like a hormone imbalance (such as hypothyroidism which causes severe fatigue), or poor nutrition (the deficiency of vitamin B12 can result in memory loss)... A doctor is the best professional to evaluate these, and other conditions.
- If you detect the appearance of symptoms similar to those suffered by a family member who has a psychiatric illness (schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder...)
- If whatever is affecting you doesn't allow you to lead a normal and satisfying life and limits you in a way that is disproportionate or too prolonged.
When is medication necessary?
At SINEWS the basis of our treatment is psychotherapy. Most of our patients do not take any medication.
However, the nervous system is an organ like any other, and like others it can experience «sickness», become worn down or be temporarily out of balance. For these reasons, medical treatment is essential for certain disorders, at least during some stages, of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive patients, some types of anxiety and depression…
There are also certain symptoms that are so uncomfortable or alarming to us that we need temporary relief from them in order to stop, analyze the situation, and then come up with a strategy to solve the problem. There are disorders in which a combination of medication and psychotherapy has demonstrated better effectiveness: depression, panic attacks, nervous ticks, manic episodes or obsessions, hyperactivity in children or eating disorders.
Our philosophy regarding medication:
We believe in the personal resources of our clients and in our ability to set them in motion and help strengthen them. Only rarely will the treatment consist only of medication.
However, when medication is necessary, the lowest dose possible and minimal side effects are priority.
At SINEWS coordination between professionals allows for close monitoring of each case while minimizing visits to the clinic, avoiding the inconveniences and expenses this implies. In addition, our department of psychiatry is easily accessible (telephone, email…) for inquiries about medication. This allows us to cut down to a minimum the quantity and dose of medication, and for it to be discontinued as soon as possible.
We are aware of the fears and stigmas that taking medication still creates. Because of this, we offer clear and easy to understand information about any aspect that may concern you, and we explain the different therapeutic options with the advantages and disadvantages of each. Decisions are always made together with the client.
We don’t “prescribe” medication, we offer therapeutic alternatives.
Our department of Psychiatry is an optimal choice for those looking for a psychiatrist in Madrid with a critical attitude towards indiscriminate. medicating end date in mind.
Unfortunately, there is an ongoing myth that psychiatrists only deal with serious mental illness. However, more than 60% of the cases we treat at SINEWS are highly functional people, who have complete lives, a high or very high educational level and are executives of multinationals, liberal professionals or undergraduate or postgraduate students that are going through a complicated time of their lives. The symptoms that most frequently bring these people to consultation are insomnia, anxiety with breathing difficulties, chest tightness… physical and emotional exhaustion or depression and in some cases it could be useful to consider anxiolytics.
The frequency of psychiatric consultations varies according to the severeness of your symptoms. Initially, it can be once or twice a month, but once your but once your problem has been diagnosed and the medication is adjusted, it is normal for check-ups to take place every two or three months. Later, if the treatment is chronic and the patient is stable, it can be changed to every six months.
No, the majority of treatments we prescribe are used for symptoms that are temporary and that resolve very well with medication since they are circumstantial. In a significant amount of cases, they can be removed within a period of 6 to 9 months. Especially if the patient has psychotherapeutic support.
Of course, there are chronic cases that require long-term medication: bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, severe obsessive-compulsive disorder… When the diagnosis is chronic, it is even more important to make a personalized choice of the medication and perfectly adjust the doses to minimize side effects and achieve good tolerance.
- General psychiatry for adults (anxiety, panic, obsessive disorder, bipolar disorder, adult deficit of attention, depression...)
- Psychiatry for the elderly (cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety, complicated grief...)
- Neuropsychiatry (psychiatric problems in combination with neurological diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, strokes...)
- Child and adolescent psychiatry (autism spectrum, tics, obsessive disorder, anxiety, depression, eating behavior problems...)
- Psychiatry in physical illness (chronic pain, terminal illness, physical limitation and dependence...)